Daily Manna

Daily Manna for 24 March 2025

Daily Manna for 6 March 2025

Bible Verse and Prayer for Today

But He answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
Matthew 4:4


Lord . Thank you for this daily Manna . this Daily manna are Word Based and therefor comes directly from the Mouth of God. This daily manna is feeding everybody needs to Stay Alive , Mind , Body and spirit . Lord please Bless this daily Manna to my spirit via The Holy Spirit . This I pray in the name of Jesus . Amen and Amen

Prayer Tips

Should I Use Hebrew words and other highly intellectual Words in my Prayers?

Your prayers need not be wordy or impressive in speech; no it should be a casual conversation with God which in general will transpire into a spiritual session with God. Pray in your mother tong as the Lord made you for who you are and by His favour we now have bibles in our home language.

God even created a universal language, English, which is the most universal language spoken throughout the world. It has become the modern tong of God. If you are English, don’t mix the languages with Hebrew words or Arabic words for it only leads to Confusement.

Matthew 6:7 “When you pray, don’t babble on and on as people of other religions do. They think their prayers are answered only by repeating their words again and again.”

Ecclesiastes 5:2 “Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.

Mat 6:8 Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.

Bybel Vers en Gebed vir Vandag

Maar Hy antwoord en sê: Daar is geskrywe: Die mens sal nie van brood alleen lewe nie, maar van elke woord wat deur die mond van God uitgaan.
Matteus 4:4


Here. Dankie vir hierdie daaglikse Manna . hierdie Daaglikse manna is Woordgebaseer en kom daarom direk uit die mond van God. Hierdie daaglikse manna voed almal wat nodig is om lewendig te bly, gees, liggaam en gees. Here Seën asseblief hierdie daaglikse Manna aan my gees via Die Heilige Gees. Dit bid ek in die Naam van Jesus. Amen en Amen

Gebed Wenke

Moet ek Hebreeuse woorde en ander hoogs intellektuele woorde in my gebede gebruik?

Jou gebede hoef nie woordryk of indrukwekkend in spraak te wees nie; nee dit moet ‘n toevallige gesprek met God wees wat oor die algemeen sal uitmond in ‘n geestelike sessie met God. Bid in jou moedertaal soos die Here jou gemaak het vir wie jy is en deur Sy guns het ons nou bybels in ons huistaal.

God het selfs ‘n universele taal geskep, Engels, wat die mees universele taal is wat oor die hele wêreld gepraat word. Dit het die moderne tang van God geword. As jy Engels is, moenie die tale met Hebreeuse woorde of Arabiese woorde meng nie, want dit lei net tot Verwarring.

Matteus 6:7 “Wanneer jy bid, moenie aanhou babbel soos mense van ander godsdienste nie. Hulle dink hulle gebede word net beantwoord deur hulle woorde weer en weer te herhaal.”

Prediker 5:2 “Moenie haastig wees met jou mond nie, moenie haastig wees in jou hart om iets voor God te spreek nie, God is in die hemel en jy is op die aarde, so laat jou woorde min wees.

Mat 6:8 Wees dan nie soos hulle nie, want julle Vader weet watter dinge julle nodig het voordat julle Hom vra.

Bible Teaching of the Day

7 Places of Prayer in our Journey to Heaven.

Right in front of the main Curtain of the Tabernacle was the Incense Altar. This was the last item in the Holy Place before you entered the Most Holy Place through the Main Curtain.

In the New Testament plan of salvation, this is the place of Prayer, Praise and Worship.

It is right here in the Presence of God, where you are near the Ark of God.

Prayer and Worship will be covered in the next chapters, but in this chapter we are going to talk about the 7 Places where we talk to God and praise and glorify Him.

And the closer we get to Heaven in our spiritual lives, we find various places of Prayer, Praise and Worship.

Where communication with God gets better.

The best place to talk to God is when you are standing next to Him.

We need to move closer to God.

I ask you this question: Why does Jesus speak so softly when He speaks to you and why does God whisper when He speaks to you?

They want you to move closer to them.

If we look at the Prayer, Praise and Worship points inside the Tabernacle we will understand better. We must move closer to God and Jesus, and ultimately we must have the Spirit of God in our spirit.

Let’s look at the 7 places.

Place 1.

Outside the Tabernacle: Here you are still a sinner in a sinful world.

The sinner’s prayer – Step 1 of the 12 Steps to Heaven.

