Daily Manna

Daily Manna for 19 March 2025

Daily Manna for 6 March 2025

Bible Verse and Prayer for Today

With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early: for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.
Isaiah 26:9


Lord . Please Help us to seek you 24 Hours a Day , In the Night and in the Day . In Prayer and Worship . Lord one day You will not be Available to seek anymore . Lord we Need you every second of the Day . for one day we will All stand infront of the Great White Throne Judgement when we did not Find you , This we Pray in Jesus Name , Amen and Amen

Bybel Vers en Gebed vir Vandag

Met my siel het ek U begeer in die nag; ja, met my gees in my sal ek U vroeg soek, want as u oordele op die aarde is, sal die bewoners van die wêreld geregtigheid leer.
Jesaja 26:9


Here. Help ons asseblief om u 24 uur per dag en in die nag te soek. In Gebed en Aanbidding. Here eendag sal U nie meer Beskikbaar wees om te soek nie. Here ons het U nodig elke sekonde van die Dag. vir eendag sal ons Almal voor die Groot Wit Troon Oordeel staan ​​toe ons U nie gevind het nie, dit bid ons in Jesus Naam, Amen en Amen

Bible Teaching of the Day

Are Christians guilty of bigotry?

Attitudes like intolerance, prejudice, and hatred of other people are commonly mentioned in dictionary definitions of bigotry. These attitudes are often expressed through offenses like racism, discrimination, and slander. Critics of Christianity sometimes accuse Christians of having such derogatory attitudes. However, the gospel of Jesus Christ demonstrates that, although individual Christians may fall short of the moral standards they champion, Christianity itself isn’t bigoted. The gospel emphasizes the equality of all people regarding sin and salvation and basic human worth.

The gospel that Jesus proclaimed and commissioned His followers to communicate to the world is built on the fact that all people are born sinners, regardless of their race, gender, social standing, religious or family background, or moral virtue (Romans 3:23; 1 John 1:8). The Bible’s teaching about the sinfulness of all people implies that no class of people is inherently superior to another.

While the bad news is that all individuals are guilty of sin, the good news of the gospel is that Jesus’ death on the cross paid the penalty for all people’s sin, regardless of their race, gender, social status, or any other identity marker. Jesus sacrificed His life because He “loved the world” (John 3:16), and the invitation to accept His sacrifice extends to “all nations” (Matthew 28:19–20). The inclusive invitation of the gospel and the indiscriminate way Jesus instructed Christians to present it debunk accusations that the Christian faith is prejudiced.

Jesus reminded the people of His day that “my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations” (Mark 11:17; cf. Isaiah 56:7). Peter sometimes struggled with a type of bigotry (see Galatians 2:11–14), but in doing so he was “not acting in line with the truth of the gospel” (Galatians 2:14). Peter himself taught that “God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right” (Acts 10:34–35).

The unbigoted nature of the gospel is seen in the diverse makeup of people in the New Testament who embraced it and decided to follow Jesus. For instance, people from many different religious and ethnic backgrounds believed the gospel. Paul was a Jew, and Cornelius was a Gentile (Acts 9:1–9; 10:1–6). People from different countries embraced the gospel, including an official from Ethiopia (Acts 8:26–40) and a governor from Cyprus (Acts 13:6–12). Moreover, a widely diverse congregation were part of the beginning of the church. The multiethnic gathering on Pentecost came from three continents: Parthians from Asia, Libyans from Africa, and Cretans from Europe (Acts 2:9–11).

Further combatting accusations of Christian bigotry is the fact that the Bible marks people of different social classes and education levels who believed the gospel, from blind beggars (Mark 10:46–52) to the affluent Joseph of Arimathea (Matthew 27:57). People from various professions were saved, as well, from humble fishermen like Peter (Matthew 4:18–22) to prominent legal magistrates like Nicodemus (John 3:1–21; 19:39–42). People with various relationship experiences also embraced the gospel, like those who had several spouses (John 4:1–42), those guilty of adultery (John 8:1–11), and those who experienced same-sex attraction (1 Corinthians 6:9–11).

