Feedback from Readers of TruLight Daily Manna

Bible Verse and Prayer for Today
And Hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
Romans 5:5
Lord , We Move from Hope to Faith to Love as we Follow Jesus to Salavation . Hope Changes to Faith after ReBirth and Baptism in Water and the Move to Love when we receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit , Please Help us with these steps Lord , we Pray in Jesus name . Amen and Amen
Bybel Vers en Gebed vir Vandag
En die Hoop beskaam nie; want die liefde van God word in ons harte uitgestort deur die Heilige Gees wat aan ons gegee is.
Romeine 5:5
Here, ons beweeg van hoop na geloof na liefde terwyl ons Jesus volg tot verlossing. Hoop Verander na Geloof na Wedergeboorte en Doop in Water en die Beweeg na Liefde wanneer ons die Doop van die Heilige Gees ontvang, Help ons asseblief met hierdie stappe Here, ons Bid in Jesus Naam. Amen en Amen

Bible Teaching of the Day
How can I learn to distinguish right from wrong?
Every human being is created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27; James 3:9). Part of what it means to be in God’s image is that we have a conscience that instinctively recognizes good and evil and tells right from wrong. Every civilized culture in the world has adopted similar standards for its people based on this inherent understanding of good and evil. Murder, theft, and deceit are universally understood to be wrong. Sometimes depravity overrides that knowledge, and a people group chooses to value evil rather than forbid it, as in the case of infanticide practiced by the heathen nations surrounding Israel (Leviticus 18:21; 2 Kings 23:10).
Due to our sin nature, we tend to excuse the evil in ourselves (Romans 5:12; Proverbs 20:20; Jeremiah 2:35). A continual pattern of excusing evil leads to a hardening of the conscience. Romans 1:28 gives God’s response to those who persist in evil: “Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.” There is a point at which God lets go. Those who insist on keeping their sin can now sin boldly and suffer no pangs of conscience. They believe they have transcended conscience and outsmarted God. But their judgment will come when they stand before Christ (Hebrews 9:27; Malachi 3:5).
As darkness is defined by the absence of light, sin is defined by the absence of goodness (James 4:17). Since God is the very embodiment of good (Psalm 86:5; 119:68), anything contrary to His nature is evil (Romans 3:23). We learn to distinguish good from evil by getting to know God. His Word is the foundation for understanding Him (Psalm 1:1–2; 119:160; John 17:17).The closer we draw to the holiness of God, the worse sin appears (Isaiah 6:1, 5). A t-shirt may appear white against a black wall. But when you place that shirt on newly fallen snow, it appears quite dingy. Similarly, our attempts at goodness look quite dingy when placed next to the holiness of God. As we enter His presence, we start to notice how self-centered our thoughts and actions are. We see our own greed, covetousness, lust, and deceit for the evils that they are. It is only in God’s light that we begin to see ourselves clearly.
We also learn to distinguish between right and wrong by knowing the Word. It is the Bible, after all, that delineates what is sinful and what is not. The author of Hebrews speaks of those who are immature in their faith, who can only digest spiritual “milk”—the most basic principles of God’s Word (Hebrews 5:13). In contrast to the “babes” in Christ are the spiritually mature, “who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil” (Hebrews 5:14). Note that a Christian’s spiritual senses are strengthened through “constant use” of the Word. The ability to tell right from wrong, to distinguish between Christ’s doctrine and man’s, comes by studying and applying God’s Word.
God’s Word is filled with examples of those who did right and those who did wrong. Those examples are there for us to learn what God is like and what He desires from us (1 Corinthians 10:11). Micah 6:8 gives a brief summary of God’s desire for every person: “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Malachi 3:18 makes it even clearer. God says, “And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not.” Here the Lord is equating righteousness with serving Him. If good is defined as serving God, then evil is rejecting God and refusing to serve Him. Regardless of how philanthropic a person may appear to others, his good works amount to little if they are done for selfish reasons. If we make it our goal to seek God and honor Him in everything we do (1 Corinthians 10:31), we will understand right and wrong and know that our life choices are pleasing to Him (Jeremiah 29:13; 1 Peter 3:12; Psalm 106:3).
