Daily Manna

Daily Manna for 5 March 2025

Bible Verse and Prayer for Today

Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.

Act 19 v 4


Lord . Yes it’s That Simple , Believe and Be Baptized . All we Need to do is Believe in God the Father , Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit and ReBirth , Baptism in Water and Baptism in the Spirit will Follow as the Holy Spirit Drives our spirit . But we have a common enemy that don’t want to let us be united with the Heaven . and some does not take all 12 steps to Heaven . Please help us with these steps we Pray in Jesus name . Amen and Amen

Bybel Vers en Gebed vir Vandag

Toe sê Paulus: Johannes het voorwaar gedoop met die doop van bekering en aan die volk gesê dat hulle moet glo in Hom wat ná hom sou kom, dit is in Christus Jesus.

Handelinge 19:4


Here. Ja, dit is so eenvoudig, glo en word gedoop. Al wat ons hoef te doen is om te glo in God die Vader, Jesus die Seun en die Heilige Gees en Wedergeboorte, Doop in Water en Doop in die Gees sal volg soos die Heilige Gees ons gees dryf. Maar ons het ‘n gemeenskaplike vyand wat ons nie met die Hemel wil laat verenig nie. en sommige neem nie al 12 stappe na die Hemel nie. Help ons asseblief met hierdie stappe wat ons bid in Jesus naam. Amen en Amen

Bible Teaching of the Day

After exhorting the believers in Galatia and warning them of the things they should avoid (Galatians 5:1—6:8), Paul may have known they would be feeling overwhelmed with the responsibilities of the Christian life. So he encourages them with the words of verse 9: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

Paul, perhaps better than anyone else, knew how wearying the spiritual battle can be. He ends his warnings about sin, the works of the flesh, and the deceitfulness of the world by encouraging the Galatians, and all believers, to remember the joyful harvest we will reap if we persevere in doing good. “If we have opportunity,” Paul says in the next verse, “let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers” (Galatians 6:10).

We all know what it means to do good and not evil. Paul has just summarized the works of the flesh (which are doing evil) and the fruit of the Spirit (which results in doing good) in Galatians 5:19–26. Doing good involves yielding to the Spirit and exhibiting the fruit He produces—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. When these things are dominant in our lives, doing good is the inevitable result.

We need this exhortation not to grow weary in doing good because “the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Mark 14:38). In view of our own natural weakness and the opposition of evil spirits and evil men, the best intentions for doing good can be easily derailed. Christians often feel there is so much work to be done that we cannot possibly do it all. There are so many needs, so many calls on our time, energy, and finances, and there is often so much ingratitude among those we try to benefit that we can easily become exhausted and disheartened. Doing what’s right is not easy in a fallen world, especially when it seems no one notices and there is little reward for all our troubles. Is it worth serving the Lord? Paul says, “Yes!”

Growing weary in doing good is an ever-present danger in the Christian life. But there are things we can do to minimize weariness. Jesus scheduled times of rest, and so should we (Mark 6:31). Overcommitting ourselves is a primary cause of weariness among Christians. We want so much to contribute and to respond to God’s love by pouring ourselves into ministry for His sake that we risk burnout. Discernment is essential. God will provide for each need He wants to fulfill. He is, after all, in charge of it all. Not a sparrow falls without His seeing it (Matthew 10:29). He will ordain the means to accomplish His ends. Sometimes all He really wants from the overcommitted is for them to quiet their hearts and be still before Him (Psalm 46:10; cf. Luke 10:41).

Paul points us past our labors to the prize at the end: those who persevere in doing good are promised to reap rewards. When we become disheartened, the comforting presence of the Holy Spirit brings relief and gratitude to our hearts and glory to God. Just like the sower of seed must wait for the harvest, the Christian must wait patiently for the rewards that will inevitably come from the Giver of all good things (James 1:17). We will not give up, because our Lord is faithful. “Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:58).

