Daily Manna

Daily Manna for 20 March 2025

Daily Manna for 6 March 2025

Bible Verse and Prayer for Today

For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.
Romans 11:36


The Thanksgiving prayer.
Give in Hope, with Faith and in Love.
Pray aloud to yourself!

Pray the prayer aloud for the Trinity, as a thank you, for providence, healing, deliverance, protection, comfort, provision and power supply you receive has from the Prescription prayers from Heaven.
Express your gratitude, from your heart.


Lord I come to You Counselling and store rooms. In the loving and wonderful name of Jesus Christ Your son.
I come with hands, no, arms full of flowers of thanksgiving.

Father You are the Creator of the Universe, the omnipresent, the all-knowing, all-seeing God. The Eternal Father, the Ruler of Heaven and Earth, Almighty God. You are love, You are the wind and also the wind silence, the Great Conqueror, the Prince of Peace. YOU are the God who will rule forever, the Lord who sets His eye on me and 
keep me.

Jesus, You are my Savior, the Prince of Peace. Your Blood is the strongest power in the Universe, You are the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. You are the Lamb of God without blemish, the Bread of life from Heaven, the Shining Morning star. You are the good and faithful Shepherd, the Eternal Priest, The Lion of Judah. YOU are my mighty Lord, the Son of the living God, my Lord, the true light,  wonderful Counselor.

Holy Spirit, You are the gentle Spirit, the Spirit of truth, You bring the Spirit of Power and Grace. You are and always have been, the Spirit of the Life, The Spirit that gives life. Thank You for Your care, Your healing, Your protection, Your abundance of blessings, Your consolation, Your freedom that I have received, Your
solutions and the Power provided by Your power.

Lord thank you for blessing me today with daily bread, and thank you for building in me, no worries about anything, but now know I can come to You in prayer with faith and Pray over Everything!
Receive my praise and my thanksgiving from my heart.

# Lord I give. - T - Thanksgiving
I will always praise the Lord, His praise will always permeate me mouth be.
Psalm 34 verse 2

# Lord I give. - H - To You all the glory!
Lord, You are my God, With You I want to take refuge.
Psalm 7 verse 2

# Lord I give. - A - No one else like You!
Lord, You are my Protector, You are the righteous!
Psalm 7 verses 10 & 11

# Lord I give. - N - King of Kings!
Lord, I want to praise You, with all my heart, for Your wonders to tell.
Psalm 9 verse 2

# Lord I give. - K - Will stay with You, Lord!
Lord, You reign forever, You are the just Judge.
Psalm 9 verse 8

# Lord I give. - S - Eternally grateful to You!
With you I take refuge, under your wing I will stay!
Psalm 11 verse 1

# Lord I give. - G - Sing songs for You!
Lord, I sing a song just for You, The words just for You.
Psalm 18 verse 1

# Lord I give. - I - Poems for You !
You are my Light and my salvation, MY only refuge.
Psalm 27 verse 1

# Lord I give. - V– In Your goodness, I want to live!
Lord, You are my Rock, my place of safety.
Psalm 28 verse 1

# Lord I give. - I - Only You can, O Lord!
My soul only testifies of You, and with my heart I thank You.
Psalm 35 verses 9 and 10

# Lord I give. - N - Given in Your fullness
Lord, I have waited a long time for Your answer, You have bowed down, You heard my cry.
Psalm 40 verse 1

# Lord I give. - G - God you are Good 
Lord, Your goodness and grace are with me always , and will remain with me forever .
Psalm 138 verse 8

Lord, thank You for turning my droughts into floods of blessings. My damage in mine-able treasures from Your treasuries.
Holy Spirit, thank You for Your leadership and comforting power. Thank you that You take care of my life.
Lord, thank you for pouring out blessings on me, thank you for giving me territory, thank you for living under your protection and thank you for being with me in everything i do, thank you for being any keep evil from me, so that no sorrows can befall me. Lord thank you for answering my humble prayer.

Lord, I praise Your name for Your omnipotence and Your victories, I praise You
for Your power and Your Majesty.