Bybel Lering vir die Dag
Hoe kan ek leer om reg van verkeerd te onderskei?
Elke mens is na die beeld van God geskape (Genesis 1:27; Jakobus 3:9). Deel van wat dit beteken om na God se beeld te wees, is dat ons ‘n gewete het wat instinktief goed en kwaad herken en reg en verkeerd vertel. Elke beskaafde kultuur in die wêreld het soortgelyke standaarde vir sy mense aangeneem gebaseer op hierdie inherente begrip van goed en kwaad. Moord, diefstal en bedrog word algemeen as verkeerd beskou. Soms oorheers verdorwenheid daardie kennis, en ‘n volksgroep kies om boosheid te waardeer eerder as om dit te verbied, soos in die geval van kindermoord wat deur die heidense nasies rondom Israel beoefen word (Levitikus 18:21; 2 Konings 23:10).
As gevolg van ons sondige natuur is ons geneig om die boosheid in onsself te verskoon (Romeine 5:12; Spreuke 20:20; Jeremia 2:35). ‘n Voortdurende patroon van verskoning van boosheid lei tot ‘n verharding van die gewete. Romeine 1:28 gee God se reaksie aan diegene wat in die bose volhard: “Verder, soos hulle dit nie die moeite werd geag het om die kennis van God te behou nie, so het God hulle oorgegee aan ’n verdorwe gesindheid, sodat hulle doen wat nie behoort te word nie.” Daar is ‘n punt waarop God laat gaan. Diegene wat daarop aandring om hul sonde te bewaar, kan nou met vrymoedigheid sondig en geen gewete ly nie. Hulle glo hulle het die gewete oorskry en God uitoorlê. Maar hulle oordeel sal kom wanneer hulle voor Christus staan (Hebreërs 9:27; Maleagi 3:5).
Soos duisternis gedefinieer word deur die afwesigheid van lig, word sonde gedefinieer deur die afwesigheid van goedheid (Jakobus 4:17). Aangesien God die beliggaming van die goeie is (Psalm 86:5; 119:68), is enigiets wat in stryd is met Sy natuur boos (Romeine 3:23). Ons leer om goed van kwaad te onderskei deur God te leer ken. Sy Woord is die grondslag om Hom te verstaan (Psalm 1:1–2; 119:160; Joh. 17:17). Hoe nader ons aan die heiligheid van God kom, hoe erger word sonde (Jesaja 6:1, 5). ‘n T-hemp kan wit teen ‘n swart muur lyk. Maar wanneer jy daardie hemp op pasgevalle sneeu plaas, lyk dit nogal vuil. Net so lyk ons pogings tot goedheid nogal smerig wanneer dit langs die heiligheid van God geplaas word. Soos ons Sy teenwoordigheid binnegaan, begin ons agterkom hoe selfgesentreerd ons gedagtes en optrede is. Ons sien ons eie gierigheid, hebsug, wellus en bedrog vir die euwels wat dit is. Dit is slegs in God se lig dat ons onsself duidelik begin sien.
Ons leer ook om tussen reg en verkeerd te onderskei deur die Woord te ken. Dit is immers die Bybel wat omskryf wat sondig is en wat nie. Die skrywer van Hebreërs praat van diegene wat onvolwasse is in hul geloof, wat net geestelike “melk” kan verteer – die mees basiese beginsels van God se Woord (Hebreërs 5:13). In teenstelling met die “kinders” in Christus is die geestelik volwasse, “wat hulleself deur voortdurende gebruik opgelei het om goed van kwaad te onderskei” (Hebreërs 5:14). Let daarop dat ‘n Christen se geestelike sintuie versterk word deur “voortdurende gebruik” van die Woord. Die vermoë om reg van verkeerd te onderskei, om te onderskei tussen Christus se leerstelling en die mens s’n, kom deur God se Woord te bestudeer en toe te pas.
God se Woord is gevul met voorbeelde van diegene wat reg gedoen het en diegene wat verkeerd gedoen het. Daardie voorbeelde is daar vir ons om te leer hoe God is en wat Hy van ons verlang (1 Korintiërs 10:11). Miga 6:8 gee ‘n kort opsomming van God se begeerte vir elke mens: “Hy het jou gewys, o sterfling, wat goed is. En wat vra die HERE van jou? Om regverdig te handel en barmhartigheid lief te hê en nederig met jou God te wandel.” Maleagi 3:18 maak dit nog duideliker. God sê: “En julle sal weer die onderskeid sien tussen die regverdiges en die goddelose, tussen die wat God dien en die wat dit nie doen nie.” Hier stel die Here geregtigheid gelyk aan om Hom te dien. As goed gedefinieer word as om God te dien, dan is kwaad om God te verwerp en te weier om Hom te dien. Ongeag hoe filantropies ’n persoon vir ander mag voorkom, sy goeie werke is min as dit om selfsugtige redes gedoen word. As ons dit ons doel stel om God te soek en Hom te eer in alles wat ons doen (1 Korintiërs 10:31), sal ons reg en verkeerd verstaan en weet dat ons lewenskeuses vir Hom welgevallig is (Jeremia 29:13; 1 Petrus 3:12; Psalm 106:3).