Despite these facts, critics sometimes depict followers of Jesus as impassioned zealots who hate and fear people different from them. This stereotype, common in secular culture, is false. It’s often built upon cherry-picked anecdotes, like those stemming from Westboro Baptist Church. Typecasting all Christians in this manner exposes the ignorance of mockers and scoffers, as most believers find such behavior repulsive and inaccurately represents Jesus and the gospel message.

When critics accuse all Christians of bigotry based on the unfortunate example of isolated individuals or groups, they commit an error in reasoning called the fallacy of composition. This fallacy involves incorrectly attributing the characteristics of a few to the many. For example, Westboro Baptist Church has fewer than 70 members, while historic Christianity consists of 2.4 billion people worldwide. Moreover, the 51-million-member World Baptist Alliance and the 13-million-member Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant group in the United States, have condemned the tactics of Westboro Baptist Church.

Sadly, individual Christians have been guilty of bigotry at times, tarnishing the truth that God made all people in His image (Genesis 1:26–28). Followers of Jesus who are guilty of such sins should confess them, ask God’s forgiveness, and cease all prejudiced behavior as evidence of genuine repentance.

Although some Christians may be guilty of bigotry on occasion, Christianity isn’t bigoted. Rather, it centers on the gospel, which invites all people to repent and believe the good news of Jesus Christ (Mark 1:15). In Revelation, John describes the diversity in heaven, proving that the gospel isn’t inherently bigoted: “After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands” (Revelation 7:9).

Bybel Lering vir die Dag

Is Christene skuldig aan dwepery?

Houdings soos onverdraagsaamheid, vooroordeel en haat teenoor ander mense word algemeen genoem in woordeboekdefinisies van dwepery. Hierdie houdings word dikwels uitgedruk deur oortredings soos rassisme, diskriminasie en laster. Kritici van Christenskap beskuldig Christene soms daarvan dat hulle sulke neerhalende houdings het. Die evangelie van Jesus Christus demonstreer egter dat, hoewel individuele Christene dalk tekort skiet aan die morele standaarde wat hulle voorstaan, die Christendom self nie grootmoedig is nie. Die evangelie beklemtoon die gelykheid van alle mense ten opsigte van sonde en verlossing en basiese menslike waarde.

Die evangelie wat Jesus verkondig het en sy volgelinge opdrag gegee het om aan die wêreld te kommunikeer, is gebou op die feit dat alle mense as sondaars gebore is, ongeag hul ras, geslag, sosiale stand, godsdienstige of gesinsagtergrond, of morele deug (Romeine 3:23; 1 Johannes 1:8). Die Bybel se lering oor die sondigheid van alle mense impliseer dat geen klas mense inherent beter is as ‘n ander nie.

Terwyl die slegte nuus is dat alle individue skuldig is aan sonde, is die goeie nuus van die evangelie dat Jesus se dood aan die kruis die straf vir alle mense se sonde betaal het, ongeag hul ras, geslag, sosiale status of enige ander identiteitsmerker. Jesus het Sy lewe opgeoffer omdat Hy “die wêreld liefgehad het” (Johannes 3:16), en die uitnodiging om Sy offer te aanvaar, strek tot “alle nasies” (Matteus 28:19–20). Die inklusiewe uitnodiging van die evangelie en die onoordeelkundige manier waarop Jesus Christene opdrag gegee het om dit aan te bied, ontken beskuldigings dat die Christelike geloof benadeel is.

Jesus het die mense aan Sy dag herinner dat “my huis ‘n huis van gebed vir al die nasies genoem sal word” (Mark. 11:17; vgl. Jesaja 56:7). Petrus het soms gesukkel met ‘n tipe dwepery (sien Galasiërs 2:11–14), maar sodoende het hy “nie in ooreenstemming met die waarheid van die evangelie opgetree nie” (Galasiërs 2:14). Petrus het self geleer dat “God nie begunstiging toon nie, maar van elke nasie die een aanneem wat Hom vrees en doen wat reg is” (Handelinge 10:34–35).