Lord You are “Yahweh Nissi” The God My Provider!
Lord You are “Yahweh Rapha” The Great Healer!
Lord You are “Yahweh Shammah” The Lord, there, here and everywhere!
Lord You are “Yahweh Shalom” The Lord of Peace!
Lord You are “Yahweh Rah” The good Shepherd!

All the honor and praise to the King of my life.
Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord, Almighty, the One who was, who is and is yet to come.


Prayer Written by Past Dirk from TruLight Ministries under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. 

Bybel Vers en Gebed vir Vandag

Want uit Hom en deur Hom en tot Hom is alle dinge: aan wie die eer kom tot in ewigheid. Amen.
Romeine 11:36


Bid die gebed hardop vir die Drie eenheid, as dank betuiging, vir die voorsorg, genesing, bevryding, beskerming, vertroosting, voorsiening en krag voorsiening wat u ontvang het vanaf die Voorskrif gebede uit die Hemel.

Betuig u dank, uit u hart uit.

Die Dankseggings Gebed

Here ek kom om na U spreek kamers en stoor kamers. In die liefdevolle en wonderlike naam van Jesus Christus U seun.

Ek  kom vandag met hande, nee, arms vol blomme van danksegging.

Vader U is die skepper van die Heelal, die alom teenwoordige, die al wetende, al siedende God. Die ewige Vader, die Heerser van die Hemel en Aarde, Almagtige God. U is liefde, U is die wind en ook die wind stilte, die Groot Oorwinnaar, die Vrede Vors. U is die God wat vir ewig sal regeer, die Here wat Sy oog oor my hou.

Jesus, U is my verlosser, die Prins van Vrede. U Bloed is die sterkste mag in die Heelal, U is die Alfa en die Omega, die begin en die einde. U is die Lam van God sonder gebrek, die Brood van die lewe uit die Hemel, die Blink Morester. U is die goeie en getroue Herder, die ewig lewende Priester, Die Leeu van Juda. U is my magtige Heer, die seun van ’n lewende God, my Meester, die ware lig, wonderbare Raadsman.

Heilige Gees, U is die sagte Gees, die Gees van waarheid, U bring die Gees van Krag en Genade. U is en was nog altyd, die Gees van die Lewe, Die Gees wat lewe gee.

Dankie vir U voorsorg, U genesing, U beskerming, U oorvloed van seëninge, U vertroosting, U vryheid wat ek ontvang het, U oplossings en die Krag voorsiening uit U mag.

maar nou weet ek kan na U kom in gebed met geloof en Bid oor Alles!

Ontvang my lofprysing en my danksegging uit my hart.

                      # Here ek gee.  – D – Dank betuiging.

Ek wil die Here altyd loof, Sy lof sal altyd deur in my mond wees.

Psalm 34 vers 2

                     # Here ek gee.    – A – Aan U al die eer!

Here, U is my God, By U wil ek skuil.

Psalm 7 vers 2

                       # Here ek gee.  – – Niemand anders soos U!

Here, U is my Beskermheer, U is die regverdige!

Psalm 7 verse 10 & 11

                        # Here ek gee.  – K – Koning van Konings!

Here, ek wil U loof, met my hele hart, van U wonders vertel.

Psalm 9 vers 2

                         # Here ek gee.  – S – Sal by U bly, Heer!

Here, U heers vir ewig, U is die regverdige Regter.

Psalm 9 vers 8

Psalm 11 vers 1

             # Here ek gee.  – G – Gesange vir U sing!

Here, ek sing ’n lied net vir U, Die woorde net vir U.

Psalm 18 vers 1

              # Here ek gee.  – G – Gedigte vir U dig!

U is my Lig en my heil, die enigste toevlug oord.

Psalm 27 vers 1

               # Here ek gee.  – I– In U goedheid, wil ek woon!

Here, U is my Rots, my plek van veiligheid.

Psalm 28 vers 1

               # Here ek gee.  – – Net U kan, o Heer!

My siel getuig net van U, en met my hart dank ek U.

Psalm 35 verse 9 en 10

               # Here ek gee.  – – Gegee in U volheid

Here, ek het lank gewag vir U antwoord, U het neergebuig, U het my geroep gehoor.

Psalm 40 vers 1

Heilige Gees dankie vir U leierskap en vertroosting krag. Dankie dat U na my lewe omsien.