Place 2.

At the entrance to the Tabernacle: When you realize that you need to turn away from sin and turn to Jesus. And accept to walk a new path to God. This is where your active prayer life begins.

Step 2 of the 12 Steps to Heaven.

Place 3:

At the Fire Altar and in front of the laver. At the point where you accept Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior and follow Him through Baptism in water.

Steps 3 to 6 of the 12 Steps to Heaven

Place 4:

In the inner court of the Tabernacle. Washed clean of sin in the Blood of Jesus and baptized in water.

Now a Born Again Christian.

Still learning about the Trinity in the Bible and learning to Pray.

And ready to enter the Holy Place of the Tabernacle – Step 7 of the 12 Steps to Heaven.

Place 5:

In the inner tent – ​​The Holy Place of the Tabernacle. Prayer, Praise and Worship, Faith building and continuous forgiveness throughout your every day. With a very powerful active prayer life. Close to the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and to become more dynamic in your Prayer, Praise and Worship.

Step 8 of the 12 Steps to Heaven.

Location 6:

In the Holy of Holies right next to the Ark of God.

After you are baptized by the Holy Spirit

“The Comforter Baptism Team”

You receive character from God and character from Jesus

Receive your gift(s) and Fruit of the Spirit

Receive your Ministry in the Kingdom of God and accept your Discipleship.

Your Prayer, Praise and Worship is at an optimum stage in your life. With the Spirit of God in you now, you have become the Tabernacle and or Temple of God. You now have One-to-One, direct communication. Spirit-filled Child of God. You have a royal telephone line to God. Steps 9-11 of the 12 Steps to Heaven.

Location 7:

Prayer, Praise and Worship in Heaven with Jesus and God right next to you.

What I would like to point out to you is that you will move closer to God in your spiritual life. Prayer, praise and worship will get better and better.

Yes, God will always hear your prayers. But it is so much better for you to move closer to God.

The 2 ends: Place 1 and Place 7.

My encouragement to you is to get to Place 6 as soon as possible. Get a secured line – a Royal telephone – a red line directly to God.

By this stage, Prayer, Songs, Praise and Worship, Poems and even more are very dynamic.

Right next to God! Move closer to Heaven – Get to Step 11 of the 12 steps to Heaven. God and Jesus invite you – “Come closer!”

Bybel Lering vir die Dag

7 Plekke van Gebed op ons Pad Hemel toe,

Reg voor die hoof Gordyn van die Tabernakel was die Wierrook Altaar. Hierdie was die laaste item in die Heilige gedeelte voordat jy die Allerheiligstes binne gegaan het deur die Hoof Gordyn.

In die Nuwe Testament verlossingsplan, is dit die plek van Gebed, Lofprysing en Aanbidding.

Dit is net hier by die Teenwoordigheid van God, waar jy naby die Ark van God is.

Die Gebed en Aanbidding sal in die volgende hoofstukke behandel word, maar in hierdie hoofstuk gaan ons praat oor die 7 Plekke waar ons met God praat en Hom loof en prys.

En hoe nader ons aan die Hemel kom in ons geestelike lewens, kry ons verskeie plekke van Gebed, Lofprysing en Aanbidding.

Waar kommunikasie met God beter raak.

Die beste plek om met God te praat is wanneer jy langs Hom staan.

Ons moet nader aan God beweeg.

Ek vra jou die volgende vraag: Waarom praat Jesus so saggies wanneer Hy met jou praat en waarom fluister God as Hy met jou praat?

Hulle wil hê dat jy nader aan hulle moet beweeg.

As ons kyk na die Gebed, Lofprysing en Aanbidding punte binne in die Tabernakel sal ons beter verstaan. Ons moet nader aan God en Jesus beweeg, en uiteindelik moet ons die Gees van God in ons gees hê.

Kom ons kyk na die 7 plekke.

Plek 1.

Buitekant die Tabernakel: Hier is jy nogsteeds ‘n sondaar in ‘n sondige wêreld.

Die sondaars-gebed – Stap 1 van die 12 Stappe na die Hemel.

Plek 2.

By die ingang van die Tabernakel: Wanneer jy besef dat jy weg van sonde af moet draai en na Jesus toe moet draai. En aanvaar om ‘n nuwe pad na God toe te loop. Hier begin jou aktiewe gebedslewe.