Today’s Devotional
Prayer is often viewed as a way or means to twist God’s arm or to move God into action. Prayer is often seen as a tool to convey our needs to the Lord without regard to what God requires. Since prayer brings a weak, mortal person closer or in touch with an immortal, and all-powerful God, we should briefly look at prayer.
While some set aside a few minutes in the morning, another few minutes before bedtime, and a short time before meals for prayer, this is often contrary to the Word. In 1 Thessalonians 5:17 we are called to pray continually or without ceasing.
Also of utmost importance is the attitude of those who pray. In 2 Chronicles 7:14 we see that we are to humble ourselves. We also read in James 4:10, “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he will lift you up.” Furthermore, we are called to serve God with reverence and awe. (See Hebrews 12:28.)
However, prayer must be accompanied by faith. In Mark 9:23, Jesus said, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” But this faith must be in the Lord himself and not in his ability to bring about change. Let us therefore have faith in God as Jesus instructed in Mark 11:22.
Another way to express faith is by praying with thanksgiving. Ephesians 5:20 tells us to always give thanks to God for everything. Not only should we be grateful for things that God has done, or is doing, but also for the things for which we trust Him. According to Philippians 4:6, we should not be anxious about anything; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let our requests be made known to God. True faith says, “Give thanks in advance.”
Our prayers must be in line with God’s plan or purpose in our lives. It is written that when we ask according to God’s will, He will hear us. (1 John 5:14) But how do we know God’s will? The answer is by studying the Word and praying according to it.
However, we must also be persistent and consistent in prayer. Let us adhere to Matthew 7:7-8 which states: “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; and he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks the door will be opened.”
Above all, prayer is a means of bringing praise and honor to the Lord. Therefore, “to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all that we ask or think, according to the power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever! Amen.” (Ephesians 3:20-21)
Vandag se Bemoediging
Gebed word dikwels beskou as ‘n manier of middel om God se arm te draai of om God in aksie te bring. Gebed word dikwels gesien as ‘n instrument om ons behoeftes aan die Here oor te dra sonder inagneming van wat God vereis. Aangesien gebed ‘n swak, sterflike mens nader of in aanraking bring met ‘n onsterflike, en almagtige God, moet ons kortliks na gebed kyk.
Terwyl sommige ‘n paar minute in die oggend, nog ‘n paar minute voor slaaptyd en ‘n kort rukkie voor etes opsy sit vir gebed, is dit dikwels teenstrydig met die Woord. In 1 Tessalonisense 5:17 word ons geroep om voortdurend of sonder ophou te bid.
Ook van die uiterste belang is die gesindheid van diegene wat bid. In 2 Kronieke 7:14 sien ons dat ons, onsself moet verootmoedig. Ons lees ook in Jakobus 4:10, “Verneder julle voor die Here, en Hy sal julle verhoog.” Verder word ons opgeroep om God met eerbied en vrees te dien. (Sien Hebreërs 12:28)
Gebed moet egter met geloof gepaardgaan. In Markus 9:23 sê Jesus: “as jy kan glo, alle dinge is moontlik vir die een wat glo.” Maar hierdie geloof moet in die Here self wees en nie in sy vermoë om verandering te bewerkstellig nie. Laat ons daarom geloof in God hê soos Jesus opdrag gegee het in Markus 11:22.
Nog ‘n manier om geloof uit te druk, is deur met danksegging te bid. Efesiërs 5:20 sê vir ons om altyd vir God vir alles te dank. Nie net moet ons dankbaar wees vir dinge wat God gedoen het, of doen nie, maar ook vir die dinge waarvoor ons Hom vertrou. Volgens Filippense 4:6 moet ons oor niks besorg wees nie; maar ons begeertes in alles deur gebed en smeking met danksegging aan God bekend maak. Ware geloof sê, “by voorbaat dankie.”
Ons gebede moet in lyn wees met God se plan of doel in ons lewens. Daar is geskrywe dat wanneer ons volgens God se wil vra, sal Hy ons verhoor. (1 Johannes 5:14) Maar hoe ken ons die wil van God? Die antwoord is deur die Woord te bestudeer en daarvolgens te bid.
Ons moet egter ook volhard en konsekwent in gebed wees. Kom ons hou by Matteus 7:7-8 wat lui: “Bid en vir julle sal gegee word; soek en jy sal vind; klop en die deur sal vir jou oopgemaak word. Want elkeen wat vra, ontvang; die een wat soek, vind; en vir hom wat klop, die deur sal oopgemaak word.”
Bowenal is gebed ‘n middel om lof en eer aan die Here te bring. Daarom, “aan Hom wat mag het om te doen ver bo alles wat ons bid of dink, volgens die krag wat in ons werk, aan Hom die heerlikheid in die gemeente in Christus Jesus deur alle geslagte tot in ewigheid! Amen.” (Efesiërs 3:20-21)

