Bible Verse and Prayer for Today
Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance.
Matthew 3:8
Lord, Please Help us to Find the Holy Spirit and receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit . because with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit comes the Fruits of the Spirit , and these Fruits are the proof to Fruits of Repentance . We Pray this in Jesus name . Amen and Amen
Bybel Vers en Gebed vir Vandag
Dra dus vrugte wat geskik is vir bekering.
Matteus 3:8
Here, help ons asseblief om die Heilige Gees te vind en die Doop van die Heilige Gees te ontvang. want met die Doop van die Heilige Gees kom die Vrugte van die Gees, en hierdie Vrugte is die bewys van Vrugte van Bekering. Ons Bid dit in Jesus Naam. Amen en Amen

Bible Teaching of the Day
The characteristic of being selfless is one of the most important traits any Christian can have. It’s so significant that Jesus said it is the second most important of all God’s commandments: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31; cf. Galatians 5:14). Jesus wasn’t creating a new law here; He was merely agreeing with and expounding on an Old Testament law (Leviticus 19:18). James calls this the “royal” law to emphasize its supreme value to God (James 2:8).
Jesus had much to say about selflessness during His earthly ministry. In the Sermon on the Mount, He goes beyond what some may think of as selflessness—helping a friend, ministering to a spouse, caring for an ill child, etc. Jesus extends selflessness far beyond normal expectations—we are to love our enemies, even, and pray for our persecutors (Matthew 5:44). Jesus taught that it’s easy to love a friend or a spouse—even unbelievers do that (Matthew 5:47). The Christian is expected to love the unlovable, because this is how we become more like God, who gives blessings to everyone (Matthew 5:45). It’s a difficult thing to lay aside hurt feelings and wounded hearts, but that’s part of being selfless.
As in so many areas, Jesus is the ultimate example of selflessness. In coming into this world, “he made himself nothing” and took upon Himself “the very nature of a servant” (Philippians 2:7). Now, as followers of Christ, we are to “have the same mindset” (Philippians 2:5). Jesus came not for His own benefit but for ours. He came to minister to us and die for us: “Even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).
Humanly speaking, Jesus gave up His will for God’s will (Luke 22:42)—and this is another salient point: selflessness involves more than putting other people first; it is putting God first. As John the Baptist said concerning Jesus, “He must become greater; I must become less” (John 3:30). More of the Lord; less of us.
Selflessness is illustrated well in Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan, found in Luke 10:29–37. It’s a story about a man from Samaria who encounters a robbery victim. The Samaritan has compassion on this man, who had been stripped, beaten, and left for dead (Luke 10:30). The Samaritan immediately puts his own plans on hold and tends to the man’s wounds (Luke 10:34). Not only does the Samaritan give selflessly of his time and his sympathy, but he gives selflessly of his assets. The Samaritan places the wounded man on his own animal, takes the man to an inn, and takes care of him there (Luke 10:34–35). The next day, the Samaritan pays the innkeeper money enough for a few more days at the inn, with a promise to return and pay the balance of whatever was owed (Luke 10:35). Jesus’ story reveals the Samaritan to be selfless in numerous ways. He put the needs of others ahead of his own and went out of his way to shower benevolence on a battered stranger.
Selflessness runs counter to human nature, which is why being selfless is so much more difficult than being selfish. It’s natural to care about ourselves, and we are encouraged to think selfishly from all sides. However, the Christian must daily heed the words of the apostle Paul, “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2:20). No believer, young or old, can live a selfless life without a constant abiding in the Lord Jesus Christ, for it is only through Him that our attitudes can be changed and molded toward unselfish behaviors. If Christ indeed lives in our inner man and we keep in step with Him, we should find ourselves identifying with, rather than marveling at, the Good Samaritan.