Bybel Lering vir die Dag

Nadat Paulus die gelowiges in Galasië vermaan het en hulle gewaarsku het oor die dinge wat hulle moet vermy (Galasiërs 5:1—6:8), het Paulus dalk geweet dat hulle oorweldig sou voel met die verantwoordelikhede van die Christelike lewe. Daarom bemoedig hy hulle met die woorde van vers 9: “Laat ons nie moeg word om goed te doen nie, want op die regte tyd sal ons ‘n oes insamel as ons nie tou opgooi nie.”

Paulus, miskien beter as enigiemand anders, het geweet hoe vermoeiend die geestelike stryd kan wees. Hy eindig sy waarskuwings oor sonde, die werke van die vlees en die bedrog van die wêreld deur die Galasiërs en alle gelowiges aan te moedig om die vreugdevolle oes te onthou wat ons sal insamel as ons volhard om goed te doen. “Soos ons geleentheid het,” sê Paulus in die volgende vers, “laat ons goed doen aan almal, veral aan die wat tot die familie van gelowiges behoort” (Galasiërs 6:10).

Ons weet almal wat dit beteken om goed te doen en nie kwaad nie. Paulus het pas die werke van die vlees (wat kwaad doen) en die vrug van die Gees (wat lei tot goeie doen) in Galasiërs 5:19–26 opgesom. Om goed te doen, behels om aan die Gees toe te gee en die vrug wat Hy voortbring ten toon te stel—liefde, vreugde, vrede, geduld, vriendelikheid, goedheid, getrouheid, sagmoedigheid en selfbeheersing. Wanneer hierdie dinge oorheersend in ons lewens is, is goed doen die onvermydelike gevolg.

Ons het hierdie vermaning nodig om nie moeg te word om goed te doen nie, want “die gees is gewillig, maar die vlees is swak” (Mark. 14:38). Met die oog op ons eie natuurlike swakheid en die opposisie van bose geeste en bose mense, kan die beste bedoelings om goed te doen maklik ontspoor word. Christene voel dikwels daar is soveel werk om te doen dat ons onmoontlik dit alles kan doen. Daar is soveel behoeftes, soveel roepe op ons tyd, energie en finansies, en daar is dikwels soveel ondankbaarheid onder diegene wat ons probeer bevoordeel dat ons maklik uitgeput en moedeloos kan raak. Om te doen wat reg is, is nie maklik in ‘n gevalle wêreld nie, veral as dit lyk asof niemand dit agterkom nie en daar min vergoeding vir al ons probleme is. Is dit die moeite werd om die Here te dien? Paulus sê: “Ja!”

Om moeg te word om goed te doen, is ‘n altyd teenwoordige gevaar in die Christelike lewe. Maar daar is dinge wat ons kan doen om moegheid te verminder. Jesus het tye van rus geskeduleer, en ons moet ook (Mark 6:31). Om onsself te oorbind is ‘n primêre oorsaak van moegheid onder Christene. Ons wil so graag bydra en op God se liefde reageer deur onsself in die bediening ter wille van Hom uit te stort dat ons uitbranding waag. Onderskeidingsvermoë is noodsaaklik. God sal voorsien in elke behoefte wat Hy wil vervul. Hy is immers in beheer van dit alles. Geen mossie val sonder dat Hy dit sien nie (Matteus 10:29). Hy sal die middele bestem om Sy doel te bereik. Soms is al wat Hy werklik van die oortoegewydes wil hê, dat hulle hul harte moet stil en stil word voor Hom (Psalm 46:10; vgl. Lukas 10:41).

Paulus wys ons verby ons arbeid na die prys aan die einde: diegene wat volhard om goed te doen, word belowe om vrugte te pluk. Wanneer ons moedeloos raak, bring die vertroostende teenwoordigheid van die Heilige Gees verligting en dankbaarheid in ons harte en eer aan God. Net soos die saadsaaier vir die oes moet wag, moet die Christen geduldig wag vir die belonings wat onvermydelik van die Gewer van alle goeie dinge sal kom (Jakobus 1:17). Ons sal nie opgee nie, want ons Here is getrou. “Gee julle altyd ten volle oor aan die werk van die Here, want julle weet dat julle arbeid in die Here nie tevergeefs is nie” (1 Korintiërs 15:58).