 Here dankie dat U seëninge oor my uit stort, dankie dat U my grondgebied vergroot het, dankie dat ek onder U beskerming leef en dankie dat U by my is in alles wat ek doen, dankie dat U enige onheil van my weghou, sodat geen smarte my tref nie. Here dankie dat U my nederig gebed verhoor.

Here, ek prys U naam vir U almag en U oorwinnings, ek loof U vir U krag en U Majesteit.

Here U is  “Yahweh Nissi ” Die Beskermheer!

Here U is “Yahweh Rapha” Die Groot Geneesheer!

Here U is “Yahweh Shammah” Die Here, daar, hier en oral!

Here U is “Yahweh Shalom” Die Here van Vrede!

Here U is “Yahweh Rah” Die goeie Herder!

Al die eer en lofprysing aan die Koning van my lewe.

Heilig, Heilig, Heilig, is die Here, Almagtig, die Een wat was, wat is en nog gaan kom.

Amen en Amen

Gebed Geskryf deur Pastoor Dirk , Geinspireer deur die Heilige Gees.

Bible Teaching of the Day

As part of a challenging teaching on holy living, the apostle Paul writes: “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is” (Ephesians 5:15–17). To be circumspect is to be careful; the word comes from a Latin word that literally means “to look around.” “Walk circumspectly” is Paul’s way of urging Christians to look very carefully at how they live and act.

Paul acknowledges that we live in evil, difficult times. Our fallen world is filled with dangers, deceptions, and temptations. If we are not careful and attentive to what is happening around us and within us, we can easily become blinded and fall into any number of dangerous traps. Biblical wisdom teaches us to “make the most of every opportunity” (Colossians 4:5, NIV) and to walk (or act) as true believers in the midst of dangerous times (2 Timothy 3:1–5).

In the original Greek, the phrase translated “walk circumspectly” means “to watch or carefully consider how you live, to be alert and mindful of your conduct, to be on the lookout.” The apostle Peter offers a similar word of warning: “Be alert to your adversary, the devil, who walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” With deliberate, watchful determination, we must live rooted in God’s wisdom and an understanding of God’s will.

Paul uses the Hebrew concept of “to walk” as a metaphor for behavior. The “Christian walk” refers to how we act as believers. The Lord’s will is that we always live thoughtfully and wisely so that our lifestyle is in harmony with biblical teaching. To the Romans, Paul taught: “Do not copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, what is good and pleasing and perfect” (Romans 12:2, NLT).

If we want to walk diligently, we must discern the will of the Lord. How do we gain the wisdom to know God’s will? We begin by asking for it: “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all generously and without finding fault, and it will be given to you” (James 1:5).

We also gain wisdom for godly living by reading God’s Word: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be thoroughly furnished unto all good works” (2 Timothy 3:16–17). As we meditate on the Scriptures (Psalm 119:15) and diligently study God’s Word (2 Timothy 2:15), it becomes a guiding, illuminating force to direct our steps (Psalm 119:105).

God’s Word is living and active (Hebrews 4:12). We should pay close attention to what the Lord has revealed in His Word, for it is “a lamp shining in a dark place” (2 Peter 1:19), which can show us God’s will and teach us how to walk wisely in these evil days.

Unbelievers walk in “the futility of their minds, alienated from the life of God because of the blindness of their hearts. They have given themselves over to sensuality, greedily practicing every kind of impurity.” (Ephesians 4:17–20, ESV). Christians are to be “filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18).

Believers are enabled to live wisely and walk prudently through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit (Ezekiel 36:27). Paul told the Galatians, “walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh” (Galatians 5:16). The Holy Spirit lives in us, teaching us, and guiding us into all truth (John 14:17, 26; 16:13).

God has a good plan for our lives (Romans 8:28). We are created to do good works and to walk in them: “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10). God lovingly reveals his plan to us so that we may “be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, that we may walk worthy of the Lord and fully pleasing him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God” (Colossians 1:9–10, ESV).

Believers can walk carefully—carefully watch how we live—because “God’s divine power has given us everything we need for godly living. We have received all these things through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and virtue” (2 Peter 1:3, NIV). We do not need to rely on our own strength. God’s Word provides the blueprint to follow, and His Holy Spirit fills us with the power to achieve the Master Builder’s plan.

