Bible Verse and Prayer for Today
But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.
James 3:17
Thank You Lord for the Wisdom that we can receive from You . This Wisdom are not Internet based , This Heavenly Wisdom comes with several Good Fruits of Re Birth and Bring the Good person out in the Receiver of it . If we lack this Heavenly Wisdom . Please grant us the Mercy Lord to bestow it on Us . This we Pray in the Name of Jesus . Amen and Amen
Bybel Vers en Gebed vir Vandag
Maar die wysheid wat van bo is, is eers rein, daarna vredeliewend, sagmoedig en maklik om te doen, vol barmhartigheid en goeie vrugte, sonder partydigheid en sonder huigelary.
Jakobus 3:17
Dankie Here vir die Wysheid wat ons van U kan ontvang . Hierdie wysheid is nie internet gebaseer nie, hierdie hemelse wysheid kom met verskeie goeie vrugte van wedergeboorte en bring die goeie persoon uit in die ontvanger daarvan. As ons hierdie Hemelse Wysheid ontbreek. Skenk ons asseblief die Genade Here om dit aan Ons te skenk. Dit bid ons in die Naam van Jesus. Amen en Amen

Bible Teaching of the Day
Scripture employs paradoxes to convey profound messages, one of which is found in 2 Corinthians 12:10, “That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” Let’s delve into the context of 2 Corinthians 12 to shed light on Paul’s words.
Some false apostles had besieged the church in Corinth when Paul wrote the second letter. These false teachers pretended to be superior to Paul, exuding self-confidence and boasting of their pedigree and accomplishments in order to exploit the Corinthians (2 Corinthians 11:19–20). They wanted to be seen as “super-apostles” (verse 5). In response, Paul sarcastically decides to boast like the false apostles. However, instead of boasting about his accomplishments, he speaks of his sufferings and weaknesses (2 Corinthians 11:23–33). While maintaining this “boast,” he recounts a supernatural experience (2 Corinthians 12:1–6), then transitions to an undisclosed “thorn in my flesh” given to prevent him “from becoming conceited” (verse 7). The exact nature of this thorn is unclear, but it was unpleasant enough for Paul to pray for its removal. He writes, “Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me” (verse 8. God’s response, however, is a “no,” or, more specifically, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (verse 9). God’s reply brings comfort to Paul, who realizes the purpose of the thorn.
Like the apostle Paul, we need not be ashamed of our weaknesses, whatever they may be. For some, it could be an enduring illness that God hasn’t taken away. Other weaknesses might include shyness, poverty, illiteracy, or speech impediments. We all have limitations and tend to conceal them, striving to appear stronger than we truly are. Paul offers an alternative perspective: showing gratitude for our weaknesses.
The beauty of weakness lies not in the weakness itself, but in how God’s power shines through it. Consequently, Paul could call himself strong even in weakness. Our limitations remind us of our finitude, which, in turn, leads us to God. It is remarkable how His strength radiates through our weaknesses. Consider the example of Joni Eareckson Tada, a quadriplegic whose story has inspired many and through whom God continues to showcase His strength.
Paul’s concept of embracing weakness runs counter to prevailing beliefs about the Christian journey. In many circles, acknowledging weakness is seen as a lack of faith. However, the Bible does not deny human weaknesses. On the contrary, it affirms that we are inadequate without the Almighty (see Psalm 121:2; Jeremiah 17:5; 2 Corinthians 3:5; Philippians 4:13). Apart from Jesus, we “can do nothing” (John 15:5). Pretending to be strong and boasting about one’s aptitude are characteristics of false teachers, and there’s no need for us to live in falsehood.
Furthermore, in Paul’s personal testimony, “When I am weak, then I am strong,” teaches us that there are instances when God may answer a prayer request with a “no.” This truth can be challenging to accept. But, even on a human level, if an individual has difficulty saying “no,” it’s considered a fault. Some things should be said “no” to. God is not a “yes man,” and the purpose of prayer isn’t to obtain our desires as much as to align ourselves with God’s will. Paul grasped this invaluable lesson, and we will be blessed if we do the same.
Bybel Lering vir die Dag
Die Skrif gebruik paradokse om diepgaande boodskappe oor te dra, waarvan een gevind word in 2 Korintiërs 12:10, “Daarom, om Christus ontwil, verlustig ek my in swakhede, in beledigings, in ontberings, in vervolging, in moeilikhede. Want as ek swak is, dan is ek sterk.” Kom ons delf in die konteks van 2 Korintiërs 12 om lig te werp op Paulus se woorde.