Die onverbiddelike aard van die evangelie word gesien in die uiteenlopende samestelling van mense in die Nuwe Testament wat dit aangeneem het en besluit het om Jesus te volg. Byvoorbeeld, mense van baie verskillende godsdienstige en etniese agtergronde het die evangelie geglo. Paulus was ‘n Jood, en Cornelius was ‘n heiden (Handelinge 9:1–9; 10:1–6). Mense van verskillende lande het die evangelie aangeneem, insluitend ‘n amptenaar van Ethiopië (Hand 8:26–40) en ‘n goewerneur van Ciprus (Hand 13:6–12). Boonop was ‘n wyd uiteenlopende gemeente deel van die begin van die kerk. Die multi-etniese byeenkoms op Pinkster het van drie vastelande gekom: Partiërs uit Asië, Libiërs uit Afrika en Kretensers uit Europa (Hand 2:9–11).

Verdere bekamping van beskuldigings van Christelike dwepery is die feit dat die Bybel mense van verskillende sosiale klasse en opvoedingsvlakke aandui wat die evangelie geglo het, van blinde bedelaars (Mark 10:46–52) tot die welgestelde Josef van Arimatea (Matteus 27:57). Mense van verskeie beroepe is ook gered, van nederige vissermanne soos Petrus (Matteus 4:18–22) tot prominente regsmagistrate soos Nikodemus (Johannes 3:1–21; 19:39–42). Mense met verskeie verhoudingservarings het ook die evangelie aangeneem, soos diegene wat verskeie huweliksmaats gehad het (Johannes 4:1–42), diegene wat skuldig is aan egbreuk (Johannes 8:1–11), en diegene wat dieselfdegeslag-aangetrokkenheid ervaar het (1 Korintiërs 6:9–11).

Ten spyte van hierdie feite, beeld kritici soms volgelinge van Jesus uit as passievolle yweraars wat mense anders as hulle haat en vrees. Hierdie stereotipe, algemeen in sekulêre kultuur, is vals. Dit is dikwels gebou op kersie-geplukte staaltjies, soos dié wat uit die Westboro Baptist Church spruit. Om alle Christene op hierdie manier te tik, ontbloot die onkunde van spotters en spotters, aangesien die meeste gelowiges sulke gedrag afstootlik vind en Jesus en die evangelieboodskap onakkuraat verteenwoordig.

Wanneer kritici alle Christene van dwepery beskuldig op grond van die ongelukkige voorbeeld van geïsoleerde individue of groepe, begaan hulle ‘n redenasiefout wat die dwaling van samestelling genoem word. Hierdie dwaling behels dat die kenmerke van ‘n paar verkeerdelik aan die baie toegeskryf word. Westboro Baptist Church het byvoorbeeld minder as 70 lede, terwyl die historiese Christendom wêreldwyd uit 2,4 miljard mense bestaan. Boonop het die 51-miljoen lede World Baptist Alliance en die 13-miljoen lede Southern Baptist Convention, die grootste Protestantse groep in die Verenigde State, die taktiek van Westboro Baptist Church veroordeel.

Ongelukkig het individuele Christene hulle soms skuldig gemaak aan dwepery, wat die waarheid aantas dat God alle mense na Sy beeld gemaak het (Genesis 1:26–28). Volgelinge van Jesus wat aan sulke sondes skuldig is, moet dit bely, God se vergifnis vra en alle bevooroordeelde gedrag staak as bewys van opregte bekering.

Alhoewel sommige Christene hulle soms aan dwepery skuldig kan maak, is Christenskap nie grootmoedig nie. Dit fokus eerder op die evangelie, wat alle mense uitnooi om te bekeer en die goeie nuus van Jesus Christus te glo (Mark 1:15). In Openbaring beskryf Johannes die diversiteit in die hemel, wat bewys dat die evangelie nie inherent groot is nie: “Hierna het ek gesien, en kyk, daar was ‘n groot menigte wat niemand kon tel nie, uit elke nasie, uit alle stamme en volke en tale, wat voor die troon en voor die Lam staan, bekleed met wit mantels in hul hande, met palmtake” (Openbaring 9).