Today’s Devotional

This morning, I am reminded of a song sung by Ernie Haas and Signature sound. The chorus reads, “His love is a boundless love, and it reaches down and touches me. His love is an endless love that will last thru all eternity.”

I want to briefly allude to the love of God for us. In 1 John 4:10 we see that God first loved us. We also read that God’s love is immeasurable and everlasting. (see Ephesians 3:17-19 and Jeremiah 31:3)

But God’s love is also a giving love. This is evident from John 3:16 which states that God so loved us that He gave. But God’s love also prevents God from unleashing His fury upon us. Lamentations 3:22-23 tells us that because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed.

God’s love is also forgiving love. In Psalm 103: 3 we read that God forgives our iniquities. It is also written that God is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong if we confess our sins. (1 John 1:9)

But the love of God also challenges us.

Doesn’t the Word instruct us to love the Lord our God with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our mind, and with all our strength and to love our neighbours as we love ourselves? (Mark 12:30-31)

Doesn’t the Word tell us not to forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased? (Hebrews 13:16)

Doesn’t the Word tell us to be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you? (Ephesians 4:32)

Lastly, are we not instructed to go into all the world and preach [proclaim] openly the wonderful news of the gospel to every person? (Mark 16:15)

See [hear] what the Word says in 1 John 4:12 “No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.”

Let us therefor love one another, as God loved us so that God may be glorified in Heaven and on Earth.

Vandag se Bemoediging

Vanoggend onthou ek ‘n liedjie wat Ernie Haas en Signature sound gesing het. Die koor lui: “His love is a boundless love, and it reaches down and touches me. His love is an endless love that will last thru all eternity.”

Ek wil kortliks gesels oor die liefde van God vir ons. In 1 Johannes 4:10 sien ons dat God ons eerste liefgehad het. Ons lees ook dat God se liefde onmeetbaar en ewigdurend is. (sien Efesiërs 3:17-19 en Jeremia 31:3)

Maar God se liefde is ook ‘n gee-liefde. Dit blyk uit Johannes 3:16 wat sê dat God ons so liefgehad het dat Hy Sy eniggebore Seun gegee het. Maar, God se liefde verhoed ook dat God sy woede oor ons loslaat. Klaagliedere 3:22-23 sê vir ons dat Hy bly getrou. Sy liefde het ons gespaar. Hy het gekeer dat ons heeltemal uitgewis is. (Boodskap vertaling)

God se liefde is ook vergewende liefde. In Psalm 103:3 lees ons dat God ons ongeregtighede vergewe. Daar is ook geskrywe dat God getrou en regverdig is om ons die sondes te vergewe en ons van alle ongeregtigheid te reinig wanneer ons ons sondes bely. (1 Johannes 1:9)

Maar die liefde van God daag ons ook uit.

Gee die Woord ons nie opdrag om die Here ons God lief te hê met ons hele hart en met ons hele siel en met ons hele verstand en met al ons krag en om ons naaste lief te hê soos ons onsself liefhet nie? (Markus 12:30-31)

Sê die Woord nie vir ons om nie te vergeet om weldadig en mededeelsaam te wees nie? (Hebreërs 13:16)

Sê die Woord nie vir ons om vriendelik en vol ontferming teenoor mekaar te wees en mekaar te vergewe soos God ons ook in Christus vergewe het nie? (Efesiërs 4:32)
Laastens, word ons nie opdrag gegee om die hele wêreld in te gaan en die wonderlike nuus van die evangelie openlik aan elke mens te verkondig nie? (Markus 16:15)

Kyk [hoor] wat sê die Woord in 1 Johannes 4:12; “Niemand het God ooit aanskou nie. As ons mekaar liefhet, bly God in ons en het sy liefde in ons volmaak geword.”

Laat ons dan mekaar liefhê, soos God ons liefgehad het, sodat God in die hemel en op aarde verheerlik kan word.