Sommige valse apostels het die kerk in Korinte beleër toe Paulus die tweede brief geskryf het. Hierdie valse leraars het voorgegee dat hulle verhewe bo Paulus was, en het selfvertroue uitgestraal en gespog met hul stamboom en prestasies om die Korintiërs uit te buit (2 Korintiërs 11:19–20). Hulle wou gesien word as “super-apostels” (vers 5). In reaksie hierop besluit Paulus sarkasties om soos die valse apostels te spog. In plaas daarvan om oor sy prestasies te spog, praat hy egter van sy lyding en swakhede (2 Korintiërs 11:23–33). Terwyl hy hierdie “roem” behou, vertel hy van ‘n bonatuurlike ervaring (2 Korintiërs 12:1–6), en gaan dan oor na ‘n onbekende “doring in my vlees” wat gegee is om te verhoed dat hy “vermetel” word (vers 7). Die presiese aard van hierdie doring is onduidelik, maar dit was onaangenaam genoeg vir Paulus om te bid vir die verwydering daarvan. Hy skryf: “Drie keer het ek die Here gesmeek om dit van my weg te neem” (vers 8. God se reaksie is egter ‘n “nee”, of, meer spesifiek, “My genade is vir jou genoeg, want my krag word in swakheid volbring” (vers 9). God se antwoord bring vertroosting vir Paulus, wat die doel van die doring besef.
Soos die apostel Paulus hoef ons nie skaam te wees oor ons swakhede, wat dit ook al mag wees nie. Vir sommige kan dit ‘n blywende siekte wees wat God nie weggeneem het nie. Ander swakhede kan skaamheid, armoede, ongeletterdheid of spraakgebreke insluit. Ons het almal beperkings en is geneig om dit te verberg, streef daarna om sterker te lyk as wat ons werklik is. Paulus bied ‘n alternatiewe perspektief: om dankbaarheid te toon vir ons swakhede.
Die skoonheid van swakheid lê nie in die swakheid self nie, maar in hoe God se krag daardeur skyn. Gevolglik kon Paulus homself sterk noem, selfs in swakheid. Ons beperkinge herinner ons aan ons eindigheid, wat ons weer na God lei. Dit is merkwaardig hoe Sy krag deur ons swakhede uitstraal. Beskou die voorbeeld van Joni Eareckson Tada, ‘n kwadrupleeg wie se verhaal baie geïnspireer het en deur wie God aanhou om Sy krag ten toon te stel.
Paulus se konsep van omarming van swakheid is in stryd met heersende oortuigings oor die Christelike reis. In baie kringe word die erkenning van swakheid as ‘n gebrek aan geloof gesien. Die Bybel ontken egter nie menslike swakhede nie. Inteendeel, dit bevestig dat ons ontoereikend is sonder die Almagtige (sien Psalm 121:2; Jeremia 17:5; 2 Korintiërs 3:5; Filippense 4:13). Behalwe vir Jesus, “kan ons niks doen nie” (Johannes 15:5). Om voor te gee dat jy sterk is en met jou aanleg te spog, is kenmerke van valse leraars, en dit is nie nodig dat ons in valsheid leef nie.
Verder, in Paulus se persoonlike getuienis, “As ek swak is, dan is ek sterk,” leer ons dat daar gevalle is wanneer God ‘n gebedsversoek met ‘n “nee” kan beantwoord. Hierdie waarheid kan uitdagend wees om te aanvaar. Maar selfs op menslike vlak, as ‘n individu sukkel om “nee” te sê, word dit as ‘n fout beskou. Sommige dinge moet “nee” gesê word. God is nie ‘n “ja-mens” nie, en die doel van gebed is nie om ons begeertes soveel te verkry as om onsself in lyn te bring met God se wil nie. Paulus het hierdie waardevolle les begryp, en ons sal geseënd wees as ons dieselfde doen.

Today’s Devotional
In Colossians 3:18–21, the apostle Paul summarized his instructions concerning Christian family life in four concise directives: “Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them. Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord. Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged” (ESV).
The word for “provoke” in the original Greek language means “to irritate or arouse feelings such as anger, hurt, shame, and fear to the point of exasperation.” Other translations render the phrase as “do not exasperate” (CSB), “do not aggravate” (NLT), “do not drive to resentment” (JB ), “do not nag” (NCV), and “do not embitter” (NIV). The image is of an overbearing disciplinarian who constantly corrects and rebukes a child for every little mistake or perceived wrong. Such a father will provoke his children.
