Bible Verse and Prayer for Today
Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.
Matthew 5:14
Lord , if we say that we have the Light of Jesus within us , but nobody can see us even on a Hill , then we are false and only Darkness shines from within . Lord Please Help us to Shine Bright for all to see , and let us bare the Fruit of the Spirit , Love , Joy , Peace ,longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness and temperance: We Pray this in Jesus name . Amen and Amen
Bybel Vers en Gebed vir Vandag
Julle is die lig van die wêreld. ‘n Stad wat op ‘n heuwel lê, kan nie weggesteek word nie.
Matteus 5:14
Here, as ons sê dat ons die Lig van Jesus binne-in ons het, maar niemand kan ons selfs op ‘n Heuwel sien nie, dan is ons vals en net Duisternis skyn van binne. Here Help ons asseblief om helder te skyn vir almal om te sien, en laat ons die vrug van die Gees, Liefde, Vreugde, Vrede, lankmoedigheid, sagmoedigheid, goedheid, geloof, Sagmoedigheid en selfbeheersing dra: Ons Bid dit in Jesus Naam. Amen en Amen

Bible Teaching of the Day
Hebrews 10:26 is in one of the warning passages found within the book of Hebrews and specifically deals with the issue of sinning willfully. Hebrews is often outlined based on the five warning passages it contains (Hebrews 2:1–4; 4:12–13; 6:4–8; 10:26–31; 12:25–29). Each of these warning passages speaks about one who apostatizes or turns from the gospel of Jesus Christ. Many believe Hebrews 10:26 is speaking of a continuation of sin, and it would seem, in the context of Hebrews, the author has in mind a specific sin; namely, turning away from Jesus in apostasy.
The warning is this: “If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God” (Hebrew 10:26–27).
Just before Hebrews 10:26, the author is admonishing the audience in a positive light. He is giving them commands of encouraging one another, holding fast to the Christian hope, and stimulating each other to good deeds. Hebrews 10:26–31 seems to be an interjected warning, as the author picks back up with positive assertions in verse 32.
Within this interjection, the author warns that willful sinning will result in terrifying judgment. Those who sin in this way are “enemies of God.” Some have made the argument that this passage warns against a loss of salvation. This cannot be the proper interpretation, because other passages in the Bible straightforwardly show the inability for one to lose salvation (Romans 8:31–39; 1 Peter 1:3–5; John 6:47). Others have argued that this passage is meant to warn a false convert. This is the more viable interpretation.
The apostate intentionally defects from Christ. They had moved toward Christ, claiming to have faith; they had heard and understood the gospel, but then they rejected what they had learned and turned away. Their profession of faith was false. This is the “willfully sinning” that Hebrew 10:26 refers to—consciously and deliberately rejecting Christ. It’s not a sin of ignorance or weakness; it’s a deliberate turning of one’s back on the truth, with full knowledge choosing sin over Christ. John also warned that willful, continual sin is a sign of unbelief: “No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God” (1 John 3:9).
Those who have “received the knowledge of the truth” and then willfully sin by turning away from it are faced with a dire fate: “a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire” (Hebrews 10:26, ESV). God will not forgive sin without a sacrifice, and, since the apostate has rejected the only sacrifice available to him—Jesus Christ—he is left without any way to obtain forgiveness. Going back to the Old Testament system of sacrifice is of no avail, and Jesus will not die again (Hebrews 7:27; 1 Peter 3:18), so “there is no longer any sacrifice that will cover these sins” (Hebrews 10:26, NLT).