Bybel Lering vir die Dag

As deel van ‘n uitdagende leer oor heilige lewe, skryf die apostel Paulus: “Sorg dan dat julle nougeset wandel, nie as dwase nie, maar as wyse, en die tyd verlos, want die dae is boos, wees dus nie onverstandig nie, maar verstaan ​​wat die wil van die Here is” (Efesiërs 5:15–17). Om versigtig te wees is om versigtig te wees; die woord kom van ‘n Latynse woord wat letterlik “kyk rond” beteken. “Wandel versigtig” is Paulus se manier om Christene aan te spoor om baie versigtig te kyk na hoe hulle leef en optree.

Paulus erken dat ons in bose, moeilike tye leef. Ons gevalle wêreld is gevul met gevare, misleidings en versoekings. As ons nie versigtig en oplettend is vir wat rondom ons en in ons gebeur nie, kan ons maklik verblind word en in enige aantal gevaarlike strikke trap. Bybelse wysheid leer ons om “die meeste van elke geleentheid te benut” (Kolossense 4:5, NLV) en om as ware gelowiges te wandel (of op te tree) te midde van gevaarlike tye (2 Timoteus 3:1–5).

In die oorspronklike Grieks beteken die frase wat as “loop bedagsaam” vertaal word “om te kyk of noukeurig te kyk na hoe jy leef, om waaksaam te wees en bedag op jou gedrag, om op die uitkyk te wees”. Die apostel Petrus lewer ‘n soortgelyke woord van waarskuwing: “Bly wakker vir jou groot vyand, die duiwel, Hy loop rond soos ‘n brullende leeu, op soek na iemand om te verslind.” Met doelbewuste, waaksame vasberadenheid moet ons gewortel lewe in God se wysheid en ‘n begrip van God se wil.

Paulus gebruik die Hebreeuse konsep “om te loop” as ‘n metafoor vir gedrag. Die “Christelike wandel” verwys na hoe ons as gelowiges optree. Die wil van die Here is dat ons altyd bedagsaam en oordeelkundig lewe sodat ons lewenstyl ooreenstem met Bybelse lering. Aan die Romeine het Paulus geleer: “Moenie die gedrag en gebruike van hierdie wêreld kopieer nie, maar laat God jou in ’n nuwe mens verander deur die manier waarop jy dink te verander Dan sal jy leer om God se wil vir jou te ken, wat goed en aangenaam en volmaak is” (Romeine 12:2, NLT).

As ons nougeset wil wandel, moet ons die wil van die Here onderskei. Hoe kry ons die wysheid om God se wil te ken? Ons begin deur daarvoor te vra: “As een van julle wysheid kortkom, moet julle God vra, wat aan almal vrygewig gee sonder om skuld te vind, en dit sal aan julle gegee word” (Jakobus 1:5).

Ons verkry ook wysheid vir godvrugtige lewe deur God se Woord te lees: “Die hele Skrif is deur God ingegee en is nuttig tot lering, teregwysing, teregwysing en onderwysing in die geregtigheid, sodat die dienskneg van God volkome toegerus kan wees vir elke goeie werk” (2 Timoteus 3:16–17). Terwyl ons oor die Skrif peins (Psalm 119:15) en God se Woord ywerig bestudeer (2 Timoteus 2:15), word dit ’n leidende, verligtende krag om ons voetstappe te rig (Psalm 119:105).

God se Woord is lewend en aktief (Hebreërs 4:12). Ons moet baie aandag gee aan wat die Here in sy Woord geopenbaar het, want dit is “‘n lamp wat in ‘n donker plek skyn” (2 Petrus 1:19), wat vir ons God se wil kan wys en ons kan leer hoe om versigtig te wandel in hierdie bose dae.

Ongelowiges wandel volgens “die nutteloosheid van hulle verstand, vervreemd van die lewe van God, as gevolg van hulle hardheid van hart. Hulle het hulleself oorgegee aan sensualiteit, gulsig om elke soort onreinheid te beoefen.” (Efesiërs 4:17–20, ESV). Christene moet “met die Gees vervul word” (Efesiërs 5:18).

