Daily Manna

Daily Manna for 10 March 2025

Daily Manna for 6 March 2025

Bible Verse and Prayer for Today

Joh 15:9 – 10 As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love.


Lord , Thank you for Your love towards Us , Jesus Thank You for Your Love to Our Father and Please Help Us to Love one another Just like You and the Father Love each Other . Love is extremely Important to You and should be our Number one task. we Pray this in Jesus name , Amen and Amen

Bybel Vers en Gebed vir Vandag

Joh 15:9 – 10 Soos die Vader My liefgehad het, het Ek julle ook liefgehad; bly in my liefde. As julle my gebooie bewaar, sal julle in my liefde bly; net soos Ek die gebooie van my Vader bewaar het en in sy liefde bly.


Here, dankie vir U liefde vir Ons, Jesus Dankie vir U Liefde vir Ons Vader en Help Ons asseblief om mekaar lief te hê Net soos U en die Vader mekaar liefhet. Liefde is vir U uiters belangrik en behoort ons nommer een taak te wees. ons bid dit in Jesus Naam, Amen en Amen

Bible Teaching of the Day

In a religious context, the “manifestation of faith” refers to the visible expression and demonstration of belief through actions, words, and character, showing that faith is not merely a belief, but a lived reality.

Here’s a more detailed explanation:

Beyond Belief:

Manifestation of faith goes beyond simply believing in something; it’s about embodying those beliefs in daily life.

Visible Expression:

It’s about making your faith tangible and observable through your actions, words, and character.

Living Out Faith:

This concept emphasizes that faith should be evident in how you interact with others, treat situations, and respond to challenges.


A manifestation of faith could be demonstrated through acts of kindness, service, compassion, or standing up for what you believe in, even when it’s difficult.

Biblical Context:

The Bible often uses examples of people whose faith was evident in their lives, such as Abraham’s obedience or the woman who touched Jesus’s cloak.

Different Perspectives:

Some interpretations of “manifestation of faith” focus on God’s blessings and miracles as evidence of faith, while others emphasize the believer’s actions and character as the outward expression of faith.

Not Just Words:

It’s not just about saying you believe, but about living in a way that reflects that belief.

Growth and Development:

Faith is not static; it grows and develops as individuals learn and apply their beliefs in their lives.

Manifestation of faith – Touch this Door if you Believe God is busy with a new plan for your Life!

Bybel Lering vir die Dag

In ‘n godsdienstige konteks verwys die “manifestasie van geloof” na die sigbare uitdrukking en demonstrasie van geloof deur dade, woorde en karakter, wat wys dat geloof nie bloot ‘n geloof is nie, maar ‘n geleefde werklikheid.

Hier is ‘n meer gedetailleerde verduideliking:

Anderkant Geloof :

Manifestasie van geloof gaan verder as om bloot in iets te glo; dit gaan daaroor om daardie oortuigings in die daaglikse lewe te beliggaam.

Sigbare uitdrukking:

Dit gaan daaroor om jou geloof tasbaar en waarneembaar te maak deur jou dade, woorde en karakter.

Leef uit geloof:

Hierdie konsep beklemtoon dat geloof duidelik moet wees in hoe jy met ander omgaan, situasies hanteer en op uitdagings reageer.


’n Manifestasie van geloof kan gedemonstreer word deur dade van vriendelikheid, diensbaarheid, deernis, of om op te staan ​​vir dit waarin jy glo, selfs wanneer dit moeilik is.

Bybelse konteks:

Die Bybel gebruik dikwels voorbeelde van mense wie se geloof in hulle lewens duidelik was, soos Abraham se gehoorsaamheid of die vrou wat Jesus se mantel aangeraak het.

Verskillende perspektiewe:

Sommige interpretasies van “geloofsbetoon” fokus op God se seëninge en wonderwerke as bewys van geloof, terwyl ander die gelowige se optrede en karakter beklemtoon as die uiterlike uitdrukking van geloof.