The author of Hebrews issues a stern warning against playing games with God and making false professions of faith. To know the truth and yet reject the truth is to suffer eternal consequences. Hebrews 10:31 shows the significance of such willful sinning: “It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” How important it is to heed Peter’s admonition, “My brothers and sisters, make every effort to confirm your calling and election” (2 Peter 1:10)!
Bybel Lering vir die Dag
Hebreërs 10:26 is in een van die waarskuwingsgedeeltes wat in die boek Hebreërs gevind word en handel spesifiek oor die kwessie van opsetlike sonde. Hebreërs word dikwels uiteengesit op grond van die vyf waarskuwingsgedeeltes wat dit bevat (Hebreërs 2:1–4; 4:12–13; 6:4–8; 10:26–31; 12:25–29). Elkeen van hierdie waarskuwingsgedeeltes praat van iemand wat afvallig raak of van die evangelie van Jesus Christus afwyk. Baie glo Hebreërs 10:26 praat van ‘n voortsetting van sonde, en dit wil voorkom asof, in die konteks van Hebreërs, die skrywer ‘n spesifieke sonde in gedagte het; naamlik om weg te draai van Jesus in afvalligheid.
Die waarskuwing is dit: “As ons opsetlik aanhou sondig nadat ons die kennis van die waarheid ontvang het, bly geen offer vir sondes oor nie, maar net ’n vreesaanjaende verwagting van oordeel en ’n woedende vuur wat die vyande van God sal verteer” (Hebreërs 10:26–27).
Net voor Hebreërs 10:26 vermaan die skrywer die gehoor in ‘n positiewe lig. Hy gee hulle bevele om mekaar aan te moedig, vas te hou aan die Christelike hoop en mekaar aan te spoor tot goeie dade. Hebreërs 10:26–31 is blykbaar ‘n waarskuwing wat tussenin geteken word, aangesien die skrywer met positiewe bewerings in vers 32 terughaal.
Binne hierdie tussenwerpsel waarsku die skrywer dat moedswillige sondig angswekkende oordeel tot gevolg sal hê. Diegene wat op hierdie manier sondig, is “vyande van God”. Sommige het die argument gemaak dat hierdie gedeelte waarsku teen ‘n verlies aan verlossing. Dit kan nie die regte interpretasie wees nie, want ander gedeeltes in die Bybel toon reguit die onvermoë vir iemand om verlossing te verloor (Romeine 8:31–39; 1 Petrus 1:3–5; Johannes 6:47). Ander het aangevoer dat hierdie gedeelte bedoel is om ‘n valse bekeerling te waarsku. Dit is die meer lewensvatbare interpretasie.
Die afvallige wyk doelbewus van Christus af. Hulle het na Christus toe beweeg en beweer dat hulle geloof het; hulle het die evangelie gehoor en verstaan, maar toe het hulle wat hulle geleer het verwerp en weggedraai. Hulle geloofsbelydenis was vals. Dit is die “moedswillige sondig” waarna Hebreeus 10:26 verwys – bewustelik en doelbewus verwerping van Christus. Dit is nie ‘n sonde van onkunde of swakheid nie; dit is ‘n doelbewuste draai van ‘n mens se rug op die waarheid, met volle kennis om sonde bo Christus te kies. Johannes het ook gewaarsku dat opsetlike, voortdurende sonde ’n teken van ongeloof is: “Niemand wat uit God gebore is, sal aanhou sondig nie, want God se saad bly in hulle; hulle kan nie aanhou sondig nie, want hulle is uit God gebore” (1 Johannes 3:9).
Diegene wat “die kennis van die waarheid ontvang het” en dan moedswillig sondig deur daarvan weg te draai, word voor ‘n haglike lot in die gesig gestaar: “‘n vreesaanjaende verwagting van oordeel en ‘n grimmigheid van vuur” (Hebreërs 10:26, ESV). God sal nie sonde vergewe sonder ‘n offer nie, en aangesien die afvallige die enigste offer wat vir hom beskikbaar is – Jesus Christus – verwerp het, word hy sonder enige manier gelaat om vergifnis te verkry. Om terug te gaan na die Ou-Testamentiese stelsel van offerande is van geen nut nie, en Jesus sal nie weer sterf nie (Hebreërs 7:27; 1 Petrus 3:18), so “daar is nie meer enige offer wat hierdie sondes sal bedek nie” (Hebreërs 10:26, NLV).
Die skrywer van Hebreërs gee ‘n streng waarskuwing om speletjies met God te speel en valse geloofsbelydenisse te maak. Om die waarheid te ken en tog die waarheid te verwerp, is om ewige gevolge te ly. Hebreërs 10:31 toon die betekenis van sulke opsetlike sondes: “Dit is ’n verskriklike ding om in die hande van die lewende God te val.” Hoe belangrik is dit tog om gehoor te gee aan Petrus se vermaning, “My broers en susters, doen alles in die vermoë om u roeping en verkiesing te bevestig” (2 Petrus 1:10)!

