Collect enough Each day and double for the Sabbath
Bible Verse and Prayer for Today
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
Revelation 3:20
Lord . My Prayer is that Everyone will Hear the Knock at their harts door and Open for Jesus . Jesus will enter your Heart and clean all sin and evil from your Heart with His Blood , and the water of the Baptism will rinse your Heart , Jesus will then write His Commandments on the walls of your Heart and ready your Heart for the Inheritance of the Holy Spirit at Baptism of the Holy Spirit , as soon as the Holy Spirit dwells in His new Temple your Heart , Manna will remain Fresh . Fruits of the Spirit will keep blooming and giving new Fruit and the Commandments will glow as if Jesus has written them today . Father I pray this Ultimate experience for everyone in Jesus name , Amen and Amen
Prayer Tips
Pray thankfully , praise God and end your prayers positively.
Overcome attitudes like unnecessarily emotional begging and pleading to God ‘at bedtime’ because — for example this might cause upset sleep and bad thoughts can lead to bad dreams; be peacemaker in your own mind: how — believe that God already knows and wants for you what you need and rightly desire (not coveting or envying). Then give thanks in advance, expecting good results (that’s trusting).
There is, of course, a time and a place for that pained, pleading and begging: “work out your salvation with fear and trembling”, anytime you like, but bedtime is not always the best time. Though, happiness is not the goal — rather ask for joy in whatever you experience — for trying to stop anxious thoughts or bad dreams, ask the Lord to show you the root cause of these and take them to him in meaningful prayers (personalized), believing. Everyday thanksgiving can bring peace into your life!
Colossians 4:2, “Continue in prayer, and watch [for results] in the same with thanksgiving;”
Increase (or start) thanking, and praising, and lifting up God.
It is however important to know that Jesus is God and that He is the Door to all your prayers to get to the omnipotent spiritual God. He and the father is one. Besides Him there is no other God. Praise Jesus and thank Him for any and all good things (called blessings) in your life.
John 10:9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
John 10:30 I and my Father are one.
God and Jesus have promised to bless the one who blesses others and who thank God for His blessings upon them.
Psa 135:3 Praise the LORD; for the LORD is good: sing praises unto his name; for it is pleasant.
Psa 147:1 Praise ye the LORD: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely.
Psa 149:3 Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp.
1Pe 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
John 1:51 And he saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.
John 6:40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.
Bybel Vers en Gebed vir Vandag
Kyk, Ek staan by die deur en Ek klop; as iemand my stem hoor en die deur oopmaak, sal Ek na hom ingaan en saam met hom maaltyd eet, en hy met My.
Openbaring 3:20
Here. My gebed is dat almal die klop aan hul hartsdeur sal hoor en oopmaak vir Jesus. Jesus sal in jou Hart ingaan en alle sonde en boosheid uit jou Hart skoonmaak met Sy Bloed , en die water van die Doop sal jou Hart reinig , Jesus sal dan Sy Gebooie op die mure van jou Hart skryf en jou Hart gereed maak vir die Inwoning van die Heilige Gees by die Doop van die Heilige Gees , sodra die Heilige Gees in Sy nuwe Tempel woon sal jou Hart Vars bly , daaglikse Manna sal Vars bly . Vrugte van die Gees sal aanhou blom en nuwe vrugte gee en die Gebooie sal gloei asof Jesus dit vandag geskryf het. Vader ek bid hierdie fantastiese ervaring vir almal in Jesus Naam, Amen en Amen
Gebed Wenke
Bid dankbaar , loof God en eindig jou gebede positief.
Oorkom gesindhede soos onnodig emosionele smeek en pleit by God ‘by slaaptyd’, want dit kan byvoorbeeld ontsteld slaap veroorsaak en slegte gedagtes kan lei tot slegte drome; wees vredemaker in jou eie gedagtes: hoe — glo dat God reeds vir jou weet en wil hê wat jy nodig het en met reg verlang (nie begeer of afguns nie). Sê dan by voorbaat dankie en verwag goeie resultate (dit is vertrouend).