Stap 2 van die 12 Stappe na die Hemel.

Plek 3:

By die Vuur Altaar en voor die wasbak. By die punt waar jy Jesus Christus as jou Persoonlike Verlosser aanvaar en Hom volg deur die Doping in water.

Stap 3 tot 6 van die 12 Stappe na die Hemel

Plek 4:

In die binnehof van die Tabernakel. Skoongewas van sonde in die Bloed van Jesus en gedoop in water.

Nou ‘n Wedergebore Christen.

Nog besig om te leer oor die Drie-Eenheid in die Bybel en besig om te leer om te Bid.

En gereed om die Heilige gedeelte van die Tabernakel in te gaan –Stap 7 van die 12 Stappe na die Hemel.

Plek 5:

In die binne-tent – Die Heilige gedeelte van die Tabernakel. Gebed, Lofprysing en Aanbidding, Geloofs-opbouing en voortdurende vergifnis deur die verloop van jou elke dag. Met ‘n baie kragtige aktiewe gebedslewe. Naby aan die Doping van die Heilige Gees en om meer dinamies in jou Gebed, Lofprysing en Aanbidding te word.

Stap 8 van die 12 Stappe na die Hemel.

Plek 6:

In die Allerheiligste net langs die Ark van God.

Nadat jy deur die Heilige Gees gedoop is

“Die Vertrooster Dopings span”

Ontvang jy karakter van God en karakter van Jesus

Ontvang jou gawe/gawes en Vrugte van die Gees

Ontvang jou Bediening in die Koningkryk van God en aanvaar jou Dissipelskap.

Jou Gebed, Lofprysing en Aanbidding is op ‘n stadium van optimum in jou lewe. Met die Gees van God in jou nou, het jy die Tabernakel en of Tempel van God geword. Jy het nou Een-tot-Een, direkte kommunikasie. Geesgevulde Kind van God. Jy het ‘n koningklike Telefoon lyn na God toe. Stap 9-11 van die 12 Stappe na die Hemel.

Plek 7:

Gebed, Lofprysing en Aanbidding in die Hemel saam met Jesus en God reg langs jou.

Wat ek graag vir jou wil uitwys is dat jy nader aan God gaan beweeg in jou geestelike lewe. Gebed, lofprys en aanbidding gaan beter en beter word.

Ja, God sal altyd jou gebede hoor. Maar dit is vir jou soveel beter om nader aan God te beweeg.

Die 2 uiteindes: Plek 1 en Plek 7.

My aansporing aan jou is om by Plek 6 uit te kom so gou as moontlik. Verkry ‘n versekerde lyn – ‘n Koningklike telefoon – ‘n rooi lyn direk na God toe.

Teen hierdie stadium is Gebed, Sange, Lofpysing en Aanbidding, Gedigte en nog meer goed, baie dinamies.

Reg langs God! Beweeg nader aan die Hemel – Kom by Stap 11 van die 12 stappe na die Hemel. God en Jesus nooi jou uit – “Kom nader!”

Today’s Devotional

How to Get Right with God!

In order to get “right” with God, we must first understand what is “wrong.” The answer is sin. “There is no one who does good, not even one” (Psalm 14:3). We have rebelled against God’s commands; we “like sheep, have gone astray” (Isaiah 53:6).

The bad news is that the penalty for sin is death. “The soul who sins is the one who will die” (Ezekiel 18:4). The good news is that a loving God has pursued us in order to bring us salvation. Jesus declared His purpose was “to seek and to save what was lost” (Luke 19:10), and He pronounced His purpose accomplished when He died on the cross with the words, “It is finished!” (John 19:30).

Having a right relationship with God begins with acknowledging your sin. Next comes a humble confession of your sin to God (Isaiah 57:15). “For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved” (Romans 10:10).

This repentance must be accompanied by faith – specifically, faith that Jesus’ sacrificial death and miraculous resurrection qualify Him to be your Savior. “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9). Many other passages speak of the necessity of faith, such as John 20:27; Acts 16:31; Galatians 2:16; 3:11, 26; and Ephesians 2:8.

Being right with God is a matter of your response to what God has done on your behalf. He sent the Savior, He provided the sacrifice to take away your sin (John 1:29), and He offers you the promise: “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Acts 2:21).