Nie net woorde nie:

Dit gaan nie net daaroor om te sê jy glo nie, maar om op ‘n manier te leef wat daardie geloof weerspieël.

Groei en ontwikkeling:

Geloof is nie staties nie; dit groei en ontwikkel soos wat individue leer en hul oortuigings in hul lewens toepas.

Manifestasie van geloof !!

Raak vandag aan die Deur hier BO as Jy Glo God is besig met ‘n Nuwe Plan vir jou Lewe !

a Bonus Teaching for Today !!

“But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law” (Galatians 4:4). This verse declares that God the Father sent His Son when “the time had fully come.” There were many things occurring at the time of the first century that, at least by human reasoning, seem to make it ideal for Christ to come then.

1) There was a great anticipation among the Jews of that time that the Messiah would come. The Roman rule over Israel made the Jews hungry for the Messiah’s coming.

2) Rome had unified much of the world under its government, giving a sense of unity to the various lands. Also, because the empire was relatively peaceful, travel was possible, allowing the early Christians to spread the gospel. Such freedom to travel would have been impossible in other eras.

3) While Rome had conquered militarily, Greece had conquered culturally. A “common” form of the Greek language (different from classical Greek) was the trade language and was spoken throughout the empire, making it possible to communicate the gospel to many different people groups through one common language.

4) The fact that the many false idols had failed to give them victory over the Roman conquerors caused many to abandon the worship of those idols. At the same time, in the more “cultured” cities, the Greek philosophy and science of the time left others spiritually empty in the same way that the atheism of communist governments leaves a spiritual void today.

5) The mystery religions of the time emphasized a savior-god and required worshipers to offer bloody sacrifices, thus making the gospel of Christ which involved one ultimate sacrifice believable to them. The Greeks also believed in the immortality of the soul (but not of the body).

6) The Roman army recruited soldiers from among the provinces, introducing these men to Roman culture and to ideas (such as the gospel) that had not reached those outlying provinces yet. The earliest introduction of the gospel to Britain was the result of the efforts of Christian soldiers stationed there.

The above statements are based on men looking at that time and speculating about why that particular point in history was a good time for Christ to come. But we understand that God’s ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8), and these may or may not have been some reasons for why He chose that particular time to send His Son. From the context of Galatians 3 and 4, it is evident that God sought to lay a foundation through the Jewish Law that would prepare for the coming of the Messiah. The Law was meant to help people understand the depth of their sinfulness (in that they were incapable of keeping the Law) so that they might more readily accept the cure for that sin through Jesus the Messiah (Galatians 3:22-23; Romans 3:19-20). The Law was also “put in charge” (Galatians 3:24) to lead people to Jesus as the Messiah. It did this through its many prophecies concerning the Messiah which Jesus fulfilled. Add to this the sacrificial system that pointed to the need for a sacrifice for sin as well as its own inadequacy (with each sacrifice always requiring later additional ones). Old Testament history also painted pictures of the person and work of Christ through several events and religious feasts (such as the willingness of Abraham to offer up Isaac, or the details of the Passover during the exodus from Egypt, etc.).

Finally, Christ came when He did in fulfillment of specific prophecy. Daniel 9:24-27 speaks of the “seventy weeks” or the seventy “sevens.” From the context, these “weeks” or “sevens” refer to groups of seven years, not seven days. We can examine history and line up the details of the first sixty-nine weeks (the seventieth week will take place at a future point). The countdown of the seventy weeks begins with “the going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem” (verse 25). This command was given by Artaxerxes Longimanus in 445 B.C. (see Nehemiah 2:5). After seven “sevens” plus 62 “sevens,” or 69 x 7 years, the prophecy states, “the Anointed One will be cut off and will have nothing. The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary” and that the “end will come like a flood” (meaning major destruction) (v. 26). Here we have an unmistakable reference to the Savior’s death on the cross. A century ago in his book The Coming Prince, Sir Robert Anderson gave detailed calculations of the sixty-nine weeks, using ‘prophetic years,’ allowing for leap years, errors in the calendar, the change from B.C. to A.D., etc., and figured that the sixty-nine weeks ended on the very day of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, five days before His death. Whether one uses this timetable or not, the point is that the timing of Christ’s incarnation ties in with this detailed prophecy recorded by Daniel over five hundred years beforehand.