Daar is natuurlik ‘n tyd en ‘n plek vir daardie gepynigde, smeek en smeek: “werk jou redding met vrees en bewing uit”, wanneer jy wil, maar slaaptyd is nie altyd die beste tyd nie. Al is geluk nie die doel nie – vra eerder vir vreugde in wat jy ook al ervaar – om angstige gedagtes of slegte drome te probeer stop, vra die Here om vir jou die hoofoorsaak hiervan te wys en neem dit na hom in betekenisvolle gebede (gepersonaliseerd), glo. Alledaagse danksegging kan vrede in jou lewe bring!
Kolossense 4:2, “Volhou in gebed en waak [vir resultate] in dieselfde met danksegging;”
Verhoog (of begin) dank, en loof en verhef God.
Dit is egter belangrik om te weet dat Jesus God is en dat Hy die Deur is na al jou gebede om by die almagtige geestelike God uit te kom. Hy en die pa is een. Buiten Hom is daar geen ander God nie. Prys Jesus en dank Hom vir enige en alle goeie dinge (genoem seëninge) in jou lewe.
Joh 10:9 Ek is die deur; as iemand deur My ingaan, sal hy gered word; en hy sal ingaan en uitgaan en weiding vind.
Joh 10:30 Ek en my Vader is een.
God en Jesus het belowe om die een te seën wat ander seën en wat God dank vir Sy seëninge oor hulle.
Psa 135:3 Loof die HERE; want die HERE is goed; sing tot eer van sy Naam; want dit is aangenaam.
Psa 147:1 Prys die HERE, want dit is goed om tot eer van onse God te sing; want dit is aangenaam; en lof is lieflik.
Psa 149:3 Laat hulle sy Naam loof in die koordans; laat hulle tot eer van Hom sing met tamboeryn en siter.
1Pe 2:9 Maar julle is ‘n uitverkore geslag, ‘n koninklike priesterdom, ‘n heilige nasie, ‘n eiendomsvolk; dat julle die lof kan verkondig van Hom wat julle uit die duisternis na sy wonderbare lig geroep het.
Joh 1:51 En hy sê vir hom: Voorwaar, voorwaar Ek sê vir julle, van nou af sal julle die hemel geopend sien en die engele van God op- en neerdaal op die Seun van die mens.
Joh 6:40 En dit is die wil van Hom wat My gestuur het, dat elkeen wat die Seun aanskou en in Hom glo, die ewige lewe kan hê; en Ek sal hom opwek in die laaste dag.

Bible Teaching of the Day
How can a loving God send someone to hell?
To address the question of how a loving God can send someone to hell, we need to define a few terms and, most likely, correct a few assumptions. We must first define the term loving. Our culture tends to think of “love” as a completely non-confrontational, tolerant approval of whatever the loved one wants to do. But that is not a biblical definition. Love, according to the Bible, is goodwill and benevolence shown in self-sacrifice and an unconditional commitment to the loved one. Love is action promoting the well-being of another person.
Implied in the question “how can a loving God send someone to hell?” is the assumption that sending someone to hell is unloving on God’s part. But God’s very nature is love (1 John 4:16). He cannot do anything that is unloving because His every action and every thought is an expression of His nature. God alone loves in the highest sense of the word; He loves with perfect freedom and objectivity.
If we say that God is somehow wrong to punish unrepentant sinners in the manner He has chosen, then we have declared that we are more loving than God is—and wiser and fairer and more righteous. But it is impossible for us to be more loving than Love Himself. And our feeble notions of what is “wise” and “fair” will always fall short of God’s perfection.
Another assumption we must guard against in asking the question “how can a loving God send someone to hell?” concerns the word send. Yes, God is the one—the only one—who sends people to hell (Luke 12:5; Revelation 20:15). However, when someone is sent to hell, it is not a unilateral action on God’s part, and the person being sent is not a passive victim of circumstance. God has given human beings freedom to participate in their life choices and eternal destinations (John 3:16–18). God has entrusted personal responsibility to each of us. And, in His love, God sent His only begotten Son into the world to save sinners. “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).