A beautiful illustration of repentance and forgiveness is the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32). The younger son wasted his father’s gift in shameful sin (verse 13). When he acknowledged his wrongdoing, he decided to return home (verse 18). He assumed he would no longer be considered a son (verse 19), but he was wrong. The father loved the returned rebel as much as ever (verse 20). All was forgiven, and a celebration ensued (verse 24). God is good to keep His promises, including the promise to forgive. “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18).

If you want to get right with God, here is a sample prayer. Remember, saying this prayer or any other prayer will not save you. It is only trusting in Christ that can save you from sin. This prayer is simply a way to express to God your faith in Him and thank Him for providing for your salvation. “God, I know that I have sinned against You and am deserving of punishment. But Jesus Christ took the punishment that I deserve so that through faith in Him and His resurrection I could be forgiven. I place my trust in You for salvation. Thank You for Your wonderful grace and forgiveness – the gift of eternal life! Amen!”

Vandag se Bemoediging

Hoe maak ek Reg met GOD?

Om “reg te maak” met God , moet ons eers verstaan ​​wat “verkeerd” is. Die antwoord is sonde. “Daar is niemand wat goed doen nie, selfs nie een nie” (Psalm 14:3). Ons het teen God se bevele in opstand gekom; ons “het soos skape gedwaal” (Jesaja 53:6).

Die slegte nuus is dat die straf vir sonde die dood is. “Die siel wat sondig, is die een wat sal sterf” (Esegiël 18:4). Die goeie nuus is dat ‘n liefdevolle God ons agtervolg het om vir ons verlossing te bring. Jesus het verklaar dat Sy doel was “om te soek en te red wat verlore was” (Luk. 19:10), en Hy het verklaar dat Sy doel bereik is toe Hy aan die kruis gesterf het met die woorde: “Dit is volbring!” (Johannes 19:30).

Om ‘n regte verhouding met God te hê, begin met die erkenning van jou sonde. Vervolgens kom ‘n nederige belydenis van jou sonde aan God (Jesaja 57:15). “Want dit is met jou hart dat jy glo en geregverdig word, en met jou mond bely jy en word gered” (Romeine 10:10).

Hierdie bekering moet met geloof gepaardgaan – spesifiek geloof dat Jesus se offerdood en wonderbaarlike opstanding Hom kwalifiseer om jou Verlosser te wees. “As jy met jou mond bely: ‘Jesus is die Here’, en met jou hart glo dat God Hom uit die dood opgewek het, sal jy gered word” (Romeine 10:9). Baie ander gedeeltes praat van die noodsaaklikheid van geloof, soos Johannes 20:27; Handelinge 16:31; Galasiërs 2:16; 3:11, 26; en Efesiërs 2:8.

Om reg te wees met God is ‘n kwessie van jou reaksie op wat God namens jou gedoen het. Hy het die Verlosser gestuur, Hy het die offer voorsien om jou sonde weg te neem (Joh. 1:29), en Hy bied jou die belofte: “Elkeen wat die Naam van die Here aanroep, sal gered word” (Hand 2:21).

’n Pragtige illustrasie van bekering en vergifnis is die gelykenis van die verlore seun (Luk. 15:11-32). Die jonger seun het sy pa se gawe in skandelike sonde vermors (vers 13). Toe hy sy oortreding erken het, het hy besluit om terug te keer huis toe (vers 18). Hy het aangeneem dat hy nie meer as ‘n seun beskou sou word nie (vers 19), maar hy was verkeerd. Die vader het die teruggekeerde rebel so liefgehad soos altyd (vers 20). Alles is vergewe, en ‘n fees het gevolg (vers 24). God is goed om Sy beloftes na te kom, insluitend die belofte om te vergewe. “Die Here is naby die wat gebroke is van hart, en Hy verlos die wat verslae is van gees” (Psalm 34:18).

As jy wil regkom met God, hier is ‘n voorbeeld van gebed. Onthou, om hierdie gebed of enige ander gebed te sê, sal jou nie red nie. Dit is net vertroue in Christus wat jou van sonde kan red. Hierdie gebed is bloot ‘n manier om aan God jou geloof in Hom uit te druk en Hom te dank dat Hy vir jou redding voorsien het. “God, ek weet dat ek teen U gesondig het en die straf verdien. Maar Jesus Christus het die straf geneem wat ek verdien sodat ek deur geloof in Hom en Sy opstanding vergewe kan word. Ek plaas my vertroue op U vir redding. Dankie vir U wonderlike genade en vergifnis – die gawe van die ewige lewe! Amen!”