The timing of Christ’s incarnation was such that the people of that time were prepared for His coming. The people of every century since then have more than sufficient evidence that Jesus was indeed the promised Messiah through His fulfillment of the Scriptures that pictured and prophesied His coming in great detail.

‘n Bonus Lering vir Vandag !!

“Maar toe die tyd aangebreek het, het God sy Seun gestuur, gebore uit ’n vrou, gebore onder die wet” (Galasiërs 4:4). Hierdie vers verklaar dat God die Vader Sy Seun gestuur het toe “die tyd vol gekom het”. Daar was baie dinge wat in die tyd van die eerste eeu plaasgevind het wat, ten minste deur menslike redenasie, dit skynbaar ideaal maak vir Christus om dan te kom.

1) Daar was ‘n groot verwagting onder die Jode van daardie tyd dat die Messias sou kom. Die Romeinse heerskappy oor Israel het die Jode honger gemaak vir die Messias se koms.

2) Rome het ‘n groot deel van die wêreld onder sy regering verenig, wat ‘n gevoel van eenheid aan die verskillende lande gegee het. Ook, omdat die ryk relatief vreedsaam was, was reis moontlik, wat die vroeë Christene toegelaat het om die evangelie te versprei. Sulke vryheid om te reis sou in ander eras onmoontlik gewees het.

3) Terwyl Rome militêr verower het, het Griekeland kultureel verower. ’n “Algemene” vorm van die Griekse taal (anders as klassieke Grieks) was die handelstaal en is regdeur die ryk gepraat, wat dit moontlik gemaak het om die evangelie aan baie verskillende mensegroepe deur een gemeenskaplike taal oor te dra.

4) Die feit dat die baie valse afgode nie daarin geslaag het om aan hulle die oorwinning oor die Romeinse oorwinnaars te gee nie, het veroorsaak dat baie die aanbidding van daardie afgode laat vaar het. Terselfdertyd, in die meer “gekultiveerde” stede, het die Griekse filosofie en wetenskap van die tyd ander geestelik leeg gelaat op dieselfde manier as wat die ateïsme van kommunistiese regerings vandag ‘n geestelike leemte laat.

5) Die geheimsinnige godsdienste van die tyd het ‘n verlosser-god beklemtoon en vereis dat aanbidders bloedige offers bring, en sodoende die evangelie van Christus wat een uiteindelike offer behels het, vir hulle geloofwaardig gemaak. Die Grieke het ook geglo in die onsterflikheid van die siel (maar nie van die liggaam nie).

6) Die Romeinse leër het soldate uit die provinsies gewerf en hierdie manne aan die Romeinse kultuur en idees (soos die evangelie) bekendgestel wat nog nie daardie afgeleë provinsies bereik het nie. Die vroegste bekendstelling van die evangelie aan Brittanje was die resultaat van die pogings van Christensoldate wat daar gestasioneer was.