Gelowiges word in staat gestel om wys te lewe en omsigtig te wandel deur die bemagtiging van die Heilige Gees (Esegiël 36:27). Paulus het vir die Galasiërs gesê: “wandel deur die Gees, en julle sal nie die begeerlikhede van die vlees bevredig nie” (Galasiërs 5:16). Die Heilige Gees woon in ons, leer ons en lei ons in die hele waarheid (Joh. 14:17, 26; 16:13).

God het ‘n goeie plan met ons lewens (Romeine 8:28). Ons is geskape om goeie werke te doen en daarin te wandel: “Want ons is sy maaksel, geskape in Christus Jesus tot goeie werke wat God voorberei het, sodat ons daarin kan wandel” (Efesiërs 2:10). God openbaar sy plan liefdevol aan ons, sodat ons “vervul word met die kennis van sy wil in alle geestelike wysheid en insig, om te wandel op ’n wyse wat die Here waardig is en Hom ten volle behaag: vrug dra in elke goeie werk en toeneem in die kennis van God” (Kolossense 1:9–10, ESV).

Gelowiges kan versigtig wandel – sorgvuldig kyk hoe ons leef – want “God het deur sy goddelike krag ons alles gegee wat ons nodig het om ‘n godvrugtige lewe te lei. Ons het dit alles ontvang deur Hom te leer ken, die Een wat ons tot Hom geroep het deur middel van sy wonderlike heerlikheid en voortreflikheid” (2 Petrus 1:3, NLV). Ons hoef nie op ons eie krag staat te maak nie. God se Woord verskaf die bloudruk om te volg, en Sy Heilige Gees vul ons met die krag om die Meesterbouer se plan te bereik.

Today’s Devotional


While writing about things we need to know about God last week, the Lord instilled something else in my heart as well. I concluded that all too often our prayers are filled with chit-chat or small talk and lack spiritual depth. While trying to understand what we’re doing this, I realized that this is not the result of a speech impairment, or a lack of words but rather a problem of the heart for the word says, “What people say with their mouths comes from what fills their hearts.” (Matthew 12:34 – ERV)

I then turned to the Lord’s prayer in Matthew 6 to see what God wants to hear. When we pray,

  • “Our Father in heaven” we affirm that He is our Father, and we are His children.
  • “Hallowed be Your name” we give Him praise, glory and honour.
  • “Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” we submit and surrender to Him and His will in us.
  • “Give us today our daily bread” we acknowledge Him as our Provider.
  • “Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one” we declare that He is able to deliver us from the claws of the enemy.
  • “For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever” we declare His kingly reign over us and our submission to His rulership. 

But there is more, our Father wants to hear.

The Lord wants to hear that we love Him with all our heart, and with all our understanding, and with all our soul, and with all our strength. (Matthew 22:37)

The Lord wants to hear that we believe or have faith in Him. In Psalm 62:8 we are called upon to always trust in Him and to pour out our hearts before Him. Like the Psalmist we should say “In God I put my trust.” (Psalm 56:4)

The Lord wants us to acknowledge that we can do nothing without Him. (John 15:5)
The Lord desires of us to declare that we are willing to deny ourselves, take up our crosses and follow him. (Matthew 16:24-25)

The Lord desires to hear us surrender to His will. We are to say; “You are our Father, we are the clay, and You our potter.”  (Isaiah 64:8)

The Lord wants to hear us bringing thanks to Him for things done in the past, things He is doing now and things He is about to do. He desires of us to enter His gates with thanksgiving or giving thanks to Him for It is good to give thanks to the LORD. (Psalm 100:4 and 92:1)
The Lord desires of us to extol (magnify, exalt, or lift up) Him, in both the congregation and in person. (Psalm 107:32)

The Lord wants to hear our praises. After all, the Word states that the Lord inhabits the praises of His people. (Psalm 22: 3 or 4)

Let our prayers be more than a shopping list of things we want, more than a list of needs, more than a name-and-claim session but let us, through Jesus Christ, offer unto God a sacrifice of praise at all times and thankfully acknowledge, confess, and glorify His Holy Name. (See Hebrews 13:15) 