“How can a loving God send someone to hell?” Romans 1:18–20 lays the foundation for the answer: “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse” (emphasis added).
There are several key points in this passage. First, people actively “suppress the truth.” Everyone has been given enough truth to know about God and surrender to Him, but they willfully refuse to accept the truth. They love darkness rather than light (John 3:19). Dr. Thomas Nagel, an atheistic professor of philosophy and law, has said, “It isn’t just that I don’t believe in God and, naturally, hope that I’m right in my belief. It’s that I hope there is no God! I don’t want there to be a God; I don’t want the universe to be like that” (The Last Word, Oxford University Press, 1997, p. 130).
Second, Romans 1:19 states that God has “made [the truth about God] plain to them.” In other words, the Creator took the initiative to make His truth obvious to everyone. History has proved this since time began, as every culture and civilization has sought an understanding of a Creator to whom they owe allegiance. The innate understanding that God exists is due to our being created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27).
Third, Romans 1:20 says that people “have no excuse for not knowing God” (NLT). There is no defense, no justification for continuing to reject God’s offer of salvation in Christ. In love, God gave each of us enough truth to turn toward Him rather than away from Him.
When considering the question “how can a loving God send someone to hell?” we must not try to separate God’s love from His justice and righteousness. God’s attributes exist together, and they cannot be plucked out and made to stand alone. God is love, and that shapes His justice; at the same time, His justice affects His expressions of love. Justice requires adequate payment for crimes committed; love requires the extension of grace to the criminal. The cross shows both justice and love. As Jesus died on the cross, He bore the punishment for sin that justice demanded, and He extended the grace of forgiveness to sinners. Thus, both the justice and love of God were at work. “Mercy and truth have met together; Righteousness and peace have kissed” (Psalm 85:10, NKJV).
The question “how can a loving God send someone to hell?” has a logical counterpart: “how can a just God send someone to heaven?” The answer to both questions is, again, the cross. For those who believe in Christ and accept His loving sacrifice on their behalf, God’s justice falls on Jesus. For those who turn away from Christ and reject His sacrifice, God’s justice falls on them.
Hell was originally created for the devil and his angels (Matthew 25:41). When humans joined the devil’s rebellion against God, hell became their fate, too. But God, in His love, provided a way of escape. He proved His love at the cross of Christ. Those who are in Christ have been forgiven of their sin by the grace of God. But those who reject Christ are spurning God’s love and refusing His offer of salvation. If we decline the payment offered by another, we must pay the price ourselves, and “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). Sinners are sent to hell, in spite of God’s love, because they reject God’s loving provision of a Savior.
Jesus revealed the heart of the Father when He lamented those who spurned salvation: “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing” (Matthew 23:37; see also Isaiah 5:1–7 and Hosea 7:13). Hell does not negate God’s love any more than heaven negates God’s justice. “So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, ‘Come back to God!’” (2 Corinthians 5:20, NLT).
Bybel Lering vir die Dag
Hoe kan ‘n Liefdevolle God iemand Hel toe Stuur?
Om die vraag aan te spreek hoe ‘n liefdevolle God iemand hel toe kan stuur, moet ons ‘n paar terme definieer en heel waarskynlik ‘n paar aannames regstel. Ons moet eers die term liefdevol definieer. Ons kultuur is geneig om aan “liefde” te dink as ‘n heeltemal nie-konfronterende, verdraagsame goedkeuring van wat die geliefde ook al wil doen. Maar dit is nie ‘n Bybelse definisie nie. Liefde is volgens die Bybel welwillendheid en welwillendheid wat getoon word in selfopoffering en ‘n onvoorwaardelike toewyding aan die geliefde. Liefde is aksie wat die welstand van ‘n ander persoon bevorder.