Bogenoemde stellings is gebaseer op mans wat na daardie tyd kyk en spekuleer oor hoekom daardie spesifieke punt in die geskiedenis ‘n goeie tyd was vir Christus om te kom. Maar ons verstaan ​​dat God se weë nie ons weë is nie (Jesaja 55:8), en dit was dalk of nie ‘n paar redes waarom Hy daardie spesifieke tyd gekies het om Sy Seun te stuur. Uit die konteks van Galasiërs 3 en 4 is dit duidelik dat God probeer het om ‘n fondament te lê deur die Joodse Wet wat sou voorberei vir die koms van die Messias. Die Wet was bedoel om mense te help om die diepte van hulle sondigheid te verstaan ​​(in die feit dat hulle nie in staat was om die Wet te onderhou nie) sodat hulle die genesing vir daardie sonde deur Jesus die Messias makliker kon aanvaar (Galasiërs 3:22-23; Romeine 3:19-20). Die Wet is ook “in beheer geplaas” (Galasiërs 3:24) om mense na Jesus as die Messias te lei. Dit het dit gedoen deur sy baie profesieë aangaande die Messias wat Jesus vervul het. Voeg hierby die offerstelsel wat gewys het op die behoefte aan ‘n offer vir sonde sowel as sy eie ontoereikendheid (met elke offer wat altyd latere bykomendes vereis). Ou-Testamentiese geskiedenis het ook beelde geskilder van die persoon en werk van Christus deur verskeie gebeurtenisse en godsdienstige feeste (soos die gewilligheid van Abraham om Isak te offer, of die besonderhede van die Pasga tydens die uittog uit Egipte, ens.).

Uiteindelik het Christus gekom toe Hy dit gedoen het ter vervulling van spesifieke profesie. Daniël 9:24-27 praat van die “sewentig weke” of die sewentig “sewes”. Uit die konteks verwys hierdie “weke” of “sewes” na groepe van sewe jaar, nie sewe dae nie. Ons kan die geskiedenis ondersoek en die besonderhede van die eerste nege-en-sestig weke in lyn bring (die sewentigste week sal op ‘n toekomstige punt plaasvind). Die aftelling van die sewentig weke begin met “die uitgaan van die bevel om Jerusalem te herstel en te bou” (vers 25). Hierdie opdrag is gegee deur Artaxerxes Longimanus in 445 v.C. (sien Nehemia 2:5). Na sewe “sewes” plus 62 “sewes”, of 69 x 7 jaar, sê die profesie, “sal die Gesalfde uitgeroei word en niks hê nie. Die mense van die heerser wat sal kom, sal die stad en die heiligdom vernietig” en dat die “einde soos ’n vloed sal kom” (wat beteken groot vernietiging) (v. 26). Hier het ons ‘n onmiskenbare verwysing na die Heiland se dood aan die kruis. Sir Robert Anderson het ‘n eeu gelede in sy boek The Coming Prince gedetailleerde berekeninge van die nege-en-sestig weke gegee, met behulp van ‘profetiese jare’, wat skrikkeljare, foute in die kalender, die verandering vanaf B.C. tot n.C., ens., en het gereken dat die nege-en-sestig weke geëindig het op die dag van Jesus se triomfantelike intog in Jerusalem, vyf dae voor Sy dood. Of ‘n mens hierdie rooster gebruik of nie, die punt is dat die tydsberekening van Christus se menswording aansluit by hierdie gedetailleerde profesie wat deur Daniël opgeteken is oor vyfhonderd jaar vooraf.

Die tydsberekening van Christus se inkarnasie was so dat die mense van daardie tyd voorbereid was op Sy koms. Die mense van elke eeu sedertdien het meer as voldoende bewyse dat Jesus inderdaad die beloofde Messias was deur Sy vervulling van die Skrifte wat Sy koms in groot detail uitgebeeld en geprofeteer het.

Today’s Devotional

When Jesus spoke, miracles happened. When Jesus spoke, the sick received their healing, the blind could see again, the mute could speak, the deaf could hear, the lame could walk and even the dead arose. 

Today the Lord is still speaking. He is speaking to the hearts, minds and souls of His children. Most of the times, He speaks through His Word, the Bible. But often the Lord desires to speak through us.

In Proverbs 18:21 we are told that death and life are in the power of the tongue. But we are not to merely speak. Like Paul we too should say,  “we believe, and so we speak.” (2 Corinthians 4:13)

Miracle words are driven by miracle believing faith. But this faith shall be rooted in the person and being of Jesus Christ, and not just in His ability to perform miracles. In fact, the real test of faith in Jesus Christ is to still have faith in Him, when we do not see evidence or proof of His power. 