Bybel Lering vir die Dag
Die kenmerk van onbaatsugtigheid is een van die belangrikste eienskappe wat enige Christen kan hê. Dit is so betekenisvol dat Jesus gesê het dit is die tweede belangrikste van al God se gebooie: “Jy moet jou naaste liefhê soos jouself” (Mark. 12:31; vgl. Galasiërs 5:14). Jesus het nie ‘n nuwe wet hier geskep nie; Hy het bloot saamgestem met en uiteengesit oor ‘n Ou-Testamentiese wet (Levitikus 19:18). Jakobus noem dit die “koninklike” wet om die hoogste waarde daarvan vir God te beklemtoon (Jakobus 2:8).
Jesus het baie te sê gehad oor onselfsugtigheid tydens Sy aardse bediening. In die Bergpredikasie gaan Hy verder as wat sommige as onselfsugtigheid mag dink – om ’n vriend te help, ’n huweliksmaat te bedien, vir ’n siek kind te sorg, ens. Jesus strek onbaatsugtigheid ver bo normale verwagtinge uit – ons moet selfs ons vyande liefhê en vir ons vervolgers bid (Matteus 5:44). Jesus het geleer dat dit maklik is om ‘n vriend of ‘n huweliksmaat lief te hê – selfs ongelowiges doen dit (Matteus 5:47). Daar word van die Christen verwag om die onbeminde lief te hê, want dit is hoe ons meer soos God word, wat seëninge aan almal gee (Matteus 5:45). Dit is ‘n moeilike ding om seer gevoelens en gewonde harte opsy te lê, maar dit is deel van onbaatsugtig wees.
Soos op soveel gebiede, is Jesus die uiteindelike voorbeeld van onbaatsugtigheid. Toe Hy in hierdie wêreld gekom het, het “Homself niks gemaak nie” en het “die aard van ‘n dienskneg” op Homself geneem (Filippense 2:7). Nou, as volgelinge van Christus, moet ons “dieselfde ingesteldheid hê” (Filippense 2:5). Jesus het nie gekom vir Sy eie voordeel nie, maar vir ons s’n. Hy het gekom om ons te bedien en vir ons te sterf: “Selfs die Seun van die mens het nie gekom om gedien te word nie, maar om te dien en sy lewe te gee as ’n losprys vir baie” (Mark 10:45).
Menslik gesproke het Jesus Sy wil vir God se wil prysgegee (Luk. 22:42) – en dit is nog ‘n belangrike punt: onbaatsugtigheid behels meer as om ander mense eerste te stel; dit is om God eerste te stel. Soos Johannes die Doper aangaande Jesus gesê het: “Hy moet groter word; Ek moet minder word” (Johannes 3:30). Meer van die Here; minder van ons.
Onbaatsugtigheid word goed geïllustreer in Jesus se gelykenis van die barmhartige Samaritaan, gevind in Lukas 10:29–37. Dit is ‘n storie oor ‘n man van Samaria wat ‘n roofslagoffer teëkom. Die Samaritaan het medelye met hierdie man, wat gestroop, geslaan en vir dood agtergelaat is (Luk. 10:30). Die Samaritaan sit dadelik sy eie planne in die wiele en versorg die man se wonde (Luk. 10:34). Nie net gee die Samaritaan onbaatsugtig van sy tyd en sy simpatie nie, maar hy gee onbaatsugtig van sy bates. Die Samaritaan plaas die gewonde man op sy eie dier, neem die man na ‘n herberg en versorg hom daar (Luk. 10:34–35). Die volgende dag betaal die Samaritaan die herbergier geld genoeg vir nog ‘n paar dae by die herberg, met ‘n belofte om terug te keer en die balans te betaal van wat ook al verskuldig was (Luk. 10:35). Jesus se verhaal openbaar dat die Samaritaan op talle maniere onselfsugtig is. Hy het die behoeftes van ander voor sy eie gestel en uit sy pad gegaan om welwillendheid op ‘n mishandelde vreemdeling te stort.
Onbaatsugtigheid is in stryd met die menslike natuur, en daarom is dit soveel moeiliker om onbaatsugtig te wees as om selfsugtig te wees. Dit is natuurlik om vir onsself om te gee, en ons word aangemoedig om selfsugtig van alle kante af te dink. Die Christen moet egter daagliks ag slaan op die woorde van die apostel Paulus, “Ek is saam met Christus gekruisig. Dit is nie meer ek wat leef nie, maar Christus wat in my lewe. En die lewe wat ek nou in die vlees lewe, leef ek deur die geloof in die Seun van God wat my liefgehad het en Homself vir my oorgegee het” (Galasiërs 2:20). Geen gelowige, jonk of oud, kan ‘n onselfsugtige lewe lei sonder om voortdurend in die Here Jesus Christus te bly nie, want dit is slegs deur Hom dat ons gesindhede verander en gevorm kan word na onselfsugtige gedrag. As Christus inderdaad in ons innerlike mens leef en ons in pas met Hom bly, behoort ons te vind dat ons met die barmhartige Samaritaan identifiseer, eerder as om ons te verwonder.