Geïmpliseer in die vraag “hoe kan ‘n liefdevolle God iemand hel toe stuur?” is die aanname dat om iemand hel toe te stuur liefdeloos van God se kant is. Maar God se aard is liefde (1 Johannes 4:16). Hy kan niks doen wat liefdeloos is nie, want Sy elke aksie en elke gedagte is ‘n uitdrukking van Sy natuur. God alleen het lief in die hoogste sin van die woord; Hy het met volmaakte vryheid en objektiwiteit lief.
As ons sê dat God op een of ander manier verkeerd is om onberouvolle sondaars te straf op die manier wat Hy gekies het, dan het ons verklaar dat ons meer liefdevol is as wat God is – en wyser en regverdiger en regverdiger. Maar dit is onmoontlik vir ons om meer liefdevol te wees as Homself lief te hê. En ons swak idees van wat “wys” en “regverdig” is, sal altyd tekort skiet aan God se volmaaktheid.
Nog ‘n aanname waarteen ons moet waak wanneer ons die vraag vra “hoe kan ‘n liefdevolle God iemand hel toe stuur?” gaan oor die woord stuur. Ja, God is die een—die enigste een—wat mense hel toe stuur (Lukas 12:5; Openbaring 20:15). Wanneer iemand egter hel toe gestuur word, is dit nie ‘n eensydige aksie van God se kant nie, en die persoon wat gestuur word is nie ‘n passiewe slagoffer van omstandighede nie. God het aan mense vryheid gegee om deel te neem aan hul lewenskeuses en ewige bestemmings (Johannes 3:16–18). God het persoonlike verantwoordelikheid aan elkeen van ons toevertrou. En in Sy liefde het God Sy eniggebore Seun na die wêreld gestuur om sondaars te red. “God bewys sy liefde vir ons hierin: Christus het vir ons gesterf toe ons nog sondaars was” (Romeine 5:8).
“Hoe kan ‘n liefdevolle God iemand hel toe stuur?” Romeine 1:18–20 lê die grondslag vir die antwoord: “Die toorn van God word vanuit die hemel geopenbaar oor al die goddeloosheid en goddeloosheid van die mense wat die waarheid onderdruk deur hulle boosheid, want wat van God bekend is, is vir hulle duidelik, omdat God dit aan hulle duidelik gemaak het. duidelik gesien, uit wat gemaak is, verstaan, sodat mense sonder verskoning is” (beklemtoning bygevoeg).
Daar is verskeie sleutelpunte in hierdie gedeelte. Eerstens, mense “onderdruk die waarheid aktief”. Aan almal is genoeg waarheid gegee om van God te weet en aan Hom oor te gee, maar hulle weier opsetlik om die waarheid te aanvaar. Hulle is lief vir duisternis eerder as lig (Johannes 3:19). Dr. Thomas Nagel, ‘n ateïstiese professor in filosofie en reg, het gesê: “Dit is nie net dat ek nie in God glo nie en natuurlik hoop dat ek reg is in my geloof. Dit is dat ek hoop daar is geen God nie! Ek wil nie hê dat daar ‘n God moet wees nie; ek wil nie hê dat die heelal so moet wees nie” (The Last Word, Oxford University Press, p. 1 9937, p.
Tweedens sê Romeine 1:19 dat God “die waarheid oor God aan hulle duidelik gemaak het”. Met ander woorde, die Skepper het die inisiatief geneem om Sy waarheid vir almal duidelik te maak. Die geskiedenis het dit bewys sedert tyd begin het, aangesien elke kultuur en beskawing ‘n begrip gesoek het van ‘n Skepper aan wie hulle getrouheid verskuldig is. Die ingebore begrip dat God bestaan, is te danke aan ons wat na die beeld van God geskape is (Genesis 1:27).
Derdens sê Romeine 1:20 dat mense “geen verskoning het om God nie te ken nie” (NLT). Daar is geen verweer, geen regverdiging om voort te gaan om God se aanbod van verlossing in Christus te verwerp nie. In liefde het God aan elkeen van ons genoeg waarheid gegee om eerder na Hom te draai as om van Hom af weg te gaan.