Therefor I want to encourage you to firstly, allow Jesus to speak in you and through you and secondly to proclaim the name of Jesus over any circumstance we may face or come across. 

Let us allow Jesus, who can still heal the sick, make the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the lame to walk and the dead to rise to reveal Himself in us so that He may be revealed trough us to a sick, blind, deaf, lame and dying World. Let us allow Jesus Christ, manifested in us by His Holy Spirit, to speak life in us and through us. 

Vandag se Bemoediging

Toe Jesus gepraat het, het wonderwerke gebeur. Toe Jesus gepraat het, het die siekes hul genesing ontvang, die blindes kon weer sien, die stomme kon praat, die dowes kon hoor, die kreupeles kon loop en selfs die dooies het opgestaan.

Vandag praat die Here steeds. Hy praat met die harte, gedagtes en siele van Sy kinders. Meeste van die kere praat Hy deur Sy Woord, die Bybel. Maar dikwels begeer die Here om deur ons te praat.

In Spreuke 18:21 word ons vertel dat dood en lewe in die mag van die tong is. Maar ons moet nie net praat nie. Soos Paulus moet ons ook sê: “ons glo, en so praat ons.” (2 Korinthiërs 4:13)

Wonderwerkwoorde word gedryf deur wonderwerkgeloof. Maar hierdie geloof sal gewortel wees in die persoon en wese van Jesus Christus, en nie net in Sy vermoë om wonderwerke te verrig nie. Trouens, die werklike toets van geloof in Jesus Christus is om steeds geloof in Hom te hê, wanneer ons nie bewyse of bewyse van Sy krag sien nie.

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TruLight Radio XM    24/7
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00:15 Words to Live By Testimonies
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Bible Prophecy in the News

RABBI ARIEL: “At This Moment, We Do Not Have a Red Heifer Suited for the Ceremony”

Rabbi Azariah Ariel, the head of the Temple Institute’s Red Heifer Project, recently gave a Hebrew language interview, answering many of the questions concerning the project’s recent developments.

New IDF chief pens prayerful letter with image of Holy Temple during visit to Western Wall

New IDF chief pens prayerful letter with image of Holy Temple during visit to Western Wall – IDF Chief of Staff Eyal Zamir at the Western Wall

The closing line of the letter, “From Zion, the Torah shall go forth,” invokes a prophetic hope that Jerusalem will once again be a source of wisdom and peace.

Israel’s newly appointed IDF Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Eyal Zamir, made a visit to the Western Wall in Jerusalem, marking one of his first public acts after assuming his role.

Accompanied by outgoing Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, Zamir participated in a ceremonial transition that underlined the continuity of leadership within the IDF during a time of heightened national responsibility.

The Western Wall, a site of profound historical and spiritual resonance for the Jewish people, served as a fitting backdrop for Zamir to reflect on his new duties.

Following tradition, he composed a note and placed it among the ancient stones, a gesture that blended personal prayer with a public statement of intent as he stepped into one of Israel’s most critical military positions.

The text of Zamir’s note, dated “5th of Adar 5785, March 5, 2025,” and written at the Western Wall—described as “where the Temple once stood”—reveals a leader grounding his mission in both Jewish heritage and strong resolve.

He began by acknowledging the site’s foundational role in Jewish identity, stating, “At the Western Wall, where the Temple once stood, the foundations of the Jewish people were established.”

Zamir then articulated a commitment to action, writing, “We will act with determination and believe in our ability to defend the Land of Israel and protect Jews both in Israel and around the world.”

This reflects Zamir’s strategic priorities—safeguarding Israel’s sovereignty and extending protection to Jewish communities globally—while signaling a proactive stance amid ongoing regional tensions and increased antisemitism.

It’s Very Clear that this New Army Chief of Israel has one Mission , Getting the 3rd Jewish Temple Build

Signs of the Times in the News

Blood Moons And The Season Of War

At various times throughout human history, Blood Moon eclipses have been associated with war. Interestingly, the Blood Moon eclipse that occurs next week falls during the Biblical festival of Purim, and the Biblical festival of Purim is the only Biblical festival that was actually created as the result of an armed conflict.