Today’s Devotional
Jesus said, “Do not be afraid; only believe.” (Mark 5:36)
In Recent years, a substantial number of studies has been done to prove the Bible or Biblical events as true or correct. And though some overwhelming and often significant evidence were found, our search for physical prove raises some red flags for me.
Sadly, our continued efforts to find prove or provide evidence of the trueness, correctness, or validity of the Word only emphasize the lack of faith we have in the Word, and ultimately in God.
But what does the Word say?
Firstly, we need to take cognizance of Hebrews 11:6 which clearly states that it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.
Furthermore, our faith should be in the Son of God and not in proof or evidence provided. John 3:36 reads, “He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”
It is also of utmost importance not just to say or confess that we believe, but our confession should emphasize that our faith is in Jesus Christ and the finished work of the cross. This is evident from Romans 10:9 which states that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
We should also have unwavering (doubtless) faith like Abraham. In Romans 4:20 – 21 we read that Abraham did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.
Do we need proof or evidence as to the existence of God or do we really need to be reassured by discoveries or studies that the Word is true? NO, not at all, all we need is to believe or to have faith.
Paul Rader once wrote a song called “Only believe.” The lyric to the chorus reads, “Only believe, only believe; All things are possible, only believe.”
In conclusion, let us sing, “Lord I believe, Lord I believe; All things are possible, Lord I believe.”
Vandag se Bemoediging
Jesus het gesê: “Moenie bang wees nie; glo net.” (Markus 5:36)
In die laaste ruk is ‘n aansienlike aantal studies gedoen om die Bybel of Bybelse gebeure as waar of korrek te bewys. Terwyl talle ongelooflike en dikwels betekenisvolle bewyse gevind is, dui ons soeke na fisiese bewyse op ‘n paar rooi vlae.
Ongelukkig dui ons volgehoue soeke om bewyse te vind dat God bestaan of bewyse te verskaf dat die Woord waar, korrek of geldig is, ons gebrek aan geloof in die Woord en uiteindelik in God uit.
Maar wat sê die Woord?
Eerstens moet ons kennis neem van Hebreërs 11:6 wat dit duidelik stel dat dit onmoontlik om God te behaag; want hy wat tot God gaan, moet glo dat Hy is en ‘n beloner is van die wat Hom soek. Verder moet ons geloof in die Seun van God gesetel wees en nie in bewyse van Sy bestaan nie. Johannes 3:36 sê: “Hy wat in die Seun glo, het die ewige lewe; maar hy wat die Seun ongehoorsaam is, sal die lewe nie sien nie, maar die toorn van God bly op hom.”
Dit is ook van uiterste belang om nie net te sê of te bely dat ons glo nie, maar ons belydenis moet beklemtoon dat ons geloof in Jesus Christus en die voltooide werk van die kruis is. Dit blyk uit Romeine 10:9 wat sê As jy met jou mond die Here Jesus bely en met jou hart glo dat God Hom uit die dode opgewek het, sal jy gered word.
Ons behoort ook onwrikbare geloof te hê soos Abraham. In Romeine 4:20 – 21 lees ons dat Abraham nie deur ongeloof aan die belofte van God getwyfel nie, maar hy is versterk deur die geloof en het aan God die eer gegee en was ten volle oortuig dat Hy ook die mag het om te doen wat Hy beloof het.
Het ons bewyse nodig van die bestaan van God of wil ons deur ontdekkings of studies gerusgestel word dat die Woord waar is? NEE, glad nie, al wat ons nodig het is om te geloof te hê of om te glo.
Paul Rader het ‘n liedjie geskryf genaamd “Only believe.” Die lirieke van die refrein lui: “Only believe, only believe; All things are possible, only believe.”
Ten slotte, laat ons sing: “Lord I believe, Lord I believe; All things are possible, Lord I believe.”