Today’s Devotional


Attending church one Sunday morning, the assembly sang a well-known song that states that there is nothing that God cannot do. Though this is true within the context of Jeremiah 32: 17 which states that there is nothing too hard or too difficult for the Lord to do, I would like to point out a few things God cannot do.

Firstly, we need to know that God cannot change. In Malachi 3:6 the Lord Himself said, “For I am the LORD, I change not.”  This is further emphasized in James 1:17 which states, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” (NIV translation) Just like Jesus Christ who is God the Father incarnated is the same yesterday, today, and forever, God remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. (See Hebrews 13:8)

God cannot lie. We read in Numbers 23:19 that God is not a man, that he should lie. This is further emphasized in Titus 1:2 and Hebrews 6:18.

God cannot sin for He is a Holy God. In 1 Peter 1:16 we read, “Be holy; for I am holy.” This scripture refers to Leviticus 11:44 – 45. Once again, just like Jesus cannot sin, so His Father cannot sin. (See 1 Peter 2:22 and 1 John 3:5)

God cannot stop caring for His children. In Psalm 51:17 we see that God will not despise a broken and contrite heart. Further evidence of this can be found in Psalm 34:18 which states, “The LORD is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” (NIV)

God cannot stop loving us. In Jeremiah 31:3 the Lord said, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” Also take a look at Romans 8:38-39 which reads, “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  (NIV)

The last thing God cannot do nearly drove me to tears. Oh, how many souls will be lost for God cannot allow entry into heaven for the unrepented or unsaved? Sad as it may be, heavens gates will remain shut to those who ignored God’s word, rejected God’s love, and ignored God’s call. Jesus said, “Verily, verily [truly, truly], I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God…. Verily, verily [truly, truly], I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” (John 3; 3-5) But thank God, there is hope for us for while we were still sinners, Jesus Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8) Therefor, let those who have not made Jesus Christ their Lord and Saviour, repent, confess with their mouths that Jesus Christ and believe that God raised him from the dead, so they too may be saved.

Vandag se Bemoediging


Toe die gemeente een Sondagoggend kerk bygewoon het, het die gemeente ‘n bekende lied gesing wat sê dat daar niks is wat God nie kan doen nie. Alhoewel dit waar is binne die konteks van Jeremia 32:17 wat sê dat daar niks te moeilik of te moeilik vir die Here is om te doen nie, wil ek graag ‘n paar dinge uitwys wat God nie kan doen nie.

Eerstens moet ons weet dat God nie kan verander nie. In Maleagi 3:6 het die Here self gesê: “Want Ek is die HERE, Ek verander nie.” Dit word verder beklemtoon in Jakobus 1:17 wat sê: “Elke goeie en volmaakte gawe daal van bo af neer van die Vader van die hemelse ligte, wat nie soos wisselende skaduwees verander nie.” (NIV vertaling) Net soos Jesus Christus wat God die Vader is wat geïnkarneer is gister, vandag en vir altyd dieselfde is, bly God gister, vandag en vir altyd dieselfde. (Sien Hebreërs 13:8)

God kan nie lieg nie. Ons lees in Numeri 23:19 dat God nie ‘n man is dat Hy sou lieg nie. Dit word verder beklemtoon in Titus 1:2 en Hebreërs 6:18.

God kan nie sondig nie want Hy is ‘n Heilige God. In 1 Petrus 1:16 lees ons: “Wees heilig, want Ek is heilig.” Hierdie skrif verwys na Levitikus 11:44 – 45. Weereens, net soos Jesus nie kan sondig nie, so kan Sy Vader ook nie sondig nie. (Sien 1 Petrus 2:22 en 1 Johannes 3:5)

God kan nie ophou om vir Sy kinders om te gee nie. In Psalm 51:17 sien ons dat God nie ‘n gebroke en berouvolle hart sal verag nie. Verdere bewyse hiervan kan gevind word in Psalm 34:18 wat sê: “Die HERE is naby die wat gebroke is van hart en verlos die wat verslae is van gees.” (NIV)