Wanneer ons die vraag oorweeg “hoe kan ‘n liefdevolle God iemand hel toe stuur?” ons moet nie probeer om God se liefde van sy geregtigheid te skei nie. God se eienskappe bestaan saam, en hulle kan nie uitgepluk en gemaak word om alleen te staan nie. God is liefde, en dit vorm Sy geregtigheid; terselfdertyd beïnvloed Sy geregtigheid Sy uitdrukkings van liefde. Geregtigheid vereis voldoende betaling vir misdade wat gepleeg word; liefde vereis die uitbreiding van genade na die misdadiger. Die kruis wys beide geregtigheid en liefde. Toe Jesus aan die kruis gesterf het, het Hy die straf vir sonde gedra wat geregtigheid vereis het, en Hy het die genade van vergifnis aan sondaars uitgebrei. So was beide die geregtigheid en liefde van God aan die werk. “Genade en waarheid het mekaar ontmoet, geregtigheid en vrede het mekaar gekus” (Psalm 85:10).
Die vraag “hoe kan ‘n liefdevolle God iemand hel toe stuur?” het ‘n logiese eweknie: “hoe kan ‘n regverdige God iemand hemel toe stuur?” Die antwoord op beide vrae is weer die kruis. Vir diegene wat in Christus glo en Sy liefdevolle offer namens hulle aanvaar, val God se geregtigheid op Jesus. Vir diegene wat wegdraai van Christus en Sy offer verwerp, val God se geregtigheid op hulle.
Die hel is oorspronklik vir die duiwel en sy engele geskep (Matteus 25:41). Toe mense by die duiwel se rebellie teen God aangesluit het, het die hel ook hul lot geword. Maar God het in Sy liefde ‘n weg van ontsnapping voorsien. Hy het sy liefde aan die kruis van Christus bewys. Diegene wat in Christus is, is deur die genade van God van hulle sonde vergewe. Maar diegene wat Christus verwerp, verwerp God se liefde en weier Sy aanbod van verlossing. As ons die betaling van ‘n ander weier, moet ons self die prys betaal, en “die loon van die sonde is die dood” (Romeine 6:23). Sondaars word hel toe gestuur, ten spyte van God se liefde, omdat hulle God se liefdevolle voorsiening van ‘n Verlosser verwerp.
Jesus het die hart van die Vader geopenbaar toe Hy diegene wat verlossing verwerp het, betreur: “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, jy wat die profete doodmaak en stenig die wat na jou gestuur is, hoe dikwels het Ek daarna verlang om jou kinders bymekaar te maak soos ’n hen haar kuikens onder haar vlerke bymekaarmaak, en jy wou nie” (Matteus 23:37; sien ook – 71 en Hosea :3). Die hel ontken God se liefde net so min as wat die hemel God se geregtigheid ontken. “Ons is dus Christus se ambassadeurs; God doen sy beroep deur ons. Ons praat namens Christus wanneer ons pleit: ‘Kom terug na God toe!'” (2 Korintiërs 5:20, NLV).

Today’s Devotional
Having spent a lot of time on living a holy life, many are still asking how they would know how to live. Part of the answer is by determining to whose voice we listen to. In John 10:10 we read that the devil came to steal and destroy. We also see that the devil is roaming around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8) It is therefore obvious that we should not listen to the devil.
The second voice, occasionally leading us astray, is our very own. Often, we react to our own “voice” of reason, intellect, will or desires. We tend to justify unholy living based on our beliefs or perceptions. The sad part is that people often do what they want to and then use the grace of God as an “get out of jail card.” However, according to Titus 2:11 – 12, the grace of God that brought about our salvation also teaches us that we should deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, and live sober, righteous, and godly lives in this present world.
To make a right choice, we need to listen to the right voice. Jesus once said: “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27) Are we still listening to the Lord, still obeying His Word?
But how do we hear God’s voice? How will He guide us to make the right choice?