Today’s Devotional
With Jesus the door is always Open !!
When we were young, there were no lock on the gate, no security gate at the front door and often the front door stood open. Many times, people would knock, and we will shout, “Come on in, the door is open!” Sadly, things have changed. Crime forces us to keep the gate locked, to have security gates and to keep all doors locked.
But thank God, there is still an open door. Jesus said, “I am the door: by me if any man enters in, he shall be saved.” (John 10:9)
The door to salvation, Jesus Christ, is still open. If you have not yet entered in, by accepting God’s gift of salvation, through Jesus Christ, by repenting of your sin, and allowing Jesus Christ to reign supreme, do it now, while the door is still open. “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
If you feel like life is pushing you from all sides and you do not know where to turn, enter in, for the door is still open. “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.” (2 Corinthians 4:8-10)
If you feel tired and in need of rest, enter in while the door is still open. Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)
If you feel anxious or fear what tomorrow may bring, enter in while the door is still open. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)
If you are tempted by sin, overcome by lust or even trapped in a lifestyle of ungodly living, enter in for the Lord, who is able to keep you from falling is also able to present you faultless before His Father. (Jude 1:24)
Today the Lord is saying, “I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet when you keep my word and not deny my name, I will keep (sustain) you.” (Revelation 3:8)
The door is still open. Enter in for the coming of the Lord is at hand. Do not wait, for there will come a day when the door will be closed. There will come a day when some will call upon the Lord, saying, “Lord, Lord, open to us!” and He will answer, “I do not know you.” (See Matthew 25:11-12)
Vandag se Bemoediging
By Jesus is die Deur Altyd oop !!
Toe ons jonk was, was daar geen slot aan die hek nie, geen veiligheidshek by die voordeur nie en dikwels het die voordeur wyd oopgestaan. Baie keer het mense geklop, en dan sou ons skree: “Kom in, die deur is oop!” Ongelukkig het dinge verander. Misdaad dwing ons nou om die hek gesluit te hou, veiligheidshekke te hê en alle deure te sluit.
Maar Goddank, daar is nog ‘n oop deur. Jesus het gesê: “Ek is die deur: as iemand deur My ingaan, sal hy gered word.” (Johannes 10:9)
Die deur na verlossing, Jesus Christus, is steeds oop. As jy nog nie ingegaan het nie, deur God se gawe van verlossing deur Jesus Christus te aanvaar, deur jou sonde te bely, en Jesus Christus toe te laat om as Koning in jou lewe te heers nie, doen dit nou, terwyl die deur nog oop is. “Want elkeen wat die Naam van die Here aanroep, sal gered word.” (Romeine 10:13)
As jy voel dat die lewe jou van alle kante af druk en jy weet nie waar om te draai nie, gaan in, want die deur is nog oop. “In alles word ons verdruk, maar ons is nie terneergedruk nie; ons is oor raad verleë, maar nie radeloos nie; ons word vervolg, maar nie deur God verlaat nie, op die grond neergegooi, maar nie vernietig nie. Die sterwe van Jesus dra ons altyd saam in ons liggaam, sodat ook die lewe van Jesus sigbaar kan word in ons liggaam.” (2 Korinthiërs 4:8-10)
As jy moeg voel en rus nodig het, gaan in terwyl die deur nog oop is. Jesus het gesê: “Kom na My toe, almal wat vermoeid en belas is, en Ek sal julle rus gee.” (Matteus 11:28)
As jy angstig voel of vrees wat môre kan bring, gaan in terwyl die deur nog oop is. “Wees oor niks besorg nie, maar laat julle begeertes in alles deur gebed en smeking met danksegging bekend word by God. En die vrede van God, wat alle verstand te bowe gaan, sal julle harte en julle sinne bewaar in Christus Jesus.” (Filippense 4:6-7)
As jy deur sonde versoek word, oorweldig word deur wellus of selfs vasgevang is in ‘n goddelose leefstyl, gaan in terwyl die deur nog oop is. Die Here, wat magtig is om julle van struikeling te bewaar kan jul steeds onbevlek en met vreugde Sy heerlikheid laat aanskou (Judas 1:24)
Vandag sê die Here: “Kyk, Ek het voor jou ‘n geopende deur gegee, en niemand kan dit sluit nie, want jy het min krag en jy het my woord bewaar en my Naam nie verloën nie.” (Openbaring 3:8)
Die deur staan nog oop. Gaan in want die koms van die Here is op hande. Moenie wag nie, want daar sal ‘n dag kom wanneer die deur gesluit sal wees. Daar sal ‘n dag kom wanneer sommige die Here sal aanroep en sê: “Here, Here, maak vir ons oop!” en Hy sal antwoord: “Voorwaar ek sê vir julle, ek ken julle nie.” (Sien Mattheus 25; 11-12)