God kan nie ophou om ons lief te hê nie. In Jeremia 31:3 het die Here gesê: Ek het jou liefgehad met ‘n ewige liefde; Kyk ook na Romeine 8:38-39 wat lui: “Want ek is oortuig daarvan dat geen dood of lewe, geen engele of demone, of die hede of die toekoms, of enige kragte, geen hoogte of diepte of enigiets anders in die hele skepping, ons sal kan skei van die liefde van God wat in Christus Jesus, onse Here, is nie.” (NIV)

Die laaste ding wat God nie kan doen nie, het my amper tot trane gedryf. O, hoeveel siele sal verlore gaan want God kan nie die ingang in die hemel toelaat vir die onbekeerdes of ongereddes nie? Hoe hartseer dit ook al mag wees, sal hemelpoorte gesluit bly vir diegene wat God se woord geïgnoreer het, God se liefde verwerp en God se roeping geïgnoreer het. Jesus het gesê: “Voorwaar, voorwaar [voorwaar, voorwaar], Ek sê vir jou, as iemand nie weer gebore word nie, kan hy die koninkryk van God nie sien nie… Voorwaar, voorwaar [voorwaar, voorwaar], Ek sê vir jou, as iemand nie uit water en Gees gebore word nie, kan hy nie in die koninkryk van God ingaan nie.” (Johannes 3; 3-5) Maar dank God, daar is hoop vir ons want toe ons nog sondaars was, het Jesus Christus vir ons gesterf. (Romeine 5:8) Daarom, laat die wat Jesus Christus nie hulle Here en Verlosser gemaak het nie, bekeer, met hulle mond bely dat Jesus Christus is en glo dat God Hom uit die dode opgewek het, sodat hulle ook gered kan word.

TruLight Ministries Daily Entertainment

TruLight TV – A Journey of Forgiveness

Who’s your “Day 1”? A “Day 1” is a person who has been with you through the good, bad, and terrible. They “Bear with you and forgive just as the Lord forgave.” Think about that person in your life, and when things get tough, don’t just throw the relationship away. Forgive, learn, and move forward. and later come sing along with Josh & Ashley with Music that will move the soul. Enjoy today’s show and thanks for watching.

Today on TruLight Radio XM

TruLight Radio XM    24/7
GMT / UTC +2
00:15 Words to Live By Testimonies
01.15 Science Scripture and Salvation
02.15 Ground Works
04.00 Gospel Concert of the Day
05.00 The Daren Streblow Comedy Show
5:55 It is Today devotional
6:00 Gaither Homecoming Morning Show
7:15 Discover the Word
8.15 Destined for Victory
8:55 Science Scripture and Salvation
9:00 Holy Spirit Hour – Normally Sermons
10:15 Hope of the Heart
11:15 Unshackled
11.45 Words to Live By 
12:15 Truth for Life 
13:15 Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram
14:15 Focus on the Family
15:00 Kids Hour
16:00 In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley
16:30 Groundwork
17:15 Live in the Light
18:15 Renewing your Mind 
19:00 Gaither Homecoming Show
20:15 Growing Hope 
21:15 Adventures in Odyssey Radio Drama
21:45 Bible Reading
22:15 Nightsounds 
23.00  Good Old Country Gospel / Rhema Gospel Express




Endless Highway offers a blend of Southern Gospel, Bluegrass Gospel, Acapella, and Acoustic Music. Whether it be a time tested hymn of the church, a spirited acapella song, or a toe tapping bluegrass song, Endless Highway will offer something to please every concert attendee. Attendees are sure to enjoy a mix of live instrumentation, pure acapella music, and tracks accompanied by Endless Highway’s vocals. Endless Highway loves to have fun while ministering, but make no mistake, their goal is to exalt Christ, edify the church, and evangelize the lost.

Bible Prophecy in the News

Israel’s Defense Industry Gains Ground in Global Arms Market

Israel also remains a significant importer as well, ranking fifteenth globally and accounting for 1.9% of worldwide arms imports.

