Bible Verse and Prayer for Today
The way of the LORD is strength to the upright: but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity.
Proverbs 10:29
Lord Please Help us not to be workers of Iniguity , but assist us in becoming Upright Children of God . For then Lord we will be Strong in the spirit , We Pray this in Jesus name , Amen and Amen
Bybel Vers en Gebed vir Vandag
Die weg van die HERE is ‘n sterkte vir die opregtes, maar vir die werkers van ongeregtigheid is die verderf.
Spreuke 10:29
Here Help ons asseblief om nie werkers van onregverdigheid te wees nie, maar help ons om Opregte Kinders van God te word. Want dan Here sal ons Sterk in die gees wees, Ons Bid dit in Jesus Naam, Amen en Amen

Bible Teaching of the Day
To sanctify means to set apart as holy, which is what happens to sinners who are saved from sin by the grace of God through the gift of faith (Ephesians 2:8–9). The three “phases” of salvation are positional sanctification, progressive sanctification, and final sanctification. At the moment of salvation, we are sanctified or set apart positionally; that is, we are saved from the ultimate penalty of sin. Then begins progressive sanctification, the process whereby we are saved from the practice and power of sin. And after this physical life is over, we will be sanctified finally; that is, we will be saved from the presence of sin.
Positional sanctification is a one-time act of the Holy Spirit on the hearts of unbelievers whom He has chosen for salvation from sin. At the moment of salvation, believers understand and acknowledge their sinful state, their inability to save themselves through any works of their own, their need of a savior, their acceptance of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross as sin’s payment, and their faith in Jesus’ resurrection. At that moment, believers are brought out of darkness into the light. Our position before God has been changed forever. No longer dead in trespasses, we are made alive together with Christ (Ephesians 2:5). Our position changes in that we are made citizens of a whole new kingdom: “He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves” (Colossians 1:13).
Positional sanctification also changes our position as sinners deserving of God’s wrath to the position of beloved children of the Father and perfect in His eyes. Our new position means we are part of the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27); God’s special possession (1 Peter 2:9); new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17); dead to sin (Romans 6:2); and possessors of the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4). Because salvation is an act of the Spirit, the believer’s new position cannot change, be lost, or be given back. We cannot “un-save” ourselves, nor can we alter our position before God through any of our works or the lack thereof. We are kept in the position of beloved for the rest of our lives and throughout eternity. Positional sanctification is the work of God whereby He sets us apart and considers us holy in His eyes: “God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:6). Positional sanctification is not dependent on our feelings or whims; it is a fact of salvation, even though our actions on earth do not always align with our position in heaven.
Positional sanctification inevitably leads to progressive sanctification, with good works as the inevitable result. Those who are born again will naturally begin to act according to their new nature in Christ, and the result will be increasing holiness in personal living (1 Peter 1:15–16). The positionally sanctified will be progressively sanctified by the same Holy Spirit who regenerated us in the first place. The works that God has foreordained for us will be accomplished through His power (Ephesians 2:10).
Once we have been positionally sanctified, the process of progressive sanctification begins. Progressive sanctification is the lifelong process of becoming more Christian as we cooperate with the Holy Spirit and yield to His control (Romans 8:29; 2 Corinthians 3:18). Once we are positionally sanctified, the Holy Spirit uses the Word of God to progressively sanctify us (John 17:17) so that in the end our practical holiness aligns with our positional holiness when we see Christ face to face in glory (1 John 3:2).
Bybel Lering vir die Dag
Om te heilig beteken om as heilig afgesonder te word, wat gebeur met sondaars wat deur die genade van God deur die gawe van geloof van sonde gered word (Efesiërs 2:8–9). Die drie “fases” van verlossing is posisionele heiligmaking, progressiewe heiligmaking en finale heiligmaking. Op die oomblik van verlossing word ons geheilig of posisioneel afgesonder; dit wil sê, ons word gered van die uiteindelike straf van sonde. Dan begin progressiewe heiligmaking, die proses waardeur ons gered word van die praktyk en mag van sonde. En nadat hierdie fisiese lewe verby is, sal ons finaal geheilig word; dit wil sê, ons sal gered word van die teenwoordigheid van sonde.
Posisionele heiligmaking is ‘n eenmalige daad van die Heilige Gees in die harte van ongelowiges wat Hy gekies het vir verlossing van sonde. Op die oomblik van redding verstaan en erken gelowiges hul sondige toestand, hul onvermoë om hulself te red deur enige werke van hul eie, hul behoefte aan ‘n verlosser, hul aanvaarding van die offer van Christus aan die kruis as sonde se betaling, en hul geloof in Jesus se opstanding. Op daardie oomblik word gelowiges uit die duisternis na die lig gebring. Ons posisie voor God is vir altyd verander. Ons is nie meer dood deur die misdade nie, ons word saam met Christus lewend gemaak (Efesiërs 2:5). Ons posisie verander deurdat ons burgers van ’n hele nuwe koninkryk gemaak word: “Hy het ons uit die heerskappy van die duisternis gered en ons ingebring in die koninkryk van die Seun wat Hy liefhet” (Kolossense 1:13).
Posisionele heiligmaking verander ook ons posisie as sondaars wat God se toorn verdien na die posisie van geliefde kinders van die Vader en volmaak in Sy oë. Ons nuwe posisie beteken ons is deel van die liggaam van Christus (1 Korintiërs 12:27); God se spesiale besitting (1 Petrus 2:9); nuwe skeppings (2 Korintiërs 5:17); dood vir die sonde (Romeine 6:2); en besitters van die goddelike natuur (2 Petrus 1:4). Omdat redding ‘n daad van die Gees is, kan die gelowige se nuwe posisie nie verander, verlore gaan of teruggegee word nie. Ons kan nie onsself “on-red” nie, en ons kan ook nie ons posisie voor God verander deur enige van ons werke of die gebrek daaraan nie. Ons word vir die res van ons lewens en deur die ewigheid in die posisie van geliefdes gehou. Posisionele heiligmaking is die werk van God waardeur Hy ons afsonder en heilig in sy oë ag: “God het ons saam met Christus opgewek en ons saam met Hom laat sit in die hemele in Christus Jesus” (Efesiërs 2:6). Posisionele heiligmaking is nie afhanklik van ons gevoelens of grille nie; dit is ‘n feit van verlossing, al strook ons optrede op aarde nie altyd met ons posisie in die hemel nie.
Posisionele heiligmaking lei onvermydelik tot progressiewe heiligmaking, met goeie werke as die onvermydelike gevolg. Diegene wat wedergebore is, sal natuurlik begin optree volgens hulle nuwe natuur in Christus, en die resultaat sal toenemende heiligheid in persoonlike lewe wees (1 Petrus 1:15–16). Die posisioneel geheiligdes sal progressief geheilig word deur dieselfde Heilige Gees wat ons in die eerste plek wederbaar het. Die werke wat God vir ons vooraf bestem het, sal deur sy krag tot stand gebring word (Efesiërs 2:10).
Sodra ons posisioneel geheilig is, begin die proses van progressiewe heiligmaking. Progressiewe heiligmaking is die lewenslange proses om meer soos Christus te word soos ons met die Heilige Gees saamwerk en aan Sy beheer oorgee (Romeine 8:29; 2 Korinthiërs 3:18). Sodra ons posisioneel geheilig is, gebruik die Heilige Gees die Woord van God om ons progressief te heilig (Joh. 17:17) sodat ons praktiese heiligheid uiteindelik in lyn is met ons posisionele heiligheid wanneer ons Christus van aangesig tot aangesig in heerlikheid sien (1 Johannes 3:2).