Vandag se Bemoediging


Terwyl ek verlede week geskryf het oor dinge wat ons oor God moet weet, het die Here ook iets anders op my hart gelê. Ek het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat ons gebede al te dikwels gevul is met ydel of oppervlakkige praatjies soder enige geestelike diepte. In ‘n poging om te verstaan waarom ons dit doen, het ek besef dat dit nie die gevolg is van ‘n spraakgebrek, of ‘n gebrek aan woorde nie, maar dat dit eerder ‘n probleem van die hart is, want die woord sê: “Wat die hart van vol is, loop die mond van oor.” (Matteus 12:34)

Ek het toe na die Onse Vader in Matteus 6 gaan kyk om te sien wat God wil hoor. Wanneer ons bid,

  • “Ons Vader in die hemel” bevestig ons dat Hy ons Vader en ons Sy kinders is.
  • “Laat u Naam geheilig word” bring ons lof, hulde en eer aan Hom.
  • “Laat u koninkryk kom, laat U wil geskied, op aarde net soos in die hemel”, onderwerp ons onsself aan Hom en Sy wil.
  • “Gee ons vandag ons daaglikse brood” erken ons Hom as ons Voorsiener.
  • “Lei ons nie in versoeking nie, maar verlos ons van die bose”, verklaar ons dat Hy ons uit die kloue van die vyand kan bevry.

“Want aan U behoort die koninkryk en die krag en die heerlikheid tot in ewigheid” verklaar ons Sy koninklike heerskappy oor ons en ons onderwerping daaraan.

Maar daar is meer wat die Here, ons God wil hoor.

​Die Here wil hoor dat ons Hom liefhet met ons hele hart, en met ons hele verstand, en met ons hele siel en met al ons krag. (Matteus 22:37)

Die Here wil hoor dat ons in Hom glo en Hom vertrou. Ons word opgeroep in Psalm 62: 9 om altyd op Hom te vertrou en ons harte voor Hom uit te stort. Laat ons dan soos die Psalmdigter sê: “Ek vertrou op U.” (Psalm 56: 4)

Die Here wil hoor dat ons erken dat ons niks sonder Hom kan doen nie. (Johannes 15: 5)

Die Here wil hoor hoe ons, onsself bereidwillig verklaar om onsself te verloën, ons kruise op te neem en Hom te volg. (Matteus 16: 24-25)

Die Here wil hoor dat ons onsself oorgee aan Sy wil. Ons moet bereid wees om te sê; “U is ons Vader; ons is die klei, en U is ons Formeerder, en ons almal is die werk van u hand.” (Jesaja 64: 8)

Die Here wil ons hoor dankie sê vir dinge wat Hy in die verlede gedoen het, dinge wat Hy nou doen en dinge wat Hy gaan doen. Hy begeer dat ons sy poorte binnegaan met danksegging of dank aan Hom want dit is goed om die HERE te dank. (Psalm 100: en 92: 1)

Die Here begeer dat ons Hom moet loof en Sy naam verhef, beide in die gemeente en persoonlik. (Psalm 107: 31 – 32) Die Woord sê immers dat die Here onder die lofsange van Sy volk woon. (Psalm 22: 4)

Daarom, laat ons gebede meer wees as ‘n inkopielys van dinge wat ons wil hê, meer as ‘n lys van behoeftes, meer as ‘n “name-and-claim” sessie, maar laat ons gedurig deur Jesus Christus, ‘n lofoffer aan God bring, want dit is die vrug van die lippe wat Sy Naam bely. (Sien Hebreërs 13:15)

TruLight Ministries Daily Entertainment

TruLight TV – Hawaiian Homecoming

For their first trip outside the continental U.S., a small group of Homecoming Friends travel to the breathtaking Hawaiian island of Maui for a live concert video taped beach-side with the magnificent sunset providing a backdrop. Songs include “Palms Of Victory,” “Til The Storm Passes By,” and “At The Cross.”