TruLight Ministries Daily Entertainment
TruLight TV – Constructing the perfect home
Carrying burdens by yourself is hard, sometimes seemingly impossible work. Where do you turn when you’re tired of doing life on your own? What if you were never really alone? This video inspires you to realize who walks with you every day. and later a Nature Documentary in title (Animals building skills) – Everyone needs a place to live, but some aren’t happy with the great outdoors, they look for some home comforts – they use extraordinary specialist building skills to construct the perfect home. Homes have many uses. They can prove a bolthole to escape predators, a safe nursery in which to raise young, a food store and a shelter from bad weather. Animals of many shapes and sizes build their own homes. Perhaps the biggest construction projects are those undertaken by ants. Hundreds of thousands work together to construct their home. the point of this Nature Documentary is based on the Bible Verse in Psalm 91;1 – The Heavens Declare the Glory of God; The Skies Proclaim the Work of His Hands. Enjoy and thanks for watching.
Today on TruLight Radio XM
TruLight Radio XM 24/7
GMT / UTC +2
00:15 Words to Live By Testimonies
01.15 Science Scripture and Salvation
02.15 Ground Works
04.00 Gospel Concert of the Day
05.00 The Daren Streblow Comedy Show
5:55 It is Today devotional
6:00 Gaither Homecoming Morning Show
7:15 Discover the Word
8.15 Destined for Victory
8:55 Science Scripture and Salvation
9:00 Holy Spirit Hour – Normally Sermons
10:15 Hope of the Heart
11:15 Unshackled
11.45 Words to Live By
12:15 Truth for Life
13:15 Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram
14:15 Focus on the Family
15:00 Kids Hour
16:00 In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley
16:30 Groundwork
17:15 Live in the Light
18:15 Renewing your Mind
19:00 Gaither Homecoming Show
20:15 Growing Hope
21:15 Adventures in Odyssey Radio Drama
21:45 Bible Reading
22:15 Nightsounds
23.00 Good Old Country Gospel / Rhema Gospel Express

Bible Prophecy in the News
” Trump’s Middle East Riviera “

Today, Arab leaders adopted an Egyptian reconstruction plan for Gaza, a $53 billion initiative that avoids resettling Palestinians—marking a sharp contrast to U.S. President Donald Trump’s vision for a “Middle East Riviera.” Israel has firmly rejected this alternative, warning that it ignores Hamas’s role and fails to address long-term security concerns.
Sadly, this plan does not provide a real solution to the crisis—it leaves Israel in a dangerous position for the long term. By failing to address long-term security concerns, this plan risks prolonging instability and conflict in the region. As uncertainty grows, emergency response teams like Zaka Tel-Aviv are needed more than ever.

Signs of the Times in the News
” The Next Blood Moon ”

The Next Blood Moon – Astronomers predict that a total lunar eclipse will coincide with the first day of Purim, lasting for 65 minutes. The eclipse will be visible over North and South America, rising over Australia and northeast Asia and setting over Africa and Europe.
The festival of Purim will begin on Thursday evening, March 13, and last until Shabbat begins on the evening of March 14. In Jerusalem, where Shushan Purim is celebrated, the festival takes place the following day, starting Saturday evening, March 14, and ending on Sunday evening, March 15.
A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is between the sun and the moon, and the moon passes through the Earth’s shadow. In this case, the Earth’s shadow will block out 97% of the moon’s surface. This eclipse will be a “blood moon,” resulting from atmospheric conditions that give the moon a reddish tint rather than black when it moves into the shadow. The red color comes from some of the sunlight passing through Earth’s atmosphere, where it gets bent, and colors like blue or green are filtered out, leaving behind longer wavelengths like red.
At Blood Moons over Israel , something always Happen to Israels themselves or Israels Friends or Enemy !!
Gog and Magog Update.
SURPRISE: Trump Invites Unlikely Mediator to Broker US Nuclear Talks with Iran
The Eagle Wings Request Gog to arrange Meeting with Magog ?? Daniel 11 Prophecy
Russian President Vladimir Putin has agreed to aid the Trump administration in bringing Tehran to the negotiating table on a number of key issues, including Iran’s nuclear aspirations, according to a Bloomberg report on Tuesday.
President Donald Trump reportedly requested that his Russian counterpart help facilitate talks between the U.S. and Iran, acting as an intermediary between the two countries.
Trump is said to have proposed the arrangement during a call with Putin last month, while senior American officials reportedly raised the idea with Russian leaders in Saudi Arabia days after Trump’s call to Putin.


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