With Iron Dome interceptors streaking across the sky, Merkava tanks patrolling borders, and IAI drones circling overhead, Israel’s military technology has become increasingly visible on the global stage.

What’s less apparent is how the IDF’s weapons systems are reshaping the international arms trade.

According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute’s latest annual report, the United States remains the colossus of the industry, responsible for 43% of all arms exports worldwide.

France (9.6%), Russia (7.8%), Germany (5.6%), and Italy (4.8%) round out the top five on the list.

Despite the ongoing war in Gaza, Israel has quietly climbed to eighth place among the world’s arms exporters. Israel now accounts for 3.1% of global arms exports, edging out Spain, which holds 3% of the market.

Up from 2.4% in the previous reporting cycle, India remains Israel’s largest customer, taking 34% of its arms exports, followed by the US at 13% and Philippines at 8.1%.

Israel also remains a significant importer as well, ranking fifteenth globally and accounting for 1.9% of worldwide arms imports.

Germany counts Israel as its third-largest customer, with 11% of its arms exports heading to the Jewish state.

Meanwhile, European arms imports have skyrocketed by 155% due to Russia’s war against Ukraine.

Since 2022, Kyiv’s arms imports have increased by a staggering 9,627%, catapulting it to the position of the world’s largest arms importer with 8.8% of global purchases.

The US supplies 45% of Ukraine’s imported weapons, with Germany (12%) and Poland (11%) following behind.

Signs of the Times in the News

Season Of War About to Enter The Next Stage?

A new chapter of global conflict is unfolding, with the Middle East at its epicenter and the stakes higher than ever. Israel has reignited its offensive against Hamas with an intensity not seen in months, while the United States is hammering the Houthis in Yemen and signaling that Iran may be next.

The West Is Facing An Islamic Holy War

The Palestinian cause is being used as a wedge issue to weaponize Western antisemitism against Israel and the Jews, whose destruction is viewed as an essential front in the wider war against the West, Christianity and the entire non-Islamic world.

Polls Show Massive Shift Away From Transgender Political Agenda

In just the last three years, Americans of all viewpoints have experienced a significant shift against policies that promote transgender ideology. The sea change has taken place among Americans from every portion of the political spectrum — Republicans, Democrats, and Independents.

Gog and Magog Update

Israel just wiped out the whole Syrian army and chemical weapons in 48 hours. This is just one of many miracles, big and small, in this war and throughout our 76 years of existence as the third Jewish commonwealth. All this on top of the unbelievable leadership of Prime Minister Netanyahu through very tough years.


TruLight Ministry News

Learn more about TruLight Ministries ,

One of Our Flagship Ministries within TruLight Ministry is = Kidz Kingdom TV

Are you concerned about the content of the Kids programs your child watches on TV? Well, worry no more because Kingdom Kids is here to put your mind at ease. With a focus on Bible-based teachings, this platform offers a wide range of educational and entertaining content for your children. From captivating kids shows to music videos, story time radio dramas, fun animated movies, and even downloadable coloring pages through e-books, Kingdom Kids has it all. What’s even better is that their media library is constantly updated, so there’s always something new and exciting for your little ones to enjoy. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enrich your kids’ lives with Bible-based videos. Visit kingdomkidz.co.za today and give them access to a world of wholesome entertainment.


The TruLight eBook of the week – 

Living with Eternity on My Mind – Was Pastor Dirk’s 1st Book released in 2012 . Download for Free !


Lewe met die Ewigheid in my Gedagtes.

Ook beskikbaar in Afrikaans . Laai asb hieronder die eboek af !

Lewe met die Ewigheid in my Gedagtes – Pastoor Dirk FlemixDownload

Soon TruLight School of Theology  will start with Its daily Bible Study – Pastor Counselling Certificate – we are Starting with 36 Studies with 10 Studies per Topic from 1st of April 2025 – Over the Next 2 Years we will Include One Daily Study per Topic on this Platform. The Daily Manna Bible Study will be Available in English and Afrikaans!

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Published by TruLight Daily Manna