Today on TruLight Radio XM

TruLight Radio XM    24/7
GMT / UTC +2
00:15 Words to Live By Testimonies
01.15 Science Scripture and Salvation
02.15 Ground Works
04.00 Gospel Concert of the Day
05.00 The Daren Streblow Comedy Show
5:55 It is Today devotional
6:00 Gaither Homecoming Morning Show
7:15 Discover the Word
8.15 Destined for Victory
8:55 Science Scripture and Salvation
9:00 Holy Spirit Hour – Normally Sermons
10:15 Hope of the Heart
11:15 Unshackled
11.45 Words to Live By 
12:15 Truth for Life 
13:15 Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram
14:15 Focus on the Family
15:00 Kids Hour
16:00 In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley
16:30 Groundwork
17:15 Live in the Light
18:15 Renewing your Mind 
19:00 Gaither Homecoming Show
20:15 Growing Hope 
21:15 Adventures in Odyssey Radio Drama
21:45 Bible Reading
22:15 Nightsounds 
23.00  Good Old Country Gospel / Rhema Gospel Express




Kellie & Kristen Fuselier are a team of twin sisters who have been traveling and leading worship since they were 16 years old. Kellie, a Licensed Master of Social Work, and Kristen, who has a degree in Christian Studies, hold their passion in seeing and leading the Church to draw nearer to the Lord by way of worship and the Word.

Bible Prophecy in the News


In ‘productive’ call, Putin agrees with Trump that Iran ‘should never be able to destroy Israel’


That’s Correct , Israel is Still Under God’s Protection until the Day Israel appoints and Introduce their Jewish Messiah (Prince of Israel) AKA The Antichrist to the World! Gog and Magog will Try , But God will Slap the Atomic Bomb into Syria . The Next two Bible Prophecies to be fulfilled – Gog and Magog Final Bomb and The Destruction of Damascus happening in the same day very soon.

Article in the News

During a 90-minute phone call between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, the two leaders agreed that negotiations in the Middle East should begin immediately.

The main issue the two leaders discussed during the call was bringing the war between Ukraine and Russia to a close.

White House spokesman Dan Scavino said the call began at 10 am ET and ended at 12:52 p.m.

During the call, which Trump described on social media as “very good and productive,” the two leaders agreed to prevent attacks on energy infrastructure and issues concerning conflict in the Middle East.

“The leaders spoke broadly about the Middle East as a region of potential cooperation to prevent future conflicts. They further discussed the need to stop proliferation of strategic weapons and will engage with others to ensure the broadest possible application. The two leaders shared the view that Iran should never be in a position to destroy Israel,” the White House said.

“They agreed that a future with an improved bilateral relationship between the United States and Russia has huge upside. This includes enormous economic deals and geopolitical stability when peace has been achieved,” the White House continued. Russia also offered to participate in ceasefire negotiations that helped conclude the conflict between Israel and Lebanon.

Russia offered to be an indirect but crucial player in the negotiations to ensure “that Syria will not continue to be a weapons highway” to Hezbollah.

Moscow maintains a largely covert military presence and wields significant influence in Syria, having supported dictator Bashar Assad in retaining power and reclaiming roughly half of the country from various rebel groups following the outbreak of the civil war in 2011.

A “senior Kremlin official” told Kan News that “Russia is prepared to assist and support anything that would stop the killing of civilians and prevent the destruction of civilian infrastructure.”

Signs of the Times in the News

The Road to Normalization With the Arab World Goes Through Iran

“What’s needed now is an end to the war and an end to the threats of Iran and its proxies. From there, the path is paved (albeit with many bumps and potholes) for a new Middle East.”

Houthis Vow Retaliation, U.S. Launches Hamas Task Force, and Israel Strikes Syrian Military Sites

Tensions rise as the Houthis condemn Israeli strikes on Hamas and vow escalation, while the U.S. launches a task force to prosecute those behind the October 7 attack. Meanwhile, Israel targets Syrian military sites, citing security threats near its borders.

Gospel Breakthrough in Hindu Strongholds

Front-line workers in India face many challenges when sharing the gospel. A number of states in India uphold anti-conversion laws that have long been used against pastors, church planters and evangelists. Additionally, local Hindu nationalists oppose the spread of the gospel. Despite this, front-line workers have experienced a breakthrough in isolated Hindu communities.

Ashok and his wife, Nila, have spent 25 years reaching out to the small and isolated community of Himachal Pradesh, India, which is overwhelmingly Hindu. Pastor Pravin, who was among the first Christians in this area, leads a rural church there. This church reaches villages that are ruled by chiefs associated with Hindu nationalist groups, which oppose any kind of Christian activities. However, through personal evangelism and Bible study, Ashok, Nila and Pravin are seeing hearts change.