Israel and other US allies reevaluate intelligence-sharing as Trump warms up to Russia

America is Called the Eagle Wings in the Bible ( Daniel 7v 4 and Rev 12 ) Israel is Called the Women with the 12 Stars around her Head . The Bible Prophecy a End Time relationship between The Eagle Wings and Israel . But Daniel Chapter 11 Speaks of a Meeting around a Table that is very Dishonest .

Dan 11:30 For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant.

Russia Has various Titles in the Bible . The Bear with the 3 Ribs in His Mouth . Daniel 7 and Gog in Ezekiel 38 and 39 .

This Meeting is to Get Russia to Speak to Iran (Persia of the Bible and also Magog and the King of the North in the Bible ) In talk about the Nuclear plan of Iran !

Gog and Magog and The Eagle Wings are Not a Good Biblical Combo !

Gog and Magog Update.

The US And Israel Prepare To Take On Hamas And Iran Together

The Middle East is on edge, and Israel is making it clear: it will not tolerate continued threats from Hamas or Iran. But this time, Israel isn’t standing alone.

The United States is showing unprecedented support, signaling that if war is necessary, it won’t just be Israel fighting–it will be a coordinated effort. 

With negotiations over hostages failing and Hamas refusing to back down, military action is looking more and more inevitable. And Iran, the mastermind behind much of the region’s turmoil, may soon find itself facing consequences, too.

So, what happens if diplomacy collapses? Will the U.S. stand by Israel with more than just words? How will Iran react if Israel decides to strike first? And most importantly–what does this mean for the future of the region and the world? Buckle up, because the stakes have never been higher.

For months, Israel has extended every opportunity for Hamas to negotiate and return hostages, yet the terrorist group continues to manipulate the situation. Hamas thrives on delay tactics, betting that global pressure will force Israel into concessions. But Israeli leaders have had enough, and the Trump administration is showing signs that it will back whatever action Israel takes next.

Steve Witkoff, the U.S. Special Envoy to the Middle East, made it clear: while any direct action would be “principally” Israeli-led, the United States will provide strong physical and logistical support. That’s a significant shift from past administrations, where U.S. support was often limited to diplomatic and financial backing. Now, it’s looking more like a full-fledged military partnership.

President Donald Trump has been even more explicit, warning Hamas that this is their “last chance” to act reasonably before serious consequences follow. His statement–“Somebody’s gonna have to get a lot rougher than they’re getting”–hints at the inevitable military response that could soon unfold.

There’s no sugarcoating it–Hamas is a terrorist organization, and no amount of international sympathy can change that fact. They use civilians as human shields, indoctrinate children with hate, and execute brutal attacks against Israeli citizens. Yet, for years, global leaders have tried to negotiate with them as if they were a legitimate governing body. That approach has failed. Hamas has no interest in peace–it thrives on conflict and suffering.

Israel has no obligation to tolerate Hamas’ continued aggression, and neither does the United States. When an enemy refuses to negotiate in good faith, there is only one option left: force. And this time, the U.S. seems prepared to support Israel in taking decisive action to dismantle Hamas once and for all.

While the immediate focus is on Hamas, the real danger lies in Iran. The Iranian regime has been funding and arming Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorist proxies for decades, all with the singular goal of destroying Israel. And now, reports suggest that Iran is on high alert, fearing that Israel–potentially with U.S. backing–could strike its military and nuclear facilities.

Israeli Defense Minister Israel Katz has openly discussed military cooperation with the U.S. to neutralize Iran’s nuclear ambitions. The recent large-scale joint military drills between U.S. and Israeli forces weren’t just symbolic–they were a clear warning to Tehran. 