God’s voice can be heard (seen) in Scripture. God gave us His Word (Bible) which is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfected, thoroughly furnished to every good work. (2 Timothy 3:17)
God’s voice comes to us by the Holy Spirit. “But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in My name, shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance, whatever I have said to you.” (John 14:26)
God also speaks to us through Spirit-filled people. He may use someone near you who is even nearer to Him to speak into your life. When looking at the vast number of writers who wrote the Bible, it is evident that God can use people.
The Lord also gave us prayer. When we are in doubt we can pray and ask the Lord to guide us for it is written, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” (James 1:5)
Lastly, as instructed in Psalm 46, we need to find time to be still before the Lord, to acknowledge Him as God and allow Him to invest in us. Once we know who God is, our desire to be like Him, will guide us in living a holy life, as He is holy.
Let us listen to God’s voice and make the right choice to live holy lives, separated from the world and worldly desires and grafted into the true vine. (See John 15:5) Let us pray, “Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” (Psalm 25: 4-5)
Vandag se Bemoediging
Noudat ons baie tyd spandeer het aan die belangrikheid van ‘n heilige lewe te lei, vra baie steeds hoe hulle sal weet hoe om te lewe. Deel van die antwoord lê daarin om te bepaal na wie se stem ons luister. In Johannes 10:10 lees ons dat die duiwel gekom het om te steel en te vernietig. Ons sien ook dat die duiwel soos ‘n brullende leeu rondloop, op soek na iemand om te verslind. (1 Petrus 5:8) Dit is dus vanselfsprekend dat ons nie na die duiwel moet luister nie.
Die tweede stem, wat ons soms op ‘n dwaalspoor lei, is ons eie. Dikwels reageer ons op ons eie “stem” van rede, intellek, wil of begeertes. Ons is ook geneig om ‘n onheilige lewe te regverdig op grond van ons eie oortuigings of persepsies. Die hartseer deel is dat mense dikwels doen wat hulle wil en dan die genade van God gebruik as ‘n “kom-uit-die-tronk-kaart.” Volgens Titus 2:11 – 12 het die reddende genade van God egter aan alle mense verskyn en leer ons om die goddeloosheid en wêreldse begeerlikhede te verloën, en om ingetoë en regverdig en vroom in die teenwoordige wêreld te lewe.
Om ‘n regte keuse te maak, moet ons na die regte stem luister. Jesus het gesê: “My skape luister na my stem, en Ek ken hulle, en hulle volg My.” (Johannes 10:27) Luister ons nog na die Here, gehoorsaam ons steeds Sy Woord?
Maar hoe hoor ons God se stem? Hoe lei Hy ons om die regte keuse te maak?
God se stem kan deur die Skrif gehoor (gesien) word. “Die hele Skrif is deur God ingegee en is nuttig tot lering, tot weerlegging, tot teregwysing, tot onderwysing in die geregtigheid, sodat die mens van God volkome kan wees, vir elke goeie werk volkome toegerus.” (2 Timoteus 3: 16 – 17)
God se stem kom na ons deur die Heilige Gees. “maar die Trooster, die Heilige Gees, wat die Vader in my Naam sal stuur, sal julle alles leer en julle herinner aan alles wat Ek vir julle gesê het.” (Johannes 14:26)
God praat ook met ons deur Geesgeïnspireerde mense. Hy gebruik dikwels iemand naby jou wat selfs nader aan Hom is om in jou lewe in te praat. As ons kyk na die groot aantal skrywers wat die Bybel geskryf het, is dit duidelik dat God mense kan gebruik.
Die Here het ook vir ons gebed gegee. Wanneer ons twyfel, kan ons bid en die Here vra om ons te lei, want daar is geskryf: “En as iemand van julle wysheid kortkom, laat hom dit van God bid, wat aan almal eenvoudig gee sonder om te verwyt, en dit sal aan hom gegee word.” (Jakobus 1:5)
Laastens, soos voorgeskryf in Psalm 46, moet ons tyd vind om stil te word voor die Here, Hom as God erken en Hom toelaat om in ons te belê. Sodra ons weet wie God is, sal ons begeerte om soos Hy te wees, ons lei om heilig te leef, soos Hy heilig is.