TruLight Ministries Daily Entertainment

TruLight TV – How to Answer God’s Call Even When You’re Scared

What has God called you to do? Does it scare you? Fear is a normal reaction to new things—even when God calls you to them. Journalist Paula Faris is aware of the anxiety that can come with following God. Allow her story to encourage you to press into fear and do what He says anyway! And our sermon today from Dr. Charles Stanley (Energized by His Presence): When was the last time you were energized by the presence of God? The awareness and promise of God’s presence in our lives are essential to our relationship with Him. That plus a testimony from Shamso and knowing she has found peace in her identity as a wanted, beloved child of God.

Today on TruLight Radio XM

TruLight Radio XM    24/7
GMT / UTC +2
00:15 Words to Live By Testimonies
01.15 Science Scripture and Salvation
02.15 Ground Works
04.00 Gospel Concert of the Day
05.00 The Daren Streblow Comedy Show
5:55 It is Today devotional
6:00 Gaither Homecoming Morning Show
7:15 Discover the Word
8.15 Destined for Victory
8:55 Science Scripture and Salvation
9:00 Holy Spirit Hour – Normally Sermons
10:15 Hope of the Heart
11:15 Unshackled
11.45 Words to Live By 
12:15 Truth for Life 
13:15 Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram
14:15 Focus on the Family
15:00 Kids Hour
16:00 In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley
16:30 Groundwork
17:15 Live in the Light
18:15 Renewing your Mind 
19:00 Gaither Homecoming Show
20:15 Growing Hope 
21:15 Adventures in Odyssey Radio Drama
21:45 Bible Reading
22:15 Nightsounds 
23.00  Good Old Country Gospel / Rhema Gospel Express




The Steele’s are a Southern gospel group from Tennessee known for their meaningful songs and worship ballads. The group is led by husband and wife, Jeff and Sherry Steele, who were born in Marshall, TX, and Morton, MS. Jeff, a former pastor, is the main songwriter for the group, which started as a trio with David Owens as the tenor vocalist.

Bible Prophecy in the News

Are Two Of The Most Dangerous Volcanoes In The Entire World Starting To Wake Up?


We live at a time when seismic activity is on the rise all over the planet.  More than three dozen volcanoes have recently erupted, and there have been more than 850 earthquakes in California and Nevada within the past seven days. Unfortunately, most people are not taking the threat that we are facing seriously.

For example, an eruption of the Ring of Fire and Yellowstone super volcano’s could instantly turn all over our lives upside down and make most of the country uninhabitable for an extended period of time.

The ground in some areas of Yellowstone has been rising for quite some time, and now a brand new hydrothermal vent has opened “at the base of an ancient lava flow”…

“While driving south from Mammoth Hot Springs towards Norris Geyser Basin early on Aug. 5 last summer, a park scientist noticed a billowing steam column through the trees and across a marshy expanse,” wrote Yellowstone National Park geologists Jefferson Hungerford and Kiernan Folz-Donahue. “The eagle-eyed scientist notified the park geology team to verify if this was indeed new activity.”

It was.

The steaming hydrothermal vent is located at the base of an ancient lava flow, and geologists measured its temperatures at 171 degrees Fahrenheit. It could be newly spawned activity from a steaming feature previously found nearby in 2003.

Thankfully, seismologists do not expect Yellowstone to erupt right now.

But when it comes to “the most dangerous super volcano in Europe”, it is a much different story.

According to the Daily Galaxy, there has been “a surge in seismic activity” at the Campi Flegrei super volcano during the past year…

In the shadow of Mount Vesuvius, a much larger and potentially catastrophic threat looms beneath the ground–Campi Flegrei, the most dangerous super volcano in Europe. Over the past year, a surge in seismic activity has sent shock waves–literally and figuratively–through the region, fueling fears of an impending eruption. With over two million people living in the potential blast zone, the question is no longer if this sleeping giant will wake up, but when.

The Campi Flegrei super volcano covers an area of 77 square miles, and one expert is publicly warning that it could potentially “erupt at any moment”…

An Italian expert warns of a possible super volcano eruption in Naples. Are we prepared for such a disaster?

The Naples region in Italy regularly experiences earthquakes. Beneath the surface of the land and sea lies a massive super volcano covering an area of 77 square miles. Giuseppe Mastrolorenzo, a volcanologist from the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), warns that the volcano could erupt at any moment, without warning.