The Israeli and U.S. Air Forces this week conducted a significant joint military exercise over the Mediterranean Sea, in their first collaboration on this scale in two years. The Israel Defense Forces published details of the drill on Wednesday, along with images and video footage. As part of the exercise, Israeli F-35i and F-15i aircraft conducted a joint flight with an American B52 strategic bomber.

The IDF explained that the flight focused on practicing operational coordination between the two militaries to enhance their ability to address regional threats. Dozens of fighter jets, strategic B-52 bombers and refueling aircraft participated, simulating coordinated strikes on shared targets. 

The previous “Juniper Oak” exercise, was the largest-ever joint military drill between the two nations, saw U.S. and Israeli forces conducting coordinated airstrikes, missile defense operations, and naval exercises. This was not just a display of power–it was a rehearsal for potential real-world conflict against Iran and its proxies.

If Iran is allowed to continue its nuclear program unchallenged, the consequences will be catastrophic. A nuclear-armed Iran would embolden its terrorist proxies, threaten Israel’s very existence, and destabilize the Middle East beyond repair. Tehran has already demonstrated its willingness to challenge the West, and a nuclear arsenal would only increase its aggression. 

If the U.S. and Israel do not act now, they may find themselves dealing with a far more dangerous adversary in the near future–one that cannot be stopped through conventional means. The time for action is now before Iran crosses the nuclear threshold.  This is exactly why seventy-seven retired U.S. generals and admirals recently warned President Trump in a signed letter warning that Iran is on the verge of becoming a nuclear power and are urging him to back any potential Israeli military action against Iran.

If Israel and the U.S. take decisive military action against Hamas, Gaza will be fundamentally reshaped. The terrorist infrastructure will be dismantled, and new leadership–one that prioritizes stability over war–will have to emerge. While the international community will undoubtedly condemn Israel, the reality is that true peace can only come once Hamas is removed from power.

As for Iran, the situation is even more unpredictable. A direct Israeli or U.S. strike on Iranian targets could trigger a massive regional war, but it could also cripple Iran’s ability to continue funding terrorism. Iran has long relied on the assumption that the West will hesitate–but if the U.S. stands firm with Israel, Iran may finally be forced to reconsider its strategy.

For those wondering why this conflict matters to the U.S., consider this: a strong Israel means a more stable Middle East, and a stable Middle East means fewer threats to American interests and national security. If Iran is allowed to continue its aggression unchecked, it won’t just be Israel that suffers–it will be the entire region, and potentially the world.

There’s also the economic angle. A full-scale war could disrupt oil supplies, leading to skyrocketing gas prices and economic instability. And then there’s the security risk–if Iran or Hamas targets U.S. assets in the region, American lives will be at stake.

Israel is not just fighting for its survival–it’s fighting for the stability of the entire region. The U.S. has long been Israel’s greatest ally, and now is the time to prove that alliance means more than just words.

If Hamas refuses to surrender, if Iran continues its provocations, and if Israel decides to take action, the U.S. must be there–unwavering, committed, and ready to ensure that Israel emerges victorious. Because a safer Israel means a safer world, and that is a cause worth fighting for.

TruLight Ministry News

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Introduction to Daniel Light , Daniel Light is the Son of Pastor Dirk . Pastor Daniel has been in the Ministry from the Age of 13 and are the Co Founder of TruLight Ministries . He is the Sound Engineer and Video Producer of TruLight Ministries . Also our Website Designer , This Very Talent Young Man was Given to Us by God and has dedicated His entire Life towards the Ministry . He works for the Kingdom of God and Has never received a Wage or Salary for His 24 Hours a Day , 365 Days a Year service to the Lord and the Kingdom of God . 12 Years of Service in TruLight Ministries and Still Going Strong . His daily Facebook Post can be found on this Link

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The TruLight eBook of the week – 

Prescription Prayers from Heaven – End Time Prayer /// Voorskrif Gebede vanuit die Hemel – Eindtyd Gebede – 9 Prayers / 9 Gebede



Lering Video en Audio deur Pastoor Dirk

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Published by TruLight Daily Manna