TruLight Ministries Daily Entertainment
TruLight TV – Let Us Give Thanks To Jesus
What sin is weighing you down? Former NBA player, Allan Houston, reminds us that thanks to Jesus and the cross, there is no weight too heavy for us to carry on our own. Jesus promises to take our burdens, and give wisdom for what burdens we need to let go of. and today on The Gospel Music USA, Danny Jones, Karen Peck Gooch and Mike LeFevre Welcome two artists on the program, first up The Carolinas – A High energy touring group hailing from both of the Carolinas. If you long for the rustic sounds of Classic Country, reminiscent of the Oak Ridge Boys and the Statler Brothers, Carolina is your band. Unashamed of the Gospel, passionate about the importance of Family and proudly Patriotic, Carolina is paving the way for a revival of Country music back to it’s roots. and later Riley Harrison Clark – “I knew at a young age God had called me not only to sing, but to lead His people into a place of worship…a place that allows them to receive from Him the encouragement, peace and eternal salvation He is ready to give us all.” Upon that foundation began the ministry and music of award-winning Daywind recording artist and songwriter.
Today on TruLight Radio XM
TruLight Radio XM 24/7
GMT / UTC +2
00:15 Words to Live By Testimonies
01.15 Science Scripture and Salvation
02.15 Ground Works
04.00 Gospel Concert of the Day
05.00 The Daren Streblow Comedy Show
5:55 It is Today devotional
6:00 Gaither Homecoming Morning Show
7:15 Discover the Word
8.15 Destined for Victory
8:55 Science Scripture and Salvation
9:00 Holy Spirit Hour – Normally Sermons
10:15 Hope of the Heart
11:15 Unshackled
11.45 Words to Live By
12:15 Truth for Life
13:15 Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram
14:15 Focus on the Family
15:00 Kids Hour
16:00 In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley
16:30 Groundwork
17:15 Live in the Light
18:15 Renewing your Mind
19:00 Gaither Homecoming Show
20:15 Growing Hope
21:15 Adventures in Odyssey Radio Drama
21:45 Bible Reading
22:15 Nightsounds
23.00 Good Old Country Gospel / Rhema Gospel Express
In a musical culture where everything bears a label, TaRanda takes a different approach. She selects songs which have lyrics that challenge and inspire. They are songs that joyfully encourage us to love the Creator more, with melodies that flow into ballads of worship and praise.