Manu, another front-line worker there, organizes a prayer network that prays for the state of Himachal Pradesh. He said that more villages have been open to the gospel.

Gog and Magog Update

(All News Headlines in the News)

‘ALL HELL BREAKING LOOSE’: IDF Launches Massive Strikes; Hamas Says Hundreds Killed
Tuesday Night, the Israeli Air Force struck 80 Hamas and Islamic Jihad targets in response to ongoing threats. Meanwhile, Iran-backed Houthi terrorists launched ballistic missiles at Israel, forcing civilians back into bomb shelters. For the first time in two months, sirens wailed in the south—schools are closed, and families are bracing for what’s next. Meanwhile, Iran-backed Houthi terrorists launched ballistic missiles at Israel, forcing civilians back into bomb shelters. For the first time in two months, sirens wailed in the south—schools are closed, and families are bracing for what’s next.

Israel Begins Mass Evacuation of Gazans Ahead of Ground Offensive

Israel May Annex Parts of Gaza for Every Hostage Harmed

IDF Kills Head of Hamas Gov’t and 3 Top Gaza Officials

IDF Shoots Down Ballistic Missile from Yemen

TruLight Ministry News

Learn more about TruLight Ministries ,

One of Our Flagship Ministries within TruLight Ministry is = End Time Truth . Part of TruLight Ministries is Bringing Bible Truth about several Topics the Church’s Has twisted and Corrupted . On is the Truth on the End Times . On this website Several Articles on the End-times , Enjoy , The Truth shall set You FREE!

It’s pretty clear that we’re living in the end times. From wars and diseases to the scary Mark of the Beast and even the ongoing war in the Middle East, there are so many signs that point to these being the last days. But what’s going to happen next? When will the Rapture happen? Who is this Antichrist everyone talks about? And which country is part of Gog and Magog? How much time do we have left? Until Armageddon happens?

Obtain knowledge about what lies ahead and our place in God’s timeline. Discover the answer to your question about the end times through the guidance of Bible verses that confirm its truth. Instead of fearing what is to come, take comfort in knowing that the creator of heaven and earth, your God, is in control.

Gebeds Raad

Hierdie is ‘n tyd van geestelike waarneming, om geestelik bedag te wees op sake waarvoor daar gebid moet word. Dit sal daartoe lei dat jy sal bid vir ander se behoeftes en sekere van jou eie behoeftes. Jy stel jou in op die Here en wag op die Heilige Gees oor spesifieke sake wat op jou hart gelê word, en bid dan daarvoor. Hierdie is ‘n tyd om nugter en wakker te wees ten opsigte van aanslae van die Bose. Paulus leer ons om te waak en bid. Kol. 4 : 2. Satan sal probeer om jou te verwar en te verhinder om te bid sodat jy nie konsentreer nie. Wees bedag daarop.

Prayer TIP

This is a time of spiritual observation, to be spiritually alert to matters that need to be prayed for. This will lead you to pray for the needs of others and some of your own needs. You tune in to the Lord and wait on the Holy Spirit for specific matters that are laid on your heart, and then pray for them. This is a time to be sober and alert to the attacks of the Evil One. Paul teaches us to watch and pray. Col. 4:2. Satan will try to confuse you and prevent you from praying so that you do not concentrate. Be alert to this.

The TruLight eBook of the week – 

Living with Eternity on My Mind – Was Pastor Dirk’s 1st Book released in 2012 . Download for Free !


Lewe met die Ewigheid in my Gedagtes.

Ook beskikbaar in Afrikaans . Laai asb hieronder die eboek af !

Lewe met die Ewigheid in my Gedagtes – Pastoor Dirk FlemixDownload


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Soon TruLight School of Theology  will start with Its daily Bible Study – Pastor Counselling Certificate – we are Starting with 36 Studies with 10 Studies per Topic from 1st of April 2025 – Over the Next 2 Years we will Include One Daily Study per Topic on this Platform. The Daily Manna Bible Study will be Available in English and Afrikaans!

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Published by TruLight Daily Manna