TruLight Ministries Daily Entertainment

TruLight TV – Foundations: The Hymns of My Heart

Have you ever broken a promise? Has someone ever let you down by not keeping their word? The Israelite’s may have doubted God’s promises, but in the book of Joshua, we see that every promise He made to them came true. Trust in Him to fulfill His word. Today’s concert features Chris Blue, a winner of “The Voice,” who is releasing his debut Gospel album titled Foundations: The Hymns of My Heart. This collection includes beloved classics like “I Can’t Even Walk (Without You Holding My Hand)” and “Lean on Me,” showcasing Blue’s passionate renditions of songs that have deeply impacted him. His smooth vocals, dynamic performances, and inspiring interview with host Bill Gaither offer a joyful testament to his faith journey.

Today on TruLight Radio XM

TruLight Radio XM    24/7
GMT / UTC +2
00:15 Words to Live By Testimonies
01.15 Science Scripture and Salvation
02.15 Ground Works
04.00 Gospel Concert of the Day
05.00 The Daren Streblow Comedy Show
5:55 It is Today devotional
6:00 Gaither Homecoming Morning Show
7:15 Discover the Word
8.15 Destined for Victory
8:55 Science Scripture and Salvation
9:00 Holy Spirit Hour – Normally Sermons
10:15 Hope of the Heart
11:15 Unshackled
11.45 Words to Live By 
12:15 Truth for Life 
13:15 Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram
14:15 Focus on the Family
15:00 Kids Hour
16:00 In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley
16:30 Groundwork
17:15 Live in the Light
18:15 Renewing your Mind 
19:00 Gaither Homecoming Show
20:15 Growing Hope 
21:15 Adventures in Odyssey Radio Drama
21:45 Bible Reading
22:15 Nightsounds 
23.00  Good Old Country Gospel / Rhema Gospel Express



Bible Prophecy in the News

Prophetic Turning Point? Trump-Zelensky Clash Ignites Calls For EU Army

The abrupt fallout between former President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has not only shaken diplomatic relations but has also sparked renewed calls for Europe to establish its own army—one independent of the United States. Could this be the fulfillment of a prophetic moment leading towards the rise of a European superstate? And could this pave the way for the prophesied leader who will unite Europe under a single banner?

Signs of the Times in the News

Jared Kushner offered Sinwar $10 billion and control of Gaza to leave Israel alone

Hamas official Mahmoud Mardawi claimed that Jared Kushner offered Yahya Sinwar $10 billion and a Hamas-led Palestinian state in Gaza in exchange for relinquishing claims to Judea and Samaria and the rest of “Palestine” but Sinwar rejected the proposal.

Australia is currently celebrating Mardi Gras by having an Aboriginal man dressed in dominatrix-style boots acting out putting a spear through someone mocking Jesus.

In a country where both Jewish and Islamic groups have called for tougher hate speech laws which could lead to people being put in prison for “hate speech,” Christianity continues to be mocked with zero consequence.

Gog and Magog Update.

With the Final Bomb of the Gog and Magog Battle still ongoing since 2012 soon to Fall . It’s good for you to Study Bible Prophecy . Why should you Study Bible Prophecy ?

There are six very good reasons why you should study Bible prophecy.

1. Nearly a Third of the Bible is Prophecy

Some 31% of the Bible is God letting mankind know what the future holds. And I’m not just talking about the writings of the Major and Minor Prophets and the book of Revelation. If you don’t want to read prophecy, then you also have to skip the Psalms, Jesus’ own teachings in the Gospels, and pretty much all the books by Peter, Paul, Jude and John.

The Apostle Paul warned Christians, “Do not despise prophecies.” He even confirmed that “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God” and so that must also include the prophetic writings. And, even Jesus throughout the Gospels and Revelation, recited prophecies from the Old Testament and taught new ones. To top it all off, Jesus promised a blessing for those who read and obey the prophecies in the book of Revelation.

So, if prophecy is so important to Jesus, then shouldn’t it be important to Christians as well?

2. The Focus of Prophecy is Jesus Christ

Bible prophecy is in the end all about Jesus. Jesus declared He must fulfill prophecy so that “…all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me.” The angel of Revelation 19 even equated the testimony of Jesus with prophecy, declaring “…Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

If Jesus did not fulfill even one of the 109 distinct First Coming prophecies about the Messiah, then He couldn’t be who He claimed to be — the Savior.