The Greek word translated “discouraged” is found only here in the New Testament. It speaks of becoming disheartened or “losing spirit.” According to A Handbook on Paul’s Letters to the Colossians and to Philemon, such a discouraged child will close down his heart and hide inside himself. “The child feels that he can never do anything right and so gives up trying” (Bratcher, R., & Nida, E., United Bible Societies, 1993, p. 94).
The term father in Colossians 3:21 speaks directly of the male parent. Of course, the rule to not provoke one’s children ought to encompass both father and mother, but Paul reminds us that fathers hold the critical responsibility as head of the household.
“The Christian father is not to overcorrect or harass his children, or they will become discouraged, which refers to ‘a listless, sullen resignation—a broken spirit.’ To be discouraged as a child means to think things like, I’ll never get it right, or, All he does is criticize, or, He’ll never love me. John Newton is reported to have said, ‘I know that my father loved me—but he did not seem to wish me to see it.’ Christian fathers should be sure their children are as sure of their love as they are of their authority” (Anders, M., Galatians–Colossians, Vol. 8, Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1999, p. 333.)
Yes, children are called to honor and obey their parents (Exodus 20:12; Ephesians 6:1–2, Colossians 3:20), but parents must not abuse their authority. They must treat their children with dignity, respect, patience, and love. Parents are called to encourage their children. They do this by teaching each child the principles of God’s Word and promoting life-affirming, positive creativity in the child, stirring him to have confidence in his God-given uniqueness and to believe that he can do what he otherwise may never have achieved.
Endless criticism, emotional and physical neglect, and overly harsh discipline will defeat a child’s spirit. One commentator writes, “Constant nagging produces a situation where children are discouraged either because they cannot please those they love or because they feel they are of no worth to anybody” (Melick, R., Philippians, Colossians, Philemon, Vol. 32, Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1991, p. 315). Such provocation is not of God and will crush a child’s heart to the point of his becoming fearful, timid, and withdrawn. He will grow up disheartened, lacking the necessary confidence to succeed and believe he can be all God created him to be.
In a teaching on family relationships to the Ephesian church, Paul exhorted fathers, “Do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4, ESV). The language suggests a positive, nurturing, and faith-infused environment where children will see their father’s genuine commitment to the Lord.
Parents, and especially fathers, play a critical role in representing God to their children. Just as “the Lord disciplines those he loves” (Hebrews 12:6, NLT), mothers and fathers ought to discipline their children, but with love as their primary motivation, so that “afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way” (Hebrews 12:11, NLT).
Growing up in a Christian home is meant to be a positive, foundation-building, uplifting experience where parents “start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it” (Proverbs 22:6). Children need to see God’s love and character modeled through their parents’ lives. Such modeling will make it easier to live by the maxim to “listen when your father corrects you. Don’t neglect your mother’s instruction. What you learn from them will crown you with grace and be a chain of honor around your neck” (Proverbs 1:8–9, NLT).
Vandag se Bemoediging
In Kolossense 3:18–21 het die apostel Paulus sy instruksies aangaande die Christelike gesinslewe in vier bondige riglyne opgesom: “Vrouens, wees aan julle mans onderdanig soos betaamlik in die Here. Mans, wees lief vir julle vrouens en wees nie hard met hulle nie. Kinders, gehoorsaam julle ouers in alles, want dit behaag die Here. Vaders, moenie julle kinders terg nie, sodat hulle nie moedeloos word nie” (ESV).
Die woord vir “uitlok” in die oorspronklike Griekse taal beteken “om gevoelens soos woede, seerkry, skaamte en vrees te irriteer of op te wek tot die punt van ontsteltenis”. Ander vertalings gee die frase weer as “moenie irriteer nie” (CSB), “moenie vererger nie” (NLT), “moenie tot wrok dryf nie” (JB ), “moenie knaag nie” (NCV), en “moenie verbitter nie” (NIV). Die beeld is van ‘n aanmatigende dissiplinaris wat voortdurend ‘n kind regstel en berispe vir elke klein foutjie of wat as verkeerd beskou word. So ‘n pa sal sy kinders uitlok.
