Daily Manna

Daily Manna for 28 Feb 2025

Bible Verse and Prayer for Today

He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.
Revelation 3:5

Lord . we understand that to receive the Honor of being clothed in white raiment , we have to receive it via one of two ways , 1, Being Sin free after Re Birth , Baptism in Water and the Holy Spirit according to Jesus (John 3 v 3-6) and 2nd . Being martyred and Killed for the name sake of Jesus . Please let us realize that will be the only two times we may qualify for White Clothes . Thank You that when we can received this Honor , You will never blot out our names from the Book of Life , We Pray this in Jesus name . Amen and Amen

Bybel Vers en Gebed vir Vandag

Hy wat oorwin, hy sal beklee word met wit klere; en Ek sal sy naam nie uitwis uit die boek van die lewe nie, maar Ek sal sy Naam bely voor my Vader en voor sy engele.
Openbaring 3:5

Here. ons verstaan ​​dat om die Eer te ontvang om in wit klere geklee te wees,dit op een van twee maniere kan ontvang, 1, om Sondevry wees na Wedergeboorte, Doop in Water en die Heilige Gees na aanleiding van Jesus (Joh. 3 v 3-6) en 2de. Om ter wille van Jesus gemartel en vermoor te word. Help ons besef dat dit sal die enigste twee keer wees wat ons mag kwalifiseer vir Wit Klere. Dankie dat wanneer ons hierdie Eer ontvang het, U nooit ons name uit die Boek van die Lewe sal uitwis nie, ons bid dit in Jesus Naam. Amen en Amen

Bible Teaching of the Day

My Wife Is Very Angry Sometimes – But Normally, A Beautiful Child of God – Is It the Hormones?

Hormones are natural substances produced in the body that regulate and influence the way that body grows and develops. At certain times in a person’s life, extra hormones are produced to facilitate growth spurts, such as during adolescence. At other times, hormone levels decrease, such as during and after menopause. Maintaining a good attitude when struggling with hormones has been difficult for everyone at some point in our lives.

Hormones, like any of our body’s natural substances, can affect us in both positive and negative ways. One negative aspect of a hormone imbalance is irritability and overly sensitive emotions. This imbalance is often considered to be a female problem, but men and boys are also affected by hormonal imbalances that may manifest as aggression or anger. Rather than simply excuse improper behavior, we should seek wisdom from God on the matter. What does God expect us to do when hormones are raging?

The Bible makes no allowances for physical conditions contributing to poor behavior. Commands are commands, whether we feel like obeying them or not. We are responsible for our actions, not our feelings. So an important step in maintaining a good attitude is to accept the responsibility for our actions, even when we suspect hormones play a role in how we feel. Admitting to God and to ourselves that we feel out of control can go a long way toward gaining control. Such honesty is also good practice in learning how to die to our flesh (Romans 6:6; 2 Corinthians 5:17). Choosing to do right while struggling with overpowering feelings can actually help us grow spiritually and develop self-control, which benefits us in every way.

In extreme cases of struggling with hormones, a visit to the doctor may be in order. Sometimes there are other factors at play that could signal a more serious problem. If a person recognizes that periodic hormone imbalances are creating tension and hurt feelings within the family or workplace, it may be time to restructure schedules to minimize personal interactions. When the cycle is at its worst point, it is better to stay away from people than risk hurting feelings and damaging relationships. The one struggling with hormones can warn those in close contact and apologize in advance, assuring them that normalcy will soon return. By warning those close to us, we are taking the responsibility for our own actions, rather than picking fights and blaming others.

Human beings are excuse factories, and, unfortunately, advances in medical knowledge have given us a storehouse full of biological ones. We can blame drunkenness on “disease,” adultery on an “addiction,” and hatefulness or aggression on “hormones.” God never accepts our excuses, so we shouldn’t, either. Sometimes obedience to Him is easy, and sometimes it is not, but our responsibility remains the same. Confessing our bad attitudes as sin (1 John 1:9), finding forgiveness (Micah 7:18), and asking for God’s strength to overcome (Romans 8:37) are always the right responses when struggling with hormones.

Bybel Lering vir die Dag

My Vrou is Baie Kwaai partykeer – Maar normaal weg , ‘n Mooi Kind van God – Is dit die Hormone ?

Hormone is natuurlike stowwe wat in die liggaam geproduseer word wat die manier waarop die liggaam groei en ontwikkel reguleer en beïnvloed. Op sekere tye in ‘n persoon se lewe word ekstra hormone geproduseer om groeispruite te fasiliteer, soos tydens adolessensie. Op ander tye neem hormoonvlakke af, soos tydens en na menopouse. Om ‘n goeie gesindheid te handhaaf wanneer ons met hormone sukkel, was op ‘n stadium in ons lewens vir almal moeilik.

Hormone, soos enige van ons liggaam se natuurlike stowwe, kan ons op beide positiewe en negatiewe maniere beïnvloed. Een negatiewe aspek van ‘n hormoonwanbalans is prikkelbaarheid en te sensitiewe emosies. Hierdie wanbalans word dikwels as ‘n vroulike probleem beskou, maar mans en seuns word ook geraak deur hormonale wanbalanse wat as aggressie of woede kan manifesteer. Eerder as om bloot onbehoorlike gedrag te verskoon, moet ons wysheid by God soek oor die saak. Wat verwag God van ons om te doen wanneer hormone woed?