Today’s Devotional
Last night someone sent me Psalm 34:16. It reads: “The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, and his ears are open to their cry for help.” My first thought was that it was confirmation of the Word I wanted to bring. I then did the children’s message first and then the weekly Pastor’s message after which, as is customary, I went to bed around eleven o’clock. When the alarm clock rang at one o’clock, I woke up to the words “you have been weighed in the balances and found wanting” that God had written on Belshazzar’s wall. (See Daniel 5:27)
The Lord then revealed the following to me. Often our cries for help are not heard, simply because we have been weighed and found wanting. Often our prayers are not heard or answered, simply because we have not been justified. So, what is justification and how do we obtain it? No one is born righteous, but we can obtain justification by being born again. Justification comes through Jesus Christ and more so through the blood that Jesus shed on Calvary. It is through confession of sin, acceptance of Jesus Christ and regeneration that we receive the gift of justification. And, since the believer has entered into a blood covenant with God through Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit now brings to completion what Jesus began.
What is this justification? The righteous are called God’s own people in the Contemporary translation as well as the upright in the Basic English translation. (See Psalm 34:17 in both translations). The righteous are those who have become God’s own by accepting Jesus Christ and living a righteous life. But this can only be done or achieved by faith. In Hebrews 11:7 we see that Noah obtained or received righteousness from God by faith.
Justification comes from a deep relationship with Jesus Christ who became our righteousness by dying on the cross and the subsequent resurrection. And whether we like it or not, it also goes hand in hand with sanctification or living holy. A holy life is a life set apart and dedicated to the Lord. A saint lives a lifestyle that seeks God’s will, follows Christ, and continually resists the enemy, sin, and unrighteousness.
I believe that the righteous can best be summed up as someone who appreciates or enjoys his or her salvation. This is a person who is grateful for God’s loving grace, who continually desires to do God’s will or please God, while turning his or her back on sin and unrighteousness.
Can any person be perfectly righteous? No, not if you do it yourself or in your own strength. And yes, if you allow Jesus Christ to become righteousness in you, you can taste justification.
Let’s go back to Psalm 34:17. When we have become righteous through the blood of Christ and the working of God’s Holy Spirit in us, we will cry out and the Lord will hear. Then we will be delivered from difficulties and problems.
Vandag se Bemoediging
Gisteraand het iemand Psalm 34:16 aan my gestuur. Dit lees: “Die oë van die HERE is op die regverdiges, en sy ore tot hulle hulpgeroep.” My eerste gedagte was dat dit bevestiging was van die Woord wat ek wou bring. Ek het toe eers die kinderboodskap en daarna die weeklikse Pastore boodskap gedoen waarna ek, soos die gewoonte is, om elfuur so rukkie gaan lê het. Toe die wekker om eenuur lui, word ek wakker met die woorde “u is op die weegskaal geweeg en te lig bevind” wat God teen Bélsasar se muur geskryf het. (Sien Daniél 5:27)
Die Here openbaar toe die volgende aan my. Dikwels word ons hulpgeroep nie gehoor nie, bloot omdat ons geweeg en te lig gevind is. Dikwels word ons gebede nie verhoor of beantwoord nie, bloot omdat ons nie geregverdig is nie. So, wat is regverdigmaking en hoe verkry ons dit? Niemand word regverdig gebore nie, maar ons kan regverdigmaking verkry deur wedergebore. Regverdigmaking kom deur Jesus Christus en meer so deur die bloed wat Jesus op Golgota gestort het. Dit is deur die belydenis van sonde, aanvaarding van Jesus Christus en wedergeboorte dat ons die gawe van regverdigmaking ontvang. En, aangesien die gelowige ‘n bloedverbond met God aangegaan deur Jesus Christus, bring die Heilige Gees nou in vervulling dit wat Jesus begin het.
Wat is hierdie regverdigmaking? Die regverdiges word God se eie mense in die Contemporary translation asook die opregtes in die Basic English translation genoem. (Sien Psalm 34:17 in beide vertalings). Die regverdiges is diegene wat God se eie geword het deur Jesus Christus te aanvaar en ‘n opregte lewe leef. Maar dit kan net deur geloof gedoen of bereik word. In Hebreërs 11: 7 sien ons dat Noag die geregtigheid deur geloof bekom of van God ontvang het.
Regverdigmaking kom uit ‘n diep verhouding met Jesus Christus wat ons geregtigheid geword het deur aan die kruis te sterf en die daaropvolgende opstanding. En of ons daarvan hou of nie, dit gaan ook hand in hand met heiligmaking of om heilig te leef. ‘n Heilige lewe is ‘n lewe afgesonderd en toegewyd aan die Here. ‘n Heilige leef ‘n leefstyl wat God se wil soek, Christus volg en voortdurend die vyand, sonde en ongeregtigheid weerstaan.
Ek glo dat die regverdige die beste opgesom kan word as iemand wat sy of haar verlossing waardeer of geniet. Dit is ‘n persoon wat dankbaar is vir God se liefdevolle genade, wat voortdurend verlang om God se wil te doen of God te behaag, terwyl hy of sy die rug draai op sonde en ongeregtigheid.
Kan enige mens volkome regverdig wees? Nee, nie as jy dit self of in eie krag doen nie. En ja, as jy Jesus Christus toelaat om geregtigheid in jou te word kan jy regverdigmaking smaak.
Kom ons gaan terug na Psalm 34:17. Wanneer ons regverdig geword het deur die bloed van Christus en die inwerking van God se Heilige Gees in ons, sal ons huil en die Here sal hoor. Dan sal ons verlos word van moeilikhede en probleme.