Why isn’t this getting more attention?

Mastrolorenzo says that a full-blown eruption of the super volcano could possibly release ten times as much energy as the eruption that destroyed Pompeii in 79 AD…

He added that recent earthquakes, including a 4.4 magnitude one last week, might be harbingers of an eruption. The evacuation plan involves moving half a million people within 72 hours, which Mastrolorenzo considers a “very optimistic hypothesis.”

If an eruption were to occur, the disaster for the region would be enormous. The energy released during the eruption could be ten times greater than what destroyed Pompeii in 79 A.D. The volcano has been emitting more and more carbon dioxide for years, recently 5,500 tons per day. The emission of hydrogen sulfide, among others, in the Solfatara crater, has increased fivefold. “The super eruption is long overdue,” concluded Mastrolorenzo.

You may not care much about this since the Campi Flegrei super volcano is on the other side of the planet.

But you should, because a full-blown eruption could potentially trigger a “volcanic winter” which could cause a horrifying global famine…

The potential consequences of a Campi Flegrei eruption are terrifying. In a best-case scenario, toxic ash and gas could devastate local agriculture and force mass evacuations. But in a worst-case scenario? The eruption could trigger a global climate catastrophe, plunging the planet into a volcanic winter with disastrous consequences for food production and ecosystems worldwide.

Meanwhile, lots of other once dormant volcanoes are already erupting all over the globe.

For example, it was being reported that a volcano in Indonesia that just erupted was shooting ash and smoke more than 8,000 feet into the air…

A volcano on Flores Island in Indonesia woke up island residents early Friday when the latest eruptive episode sent ash and smoke up 8,200 feet into the air, according to local geological officials.

The Lewotobi Laki-laki (Lewotobi Laki) volcano on the southeastern part of Flores Island in Indonesia continues to erupt.

Indonesia sits right along the Ring of Fire, and so this is very alarming.

An even more recent report appears to indicate that smoke and ash from the eruption may now have reached a level of 53,000 feet…

A new, very strong eruptive phase began at the volcano at 20:30 local time tonight and is still ongoing at the time of this update.

The activity of the volcano accelerated at 22:56 local time, and produced a tall ash column rising about 8 km above the summit that is drifting west and southwest, according to the local volcano observatory. The Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Darwin issued a warning to aviation about of an ash plume rising possibly to even higher altitudes of up to 53,000 ft (approx. 16 km).

That is quite dramatic.

But mainstream news outlets in the U.S. would rather talk about politics.

On U.S. territory, the most active volcano in Hawaii is shooting molten lava hundreds of feet into the air…

Lava from Hawaii’s most active volcano created fountains that reached 700 feet (215 meters) Thursday during the latest episode of an ongoing eruption.

Kilauea began continuously releasing lava from its summit caldera inside Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on Wednesday morning after a weeklong pause, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The molten rock was contained within the park and wasn’t threatening residential areas.

Large fountains reached heights up to 500 feet (150 meters) to 700 feet (215 meters) on Thursday morning, the USGS’ Hawaiian Volcano Observatory said.

And some residents of Alaska are now being advised to prepare for a potentially imminent eruption of Mount Spurr…

Scientists are urging people who live in south-central Alaska to begin preparing for a possible eruption of the Mount Spurr volcano.

The Alaska Volcano Observatory said now is a good time for Alaskans to “familiarize themselves with the possible hazards of a Spurr eruption” following last week’s announcement that the likelihood of an eruption has increased.

“The major hazards to Alaska residents from Spurr would be from ash risk to aviation and possible ashfall,” the observatory said in a Wednesday post on X.

Before I end this piece, I wanted to mention the alarming earthquakes that we have been seeing in southern California in recent weeks.

Last Sunday, yet another significant quake shook the city of Malibu…

Another earthquake has rattled an area near the coastal city of Malibu in Southern California.

A magnitude 3.9 earthquake was reported at 8:17 p.m. Sunday about 7 miles northwest of Malibu, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Prior to that event, there had been a whole bunch of other sizable quakes in the area…

Sunday night’s quake near Malibu came after a magnitude 3.3 earthquake struck near the same area on March 10 and a 2.8 and 3.0 magnitude quake on March 9.