Die Griekse woord wat met “ontmoedig” vertaal word, word slegs hier in die Nuwe Testament aangetref. Dit praat van moedeloos raak of “gees verloor”. Volgens A Handbook on Paul’s Letters to the Colossians and to Filemon sal so ’n moedelose kind sy hart toemaak en in homself skuil. “Die kind voel dat hy nooit iets reg kan doen nie en gee dus op om te probeer” (Bratcher, R., & Nida, E., United Bible Societies, 1993, p. 94).
Die term vader in Kolossense 3:21 praat direk van die manlike ouer. Natuurlik behoort die reël om nie ‘n mens se kinders uit te lok nie beide vader en moeder te omvat, maar Paulus herinner ons daaraan dat vaders die kritieke verantwoordelikheid as hoof van die huishouding dra.
“Die Christenvader moet nie sy kinders oorkorrigeer of teister nie, of hulle sal moedeloos word, wat verwys na ‘’n lustelose, nors berusting—’n gebroke gees.’ Om as kind moedeloos te wees, beteken om dinge te dink soos, ek sal dit nooit regkry nie, of, Al wat hy doen is om te kritiseer, of, Hy sal my nooit liefhê nie. Daar word berig dat John Newton gesê het: ‘Ek weet dat my pa my liefgehad het—maar hy wou nie hê ek moes dit sien nie.’ Christenvaders moet seker wees dat hul kinders net so seker is van hul liefde as wat hulle van hul gesag is” (Anders, M., Galatians–Colossians, Vol. 8, Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1999, p. 333).
Ja, kinders word geroep om hul ouers te eer en te gehoorsaam (Eksodus 20:12; Efesiërs 6:1–2, Kolossense 3:20), maar ouers moet nie hul gesag misbruik nie. Hulle moet hul kinders met waardigheid, respek, geduld en liefde behandel. Ouers word geroep om hul kinders aan te moedig. Hulle doen dit deur elke kind die beginsels van God se Woord te leer en lewensbevestigende, positiewe kreatiwiteit by die kind te bevorder, hom aan te spoor om vertroue in sy Godgegewe uniekheid te hê en te glo dat hy kan doen wat hy andersins dalk nooit bereik het nie.
Eindelose kritiek, emosionele en fisiese verwaarlosing, en oormatige harde dissipline sal ‘n kind se gees verslaan. Een kommentator skryf: “Gedurige knaende narigheid veroorsaak ’n situasie waar kinders moedeloos word, hetsy omdat hulle nie diegene wat hulle liefhet, kan behaag nie, of omdat hulle voel dat hulle vir niemand werd is nie” (Melick, R., Philippians, Colossians, Philemon, Vol. 32, Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1991, p. 315). Sulke provokasie is nie van God nie en sal ‘n kind se hart vermorsel tot die punt dat hy bang, bedees en teruggetrokke word. Hy sal moedeloos grootword, sonder die nodige selfvertroue om sukses te behaal en te glo dat hy alles kan wees wat God hom geskep het om te wees.
In ‘n lering oor gesinsverhoudings met die Efesiese kerk, het Paulus vaders vermaan: “Moenie julle kinders terg nie, maar voed hulle op in die tug en tug van die Here” (Efesiërs 6:4, ESV). Die taal suggereer ‘n positiewe, koesterende en geloofs-inspireerde omgewing waar kinders hul pa se opregte toewyding aan die Here sal sien.
Ouers, en veral vaders, speel ‘n kritieke rol om God aan hulle kinders te verteenwoordig. Net soos “die Here die wat Hy liefhet, dissiplineer” (Hebreërs 12:6, NLV), behoort moeders en vaders hulle kinders te dissiplineer, maar met liefde as hulle primêre motivering, sodat “daarna ’n vreedsame oes van ’n regte lewe sal wees vir dié wat so opgelei is” (Hebreërs 12:11, NLV).
Om in ’n Christelike huis groot te word, is bedoel om ’n positiewe, fondamentbouende, opbouende ervaring te wees waar ouers “kinders begin op die pad wat hulle moet gaan, en selfs wanneer hulle oud is, sal hulle nie daarvan afwyk nie” (Spreuke 22:6). Kinders moet sien dat God se liefde en karakter deur hul ouers se lewens gemodelleer word. Sulke modellering sal dit makliker maak om volgens die stelreël te leef om “luister wanneer jou pa jou teregwys. Moenie jou ma se opdrag verwaarloos nie. Wat jy by hulle leer, sal jou met genade kroon en ’n ereketting om jou nek wees” (Spreuke 1:8–9, NLV).