Kom ons luister na God se stem en maak die regte keuse om heilige lewens te lei, losgemaak van die wêreld en wêreldse begeertes en ingeënt in die ware wingerdstok. (Sien Johannes 15:5) Laat ons bid: “Here, maak my U weë bekend; leer my U paaie. Lei my in U waarheid en leer my, want U is die God van my heil. U verwag ek die hele dag.” (Psalm 25:4-5)

TruLight Ministries Daily Entertainment
TruLight TV – Volcanoes, Fossils, and Faith: Evidence of Creation NOT EVOLUTION!
Today on TruLight TV – Fear is a monster that tries to consume our lives. When we were young we were scared of small things like the dark. As adults, our fears grow. But you don’t have to live like that. Trade in your fears for God’s peace. and later Noah explores how the volcanic and ash layers were created and eroded during the global Flood the John Day Fossil Beds in Eastern Oregon. In this episode, Noah travels to Eastern Oregon and explore the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument. It’s here that thousands of feet of Columbia River Basalt are exposed by a major erosional event, most likely the global flood. John Day Fossil Beds also have the largest collection of mammal fossils in the world. These fossils are supposed millions of years old, yet they show very little change from present mammals. Noah will dig for fossils and explore cool locations such as the Palisades, the Painted Hills, and Picture Gorge. He’ll show strong evidence for this area being formed and eroded quickly just a few thousand years ago. This plus some great gospel music. Enjoy!
Today on TruLight Radio XM
TruLight Radio XM 24/7
GMT / UTC +2
00:15 Words to Live By Testimonies
01.15 Science Scripture and Salvation
02.15 Ground Works
04.00 Gospel Concert of the Day
05.00 The Daren Streblow Comedy Show
5:55 It is Today devotional
6:00 Gaither Homecoming Morning Show
7:15 Discover the Word
8.15 Destined for Victory
8:55 Science Scripture and Salvation
9:00 Holy Spirit Hour – Normally Sermons
10:15 Hope of the Heart
11:15 Unshackled
11.45 Words to Live By
12:15 Truth for Life
13:15 Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram
14:15 Focus on the Family
15:00 Kids Hour
16:00 In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley
16:30 Groundwork
17:15 Live in the Light
18:15 Renewing your Mind
19:00 Gaither Homecoming Show
20:15 Growing Hope
21:15 Adventures in Odyssey Radio Drama
21:45 Bible Reading
22:15 Nightsounds
23.00 Good Old Country Gospel / Rhema Gospel Express
Growing up in a family where literally everyone can sing, music has always been a major part of my life. I remember singing my very first solo at my home church in Virginia at 10 years old. That was the beginning of a lifelong journey of singing and performing in various settings and venues worldwide – for crowds big and small. Ultimately, I sing for an audience of ONE. I have learned that worship is the reason why we were all created. There’s nothing else I’d rather do!

Bible Prophecy in the News
Israel recognizes 13 communities in Judea, Samaria – IN THE NEWS

Israel’s Cabinet voted on Saturday night to recognize 13 neighborhoods of existing Judea and Samaria towns as separate communities, allowing for their expansion and development as independent localities.
Saturday’s decision recognizes 13 new villages throughout Judea and Samaria’s Binyamin, Samaria, Gush Etzion, Megilot and Jordan Valley regional councils, numbering thousands of residents.
The move, which was widely welcomed by Judea and Samaria leaders, was led by Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who also manages the Defense Ministry’s civilian administration in Judea and Samaria.
“We continue, with God’s help, to lead a revolution of normalization and regulation in the settlement,” Smotrich declared. “Instead of hiding and apologizing, we raise the flag, build and settle. This is another important step on the way to actual sovereignty in Judea and Samaria.”
The minister continued, “Until now, these communities were formally considered part of their ‘mother’ communities, sometimes for decades, causing many difficulties in their daily operations. Recognizing each of them as independent communities in practice is an important step that will greatly assist in their advancement and development.”