Additionally, a magnitude 4.1 quake struck on March 9 near West-lake Village, northeast of Malibu.

On Feb. 15, a 3.5 magnitude quake struck about 6.8 miles from Malibu and 9.5 miles from Thousand Oaks, the USGS reported.

A magnitude 3.7 earthquake struck at 11:44 p.m. Friday, Feb. 14, roughly 7 miles northwest of Malibu.

It is just a matter of time before “the Big One” hits California (Mystery Babylon).

Personally, I am convinced that it is going to strike a whole lot sooner than most people think.

Sadly, most people that live along the west coast of America tuned out such warnings long ago, and one of these days time will finally run out.

Read Pastor Dirks Articles on this Bible Prophecy

The 5th Trumpet – Mystery Babylon – Ring of Fire and Yellowstone – California


Signs of the Times in the News

NATO Countries Actions Indicate Something Really Big Is Coming

If peace is on the way, why are they feverishly preparing for World War III? It appears to me that NATO countries are convinced that something really big is coming. Is there something that they know that they aren’t telling the rest of us?

Homeschooling Under Attack: Lawmakers Push Bill That Could Send Parents To Jail

The recent proposal by Illinois Democrats, known as the “Home school Act,” seeks to impose stringent regulations on homeschooling families.

Hamas Ranks ‘Depleted’ As Israel Renews Fight To Save Hostages

Hamas gave Israel no choice after it turned down all truce proposals and then was discovered to even be plotting a new attack on southern communities inside Israel similar to Oct 7th.

Gog and Magog Update

News Headlines in the News

Netanyahu Warns of Next War, Bigger Than Gaza

Israel Begins Process of Moving Palestinians Out of Gaza

Half of Gaza Residents are Ready to Leave:

Israeli Jets Pound Hezbollah After Rockets Fired at Israeli Town

Russia (Gog) Defends Iran’s (Magog) Right to Nuclear Program

Israel Resumes War in Gaza with Plan to Conquer Strip

Israel Threatens to Annex Parts of Gaza Unless Hamas Frees Hostages

Palestinians: ‘We are Dying Because of Hamas’

Houthis Fire Missile at Israel for 4th Time in Week

IDF Downs Three Rockets Fired from Lebanon

Israel Faces Dual Attacks as Houthis and Hamas Target Major Israeli Cities

Iran Says it will Consider ‘Opportunities’ as Well as Threats in Trump Letter

Reversal: Egypt Will Now Take in 500,000 Gazans;

IDF Blows Up Turkish Hospital in Gaza;

Defeating Hamas Includes Judea, Samaria

TruLight Ministry News

Learn more about TruLight Ministries ,

Introduction to TruYouth

Welcome to TruYouth, the ultimate hub for young people seeking inspiration, entertainment, and spiritual growth. Get ready to be blown away by the mind-blowing albums from our stunning gospel artists! We’ve got the hottest Christian gospel shows that will have you dancing and praising all day long. Immerse yourself in the world of Christian Shows / Video Blogs. podcasts, and top 10 gospel hits that will uplift your spirit. From powerful vocals to inspiring lyrics. But that’s not all! We also bring you inspiring Christian articles written by the youth themselves, giving you a fresh perspective on faith. And if you’re in the mood for some heavenly beats, check out our TruMix Music section that will have you grooving to the rhythm of the Lord. Plus, we’ve got a collection of Christian movies that will touch your heart and strengthen your faith. Plus, don’t forget to watch the thought-provoking video of STINT, where they tackle the questions and topics that resonate with us every day. Don’t miss out on all the goodness, visit our TruYouth website now!.

The TruLight eBook of the week – 



Not just a Spirit.
A Revelation from God – received by Pastor Dirk
Chapter selection

  • Introduction to the Holy Spirit
  • The Throne of God
  • The Cherubim
  • The Seven Spirits of God
  • The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
  • The Baptism of Jesus and His Disciples
  • The Spirit of God and the 4 Living beings (Cherubim)
  • The Ministry of the Spirit
  • The Mark / Seal of God

Soon TruLight School of Theology  will start with Its daily Bible Study – Pastor Counselling Certificate – we are Starting with 36 Studies with 10 Studies per Topic from 1st of April 2025 – Over the Next 2 Years we will Include One Daily Study per Topic on this Platform. The Daily Manna Bible Study will be Available in English and Afrikaans!

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Published by TruLight Daily Manna