TruLight Ministries Daily Entertainment
TruLight TV – ” The Collingsworth Family”

The Southern Gospel Family ” The Collingsworth Family” gave TruLight TV the Rights to Broadcast their Concerts Via our Platform , Stunning Concerts from this Blessed and Talented Family . Enjoy 5 Stunning Concerts via the TruLight TV network
Today on TruLight Radio XM
TruLight Radio XM 24/7
GMT / UTC +2
00:15 Words to Live By Testimonies
01.15 Science Scripture and Salvation
02.15 Ground Works
04.00 Gospel Concert of the Day
05.00 The Daren Streblow Comedy Show
5:55 It is Today devotional
6:00 Gaither Homecoming Morning Show
7:15 Discover the Word
8.15 Destined for Victory
8:55 Science Scripture and Salvation
9:00 Holy Spirit Hour – Normally Sermons
10:15 Hope of the Heart
11:15 Unshackled
11.45 Words to Live By
12:15 Truth for Life
13:15 Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram
14:15 Focus on the Family
15:00 Kids Hour
16:00 In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley
16:30 Groundwork
17:15 Live in the Light
18:15 Renewing your Mind
19:00 Gaither Homecoming Show
20:15 Growing Hope
21:15 Adventures in Odyssey Radio Drama
21:45 Bible Reading
22:15 Nightsounds
23.00 Good Old Country Gospel / Rhema Gospel Express

Bible Prophecy in the News
The 2nd Coming of Jesus , will not be a Tree Party . The 2nd Coming of Jesus is also called the Wrath of the Lamb , At the Battle of Armageddon , Jesus will place his foot on the Mount of Olives and the Rotation of thee Earth will Stop , Causing TOTAL destruction on Earth , returning Earth to it original form before the Creation Bare and Barron.
After God did His Damage to Earth called the Wrath of God . Jesus will give the Final Blow ! This all takes place in one Half Hour on Earth called The 7th Seal , The 7th Trumpet and the 7th Plaque of God Wrath – also called the Battle of Armageddon.
Signs of the Times in the News
The march towards mandatory digital identity – closer than you think.
In South Africa. It is required on various platforms, SARS eFiling registration is Mandatory. At Home Affairs it is mandatory to take out your card ID.
In the United States, twelve states have implemented regulations requiring parental consent and age verification for teenagers’ social media use. These laws, while intended to protect minors, also contribute to the normalization of digital ID systems, potentially paving the way for broader applications.
All part of the New World Order. Without it, we will soon not be able to Buy or Sell!

Gog and Magog Update.
40,000 Palestinians Evacuated as IDF Deploys Tanks in Samaria for First Time Since 2002
– IDF Deploys Tanks Near Jenin for First Time Since 2002
Israel Challenges Egypt on Secret Sinai Military Buildup
IDF Strikes Hezbollah Ahead of Nasrallah Funeral
– Panic at Nasrallah’s Funeral as Israeli Warplanes Fly Overhead
Netanyahu Calls for Demilitarization of Southern Syria, Protection for Druze

TruLight Ministry News
Dear TruLight Friend . When we received the Commission from God to Start TruLight Ministries . God gave Pastor Dirk these 3 Orders . Teach My Children , Warn My Children and Uplift My Children . This was Part of Pastor Dirk’s Morning Task for the Past 10 Years . His Morning Posts on all Social Media Platforms are done 6 Days a week . It takes him 5 Hours from Early Morning to generate and Post these Posts on every Group and more than 400 Posts to individual People daily . We have received the Order from God this morning to Create a website for this Daily Manna from the Desk of TruLight Ministries . a website that will be Loaded with the Normal Manna , Teachings , Prayers , warning and end-time News and Teachings daily , all on One Link , This Link you will receive every More to find all the daily Manna from Pastor Dirk and the other Personnel of TruLight Ministries . This new Website will be available from the 1st of March 2025 . and this one Link you will receive via the Social media Platform you selected to receive TruLight Broadcast Messages .
We will try to Backdate this to 1 Jan 2025 and beyond that , for we have over 500 000 daily Manna Posts on Record , with Valuable Manna feeding .
If somebody feels Guided to help with the Cost of this website , feel free , This is needed to assist Pastor Dirk in His Daily Task to provide Good Feeding to a Hungry world , It will still be Available in Both Afrikaans and English Like Normal .
Thanks for understanding . God Bless . Daniel Light
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