TruLight Ministries Daily Entertainment
TruLight TV –God’s Stunning Creation – A Oceanic Oases
What is something you wish you never experienced? Watch today’s video to rethink your answer to this question and remember how in your lowest moments God strengthened and restored you. and later a Nature Documentary in title (Oceanic Oases) – Countless marine animals frolic on the steep slopes of underwater volcanoes. In many cases, several are rare species not found elsewhere. This is in part due to the fact that plankton clings to the wall and provides the fish with food in abundance. This documentary shows several of these oases and also examines the impact dive tourism has and whether preventive measures can help to maintain them. Thanks to consistent protective regulations, it has been possible to retain the underwater diversity – especially in the unique oases of the high seas. The point of this Nature Documentary is based on the Bible Verse in Psalm 91;1 – The Heavens Declare the Glory of God; The Skies Proclaim the Work of His Hands. Enjoy today’s show and thanks for watching.

Today on TruLight Radio XM
TruLight Radio XM 24/7
GMT / UTC +2
00:15 Words to Live By Testimonies
01.15 Science Scripture and Salvation
02.15 Ground Works
04.00 Gospel Concert of the Day
05.00 The Daren Streblow Comedy Show
5:55 It is Today devotional
6:00 Gaither Homecoming Morning Show
7:15 Discover the Word
8.15 Destined for Victory
8:55 Science Scripture and Salvation
9:00 Holy Spirit Hour – Normally Sermons
10:15 Hope of the Heart
11:15 Unshackled
11.45 Words to Live By
12:15 Truth for Life
13:15 Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram
14:15 Focus on the Family
15:00 Kids Hour
16:00 In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley
16:30 Groundwork
17:15 Live in the Light
18:15 Renewing your Mind
19:00 Gaither Homecoming Show
20:15 Growing Hope
21:15 Adventures in Odyssey Radio Drama
21:45 Bible Reading
22:15 Nightsounds
23.00 Good Old Country Gospel / Rhema Gospel Express

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