The Yesha Council, which represents the approximate 500,000 Jewish Israeli residents of Judea and Samaria, hailed Saturday’s Cabinet move as “another step in the crucial measures taken by the government to undo the Oslo [Accords] disaster and normalize life in these areas.”
“It is time for the State of Israel to take responsibility for the more than half a million Israeli citizens living under military rule and declare sovereignty,” Yesha Council chairman Israel Ganz said.
Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan said: “This recognition will enable rapid development, improved services for residents, and strengthened communities in Samaria and all of Judea and Samaria.
“For years, we have been working to advance this initiative, understanding that the independence of these communities is essential for their development and for strengthening settlement as a whole,” Dagan said.
As of Jan. 1, 2025, 529,704 Israelis live in Judea and Samaria, amounting to approximately 5.28% of the population of the Jewish state.
Nearly 70% of Israeli citizens want Israel to extend full legal sovereignty over the area, according to a poll conducted on Jan. 29.
Fifty-eight percent of Israeli Jews believe that communities in Judea and Samaria contribute to the security of the country, according to a poll the Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI) published on March 11.
Pastor Dirk’s Input
Judea and Samaria are part of the 7 Year Peace agreement the Jewish Messiah aka The Antichrist will put on the Table . Judea and Samaria will become the Country of Palestine during the 7 Year Peace Agreement Period. But halfway in the 7 Years the Jewish Messiah aka the Antichrist will break the 7 year Peace agreement himself by stopping the Daily sacrifices in the newly build 3rd Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount Jerusalem next to the Dome of the Rock Islam temple. During the 1st Half of the 7 Year Peace agreement after the Final Atom bomb of Gog and Magog , Jews will be allowed to Stay in the Country Palestine peacefully until the Jewish messiah reveals himself as the Antichrist . Then the Jews will have to flee into the wilderness of Jordan .
Daniel Chapter 12, Matt 24 . Rev 16 speaks of this
Signs of the Times in the News
Christian Broadcasters Strengthening the Biblical Heartland

Many liberal Jews still advocate for a two-state solution while expressing concerns over settlements. Conversely, evangelical Christians often support Israel’s claims based on a biblical narrative and view Jewish sovereignty as a fulfillment of prophecy.
Called . Christian Zionism a Doctrine of Demons
Read more about it
Gog and Magog Update
News Headlines in the News

- Houthis in Yemen Fire Missile at Israel for 4th Time in a Week
- IDF Expands Operations in Gaza
- The IDF Is pushing into Gaza from both the North and the South, while cutting the entire strip once again into two at the Neitzarim Corridor. Hamas has clearly been shaken by the surprise attack carried out at the beginning of this phase.
- Five Houthi Attacks in One Week; Missiles from Lebanon
- The IDF intercepted a Houthi missile on Sunday morning, marking the fifth Houthi attack in one week. While it was downed before it entered Israeli airspace, sirens were triggered across central Israel.
TruLight Ministry News
TruLight Ministries orders from God since 2012 . Teach Them , Comfort Them and Warn Them! //////////// TruLight Ministries opdrag vanaf God sedert 2012. Leer hulle, troos hulle en waarsku hulle!
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TruLight TV is a dedicated channel that aims to offer high-quality family entertainment and promote the values of the Trinity. With the intention of shining light in a dark world, TruLight TV ensures that everyone has the opportunity to watch content that is beneficial for the soul.
The TruLight eBook of the week –

Not just a Spirit.
A Revelation from God – received by Pastor Dirk
Chapter selection
- Introduction to the Holy Spirit
- The Throne of God
- The Cherubim
- The Seven Spirits of God
- The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
- The Baptism of Jesus and His Disciples
- The Spirit of God and the 4 Living beings (Cherubim)
- The Ministry of the Spirit
- The Mark / Seal of God
Soon TruLight School of Theology will start with Its daily Bible Study – Pastor Counselling Certificate – we are Starting with 36 Studies with 10 Studies per Topic from 1st of April 2025 – Over the Next 2 Years we will Include One Daily Study per Topic on this Platform. The Daily Manna Bible Study will be Available in English and Afrikaans!
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