TruLight Ministries Daily Entertainment
TruLight TV – Clean Christian Comedy Shows
It’s Monday Morning – Make this Monday a Joyful Laughing Monday . Enjoy some Clean Comedy this Morning !
Today on TruLight Radio XM
TruLight Radio XM 24/7
GMT / UTC +2
00:15 Words to Live By Testimonies
01.15 Science Scripture and Salvation
02.15 Ground Works
04.00 Gospel Concert of the Day
05.00 The Daren Streblow Comedy Show
5:55 It is Today devotional
6:00 Gaither Homecoming Morning Show
7:15 Discover the Word
8.15 Destined for Victory
8:55 Science Scripture and Salvation
9:00 Holy Spirit Hour – Normally Sermons
10:15 Hope of the Heart
11:15 Unshackled
11.45 Words to Live By
12:15 Truth for Life
13:15 Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram
14:15 Focus on the Family
15:00 Kids Hour
16:00 In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley
16:30 Groundwork
17:15 Live in the Light
18:15 Renewing your Mind
19:00 Gaither Homecoming Show
20:15 Growing Hope
21:15 Adventures in Odyssey Radio Drama
21:45 Bible Reading
22:15 Nightsounds
23.00 Good Old Country Gospel / Rhema Gospel Express


Bible Prophecy in the News
The King of the North (Iran) – Pushed to the Limit – Daniel 11
US Congress’s push for an Iranian revolution comes as President Trump restarted his “maximum pressure” sanctions campaign against the regime.

Congress rarely witnesses true bipartisanship these days, yet 151 lawmakers have crossed party lines to introduce a resolution supporting an Iranian resistance movement’s fight to overthrow Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.
Introduced Wednesday ahead of a congressional hearing titled “The Future of Iran,” the resolution backs the Iranian people’s stated desire for a “democratic, secular and non-nuclear “Islamic Republic through regime change.
At the center of Congress’s push stands Maryam Rajavi, president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), a leading opposition group known to Iranians as MEK (Mujahedin-e Khalq).
For decades, the NCRI has positioned itself as the primary alternative to Iran’s tyrannical government.
Rajavi advocates for a 10-point plan to bring democracy and human rights to Iran. She calls for installing the NCRI as a provisional government for six months to establish elections and a constituent assembly.
Her plan has already gained support from 4,000 parliamentarians worldwide
Signs of the Times in the News
The Trans Flag Invades The Communion Table: A Sacred Space Defiled
In the ongoing clash between progressive social movements and traditional Christian values, a female pastor at an Anglican church in northeast England has made a bold–and highly controversial–statement by draping the trans-inclusive Progress Pride flag across the Communion table.

The Holy Communion Jesus introduced is to Get forgiveness of Sin , Not to Celebrate sin ! for Sin that Comes with PRIDE is Sinning WILLFULLY and NO FORGIVENESS for sinning WILLFULLY !
Apostle Paul Leave a warning ! 1 Cor 11 v 23 – 34
Gog and Magog Update.
TURKEY: Israel’s Next Big Threat?