Fulfilled prophecy validates Jesus’ claim to divinity and being our Savior.

3. Fulfilled Prophecies Prove the Bible is Truly God’s Word

The Bible is unique in being prophetic. There is no religious book, not by Buddha or Krishna or Mohammed or anyone else, ever written which contains so much prophecy. And, I’m not talking about general prophecies about the future, but super specific prophecies such as the Messiah would descend from the line of David, be born in Bethlehem, be killed by crucifixion, and be raised from the dead three days later.

The actual fulfillment of all these prophecies and over a hundred more proves the Bible truly is the Word of God, and so we can put our faith in what it teaches.

4. Bible Prophecy Motivates One to Holy Living

The Prophets and Apostles didn’t just relay God’s messages about the future, but they also gave powerful messages concerning living morally. For example, Romans 13 encourages, “…the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.”

When the people obeyed prophetic teachings, they grew spiritually. 1 John 3 declares, “…when He [Jesus] is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.”

They became better people, being less self-centered and more God-centered. 1 Peter 4 admonishes, “But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers… have fervent love for one another… minister to one another, be good stewards…”

When a person is more heavenly minded they’ll be more generous because they’re investing in eternity. 2 Peter 3 advises, “But the day of the Lord will come… Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God…”

And, the people became much better at discerning truth from falsehoods. Luke 21 warns, “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly…”

5. Bible Prophecy Energizes Christians to Evangelize

Knowing that we’re quickly running out of time before Jesus returns, Christians when they study Bible prophecy become motivated to get out there and tell people about the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Fulfilled Bible prophecies actually are an excellent apologetics tool for defending the faith. And, the Gospel is very attractive to people wanting to know what the future holds.

6. Bible Prophecy Provides Hope for the Future

When the world seems to be careening into chaos and you wonder if God’s still around, Bible prophecy tells us God certainly is still in control. In the light of Bible prophecy, these crazy current events finally make sense. They’re all leading up to one big thing — Jesus Christ’s return.

And when Jesus returns, He wins! And when Jesus wins, believers in Christ, well, we win as well! So, when you live a life of anticipating victory, you too can have hope for the future.


So in summary, to reject Bible prophecy means skipping almost a third of the Bible. The focus of prophecy is Jesus Christ. Fulfilled prophecies prove the Bible is truly God’s Word. Prophecy motivates Christians to holy living, to evangelism, and to have hope about the future.

The Apostle Peter warned, “that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, ‘Where is the promise of His coming?’” Will that be you? No! Or, will you embrace the wonder that Is Jesus Christ, the focus and fulfillment of Bible prophecy?

TruLight Ministry News

This Our 14th Website is now a week Old . New Changes , Some Spoon Feeders Left . But God did show Us this, The Lazy Christians will Fall Away . Those Christians that want somebody else to Pick up their Daily Manna and Spoon Feed them . They left and are Not reading the New TruLight way of Feeding the Really Hunger . God knew this , for He knows the Heart of Men . For us at TruLight this was another eye opening event . The Great Falling Away is in Full Swing and only a SMALL FLOCK will remain and the sheep and the goats are separated even more! /////////////////////////////////////////////////// Die Ons 14de webwerf is nou ‘n week oud. Nuwe veranderinge, ‘n paar lepelvoerders is weg. Maar God het vir ons dit gewys, Die lepelvoedende Christene sal wegval. Daardie Christene wat wil hê dat iemand anders hul Daaglikse Manna moet optel en hulle met ‘n lepel voer. Hulle het weggegaan en lees nie die Nuwe TruLight manier om die werklike honger te voed nie. God het dit geweet, want Hy ken die Hart van Mense. Vir ons by TruLight was dit nog ‘n oogopening-geleentheid. Die Groot Wegval is in volle swang en net ‘n KLEIN oorblyfsel sal oorbly en die skape en die bokke word nog meer geskei!

More about TruLight Ministries International

Do yourself the Favor and Watch the TruLight Introduction Video on the TruLight Ministries website .

Link Below


The TruLight eBook of the week – The Great Falling Away / The Other Women


Lering Video en Audio deur Pastoor Dirk

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Published by TruLight Daily Manna