Bible Prophecy in the News
Syria Attacks Lebanon, Israel Prepares For More Chaos

Syrian Dictator Ahmed Hussein al-Sharaa aka Abu Mohammad al-Julani moved his HTS/ISIS army to the Lebanese border to attack Hezbollah there. A full battle then ensued between Hezbollah along with the Lebanese army against the Syrian regime forces.
The Syrian Ministry of Defense promised continued escalation against Hezbollah: “A group of operatives from the Hezbollah militia kidnapped three Syrian army soldiers, dragged them to Lebanese territory from Syrian territory and executed them.”
In retaliation Syrian forces fired at the Lebanese village of Qasr, causing the Lebanese army to fire back into Syrian territory. The battle between the two continued to heart up the next day.
Israel has been preparing for the chaos between Lebanese armed forces and the Syrian Jihadist army insisting that not only the IDF stay in southern Lebanon, but continue to attack both Hezbollah positions throughout Lebanon as well Islamic Jihad bases in Syria. Israel’s government views both of the actors in Syria and Lebanon as enemies of Israel and the Jewish people.
Both Syria and Lebanon are increasingly growing more unstable with their complex multifaceted societies being torn apart in sectarian violence. While still far fetched, Israel may have to off the Druze and Maronite Christians of Lebanon the same deal they did with the Druze of Sweida in Syria. The only way to ensure protection for the Christians and Druze in the Levant is for Israel to extend its military over sight over the entire area – southern Syria and the whole of Lebanon.
Reports have been flooding in from Syria on mass executions of Alawites in the coastal areas. Some Druze and Christians have been harmed as well. How is Israel responding?
Reports have been flooding in from Syria on mass executions of Alawites in the coastal areas. Some Druze and Christians have been harmed as well. How is Israel responding?
Signs of the Times in the News
IAF on ‘highest alert level’ for Houthi missiles, drones

Israel is preparing for renewed missile fire from the Yemen-based Houthis, after intensive US strikes on the terror group and repeated threats from Houthi officials.
Following US Attack, Houthis Fire Missile Towards Israel, Lands in Egypt

According to a report from Hebrew-language outlet Mako, the Israeli Air Force has raised its level of alert to the highest possible tier, following the explosion of a Houthi missile – which may have been aimed at Israel – in Egypt’s Sinai Desert on Sunday.
The missile impacted near Sharm el-Sheikh, some 224 kilometers (130 miles) from Israel’s southern border with Egypt.
Gog and Magog Update
Judea and Samaria Council in Abu Dhabi: “A New World Order”

“I discovered a leadership that is a partner in the war against Hamas, Hezbollah with all their civilian branches, [and those] also in Judea and Samaria. [It is a] leadership that is not afraid to openly say that we must fight the Palestinian Authority’s education in evil and hatred of Jews.”
TruLight Ministry News
More about TruLight Ministries International
Pastor Dirk . Did several Teaching about Important Topics and some are in Small Teaching Series . Like This one about the End Times , But currently only Available in Afrikaans . As jy Afrikaans . Luister gerus na die Lering oor Die Eindtyd Reeks – Eindtyd Meester plan van God in ‘n Tydlyn behandel en geskryf ebook download.
Learn more about TruLight Ministries ,
One of Our Flagship Ministries within TruLight Ministry is = Battle Cancer . Watch our Introduction Video
Did you know that 86% of all chronic diseases and cancer have a spiritual reason behind them? It’s true! The majority of cancers and chronic illnesses are actually born from sin, such as un-forgiveness, hate, strife, and self-inflicted mental problems. But don’t worry, the Battle Cancer website is here to help. They have eye-opening medical and spiritual articles that pinpoint the reason for every cancer and chronic illness that a person can suffer from. In fact, they have identified 28 reasons why someone may not receive godly healing. On this website, they assist cancer and chronic illness sufferers to see the light, learn from the articles, deal with the problem, and receive healing. They even offer free eBook’s to download and stunning articles to share with your friends and family who may be in need of this mind-blowing information.
The TruLight eBook of the week –
Living with Eternity on My Mind – Was Pastor Dirk’s 1st Book released in 2012 . Download for Free !
Lewe met die Ewigheid in my Gedagtes.

Ook beskikbaar in Afrikaans . Laai asb hieronder die eboek af !
Lewe met die Ewigheid in my Gedagtes – Pastoor Dirk FlemixDownload
Lering Video en Audio deur Pastoor Dirk
Die 7 Plae van Openbaring
Soon TruLight School of Theology will start with Its daily Bible Study – Pastor Counselling Certificate – we are Starting with 36 Studies with 10 Studies per Topic from 1st of April 2025 – Over the Next 2 Years we will Include One Daily Study per Topic on this Platform. The Daily Manna Bible Study will be Available in English and Afrikaans!
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