“Recent events in the Middle East region, especially in Syria, remind us of an important fact: Turkey is bigger than Turkey itself,” President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said in a speech at the Turkish Academy of Sciences on Dec. 18. The Turkish president’s words should be read against the backdrop of the balance of terror between his country and Israel, which have long maintained a love-hate relationship, receiving a significant twist in the wake of the current war.
This has intensified even further following the fall of the Assad regime and the establishment of the new government in Damascus, led by Ahmed al-Sharaa, who has enjoyed long-standing support from Ankara.
This is reflected, among other things, in the recommendations of the Nagel Committee, which were submitted to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last month.
Although the committee was meant to examine the defense budget, its final report refers to the “Turkish threat” in razor-sharp words. “Israel may find itself facing a new threat that will emerge in Syria, which in some respects will be no less severe than the previous one,” it states.
“The problem will be exacerbated if the Syrian force effectively becomes a Turkish proxy, as part of Turkey’s dream of restoring the Ottoman crown to its former glory. The presence of Turkish proxies, or Turkish forces, in Syria could deepen the danger of a direct Turkish-Israeli confrontation.”
The last words need to be read again: The Nagel Committee warns the prime minister of a “direct Turkish-Israeli confrontation,” no less, and calls on him to adopt a “completely different approach of ‘zero containment'” toward Syria, which otherwise could fall like ripe fruit into the hands of Erdoğan’s military forces.
“We must take into account that the entry of the Turkish army into Syria could lead to Syria’s rearmament at a relatively high speed,” the report states.
The Turkish vision awakens
The Nagel Report is the exception that proves the rule: So far, the change in Israel’s approach to Ankara has remained largely under the radar. The political and security establishment in Israel is not interested in irritating the Turkish giant and is careful not to offend it.
On the Turkish side, however, they are doing the opposite.
As if to breathe life into the bonfire of Israeli concerns, on Feb. 4, exactly one month after the report’s publication, the new Syrian president traveled to Ankara, where he met with Erdoğan at the opulent Presidential Palace.
Reports in the media surrounding the historic meeting claimed that the two leaders were already set to discuss the signing of a joint defense agreement between Turkey and Syria, including the establishment of two Turkish air bases in central Syria and the training of the Syrian army. In American English, this is called “boots on the ground.”
There is also an escalating rhetoric from the Anatolian nation and its leader. “Turkey can invade Israel as it did in Karabakh [in Azerbaijan] and Libya,” Erdoğan threatened last July, during a meeting of his Justice and Development Party.
Even before that, he likened Netanyahu to Hitler, and claimed that the Israel Defense Forces are committing crimes against humanity in Gaza, for which he said the Israeli leadership should be “brought to justice.”
On that occasion, Erdoğan, who sees himself as a regional and to some extent religious leader, called on “the entire Muslim world” to mobilize in the struggle against Israel.
A military confrontation?
Are Israel indeed facing a Turkish-Israeli confrontation, as the Nagel Committee suggests? Could Erdoğan’s warnings materialize in the foreseeable future?
Turkey experts who spoke with Israel Hayom assess that in the wake of the war against Hamas and Hezbollah and what appears to be the weakening of the Shi’ite axis led by Iran, it is certainly possible that Israel is moving towards a new era, in which military confrontation between it and Turkey becomes a practical possibility.
To this, of course, one must add the rise of the new regime in Damascus, a regime that is largely a proxy of Erdoğan, which will allow Turkey to establish an overland bridge between it and Israel and to place, indirectly or directly, a military force right on its doorstep.
If the confrontation between Israel and Iran has marked recent decades, it is not inconceivable that we are now on the brink of an Israel-Turkey war.
“The moment the Turks have the ability to reach us on foot, it’s significant,” said Dr. Hay Eytan Cohen Yanarocak, a Turkey expert at the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies at Tel Aviv University.
“Already today, Turkey has almost unlimited access to northern Syria, and they are talking about paving roads, railways and infrastructure throughout Syria in the future. If this happens, then one day their ability to move military forces within Syria, on a large scale, will be significant.

TruLight Ministry News
TruLight Ministries News – We are Currently Saving for the TruLight Project of 2025 – TruLight Radio XM s next step is a Outside Broadcast Unit . we Need a 2nd Hand Caravan to convert into a Outside Broadcast Unit studio . we Have Identified the Best Caravan for the Job a Sprite 2013-2016 Model . We have all the Equipment ready . all we need is the Funding to Purchase a Caravan and do the Branding on it . If God places it on your Heart to Donate to this Project , Thank You ! Blessings from Pastor Dirk

More about TruLight Ministries International
One of the Hat’s Pastor Dirk wear is Being a Sheriff of the Church . with is Knowledge on Doctrines and His Gift from the Holy Spirit = Discernment of the spirits . He is a Night Mare for False Teachers / Prophets / Apostles . He can spot a False Teacher within a Minute of listening to a Sermon from That Preacher . All His Revelations on Doctrines of Demons are Captured in a eBook called The Great Falling Away / The Other Women – All this is also avaibable on one of TruLight Ministries flagship websites called SHERIFF OF THE CHURCH
Here is a Word from the Sheriff – This word comes from a Deputy Sheriff of the Church .
The TruLight eBook of the week – The Great Falling Away / The Other Women
Lering Video en Audio deur Pastoor Dirk

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