Die Bybel maak geen voorsiening vir fisiese toestande wat bydra tot swak gedrag nie. Opdragte is opdragte, of ons nou lus is om dit te gehoorsaam of nie. Ons is verantwoordelik vir ons dade, nie ons gevoelens nie. ’n Belangrike stap in die handhawing van ’n goeie gesindheid is dus om die verantwoordelikheid vir ons dade te aanvaar, selfs wanneer ons vermoed dat hormone ’n rol speel in hoe ons voel. Om aan God en aan onsself te erken dat ons buite beheer voel, kan baie help om beheer te verkry. Sulke eerlikheid is ook goeie praktyk om te leer hoe om aan ons vlees te sterf ( Romeine 6:6; 2 Korintiërs 5:17 ). Om te kies om reg te doen terwyl ons sukkel met oorweldigende gevoelens, kan ons eintlik help om geestelik te groei en selfbeheersing te ontwikkel, wat ons in alle opsigte bevoordeel.

In uiterste gevalle van sukkel met hormone, kan ‘n besoek aan die dokter in orde wees. Soms is daar ander faktore wat ‘n meer ernstige probleem kan aandui. As ‘n persoon besef dat periodieke hormoonwanbalanse spanning en seer gevoelens binne die gesin of werkplek skep, is dit dalk tyd om skedules te herstruktureer om persoonlike interaksies te verminder. Wanneer die siklus op sy ergste punt is, is dit beter om weg te bly van mense as om die risiko om gevoelens te seer en verhoudings te beskadig. Die een wat met hormone sukkel, kan diegene in noue kontak waarsku en vooraf om verskoning vra en hulle verseker dat normaliteit binnekort sal terugkeer. Deur diegene na aan ons te waarsku, neem ons die verantwoordelikheid vir ons eie dade, eerder as om gevegte te kies en ander te blameer.

Mense is verskoningsfabrieke, en ongelukkig het vooruitgang in mediese kennis ons ‘n stoorkamer vol biologiese fabrieke gegee. Ons kan dronkenskap op “siekte”, owerspel op ‘n “verslawing” en haatdrag of aggressie op “hormone” blameer. God aanvaar nooit ons verskonings nie, so ons moet ook nie. Soms is gehoorsaamheid aan Hom maklik, en soms nie, maar ons verantwoordelikheid bly dieselfde. Om ons slegte gesindhede as sonde te bely (1 Johannes 1:9), om vergifnis te vind (Miga 7:18), en om God se krag te vra om te oorwin (Romeine 8:37) is altyd die regte reaksies wanneer ons met hormone sukkel.

Today’s Devotional

Proverbs 3:6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.

Since this verse is often quoted, I thought it would be good to take a look at the phrase “Know Him.” The narrow meaning of the phrase is to know the Lord or to have knowledge of the Lord. But the phrase “Know Him” ​​has a broader meaning than that.

  • To know Him implies that we must acknowledge, accept, and confess that God is not just another person, but that He is God, the good and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords. (1 Timothy 6:15)
  • To know Him implies that we will greet or salute Him daily, as a soldier salutes a king. This is done with respect and honor for the person and character of the Lord.
  • To know Him implies that we respond and return to the Lord in response to His voice. The Lord says: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me.” (Revelation 3:20)
  • To know Him means that we will place our trust in Him and say: “You are my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.” (Psalm 91:2)
  • To know Him implies that we will consider Him, will reflect or think what He would want before we do something. We must ask ourselves what God would do in a particular situation.
  • And finally, to know Him implies that we will hear God’s voice and listen to it to give us direction in everything we do and everywhere we go.

When we recognize, know and acknowledge Him, He will guide us; He will point the way and make the path straight. But, He will even walk with us, every step we take.

Vandag se Bemoediging

Spreuke 3:6  Ken Hom in al jou weë, dan sal Hy jou paaie gelykmaak. 

Omrede hierdie vers dikwels aangehaal word, het ek dit goed gedink om so bietjie te kyk na die frase “Ken Hom.” Die eng betekenis van die frase is om die Here te ken of om kennis van die Here te hê. Maar die frase “Ken Hom” het ‘n breër betekenis as dit. 

• Om Hom te ken impliseer dat ons moet erken, aanvaar en bely dat God nie net nog ‘n persoon is nie, maar dat Hy God is, die goeie en enigste Heerser, die Koning van die konings en die Here van die here. (1 Timoteus 6:15) 

• Om Hom te ken impliseer dat ons Hom daagliks sal groet of salueer, soos ‘n soldaat ‘n koning salueer. Dit word gedoen met agting en respek vir die persoon en karakter van die Here. 

• Om Hom te ken impliseer dat ons reageer en terugkeer na die Here in antwoord op Sy stem. Die Here sê: “Kyk, Ek staan by die deur en Ek klop. As iemand my stem hoor en die deur oopmaak, sal Ek ingaan na hom toe en saam met hom maaltyd hou, en hy met My.” (Openbaring 3:20) 

• Om Hom te ken beteken dat ons ons vertroue in Hom sal plaas en sê: “U is my My toevlug en my bergvesting, my God op wie ek vertrou.” (Psalm 91: 2) 

• Om Hom te ken impliseer dat ons Hom in oorweging bring, sal besin of dink wat Hy sou wou hê voordat ons iets doen. Ons moet onsself afvra wat God sou gedoen het in ‘n bepaalde situasie. 

• En laastens, Om Hom te ken impliseer dat ons God se stem sal hoor en daarna sal luister om ons rigting te gee in alles wat ons doen en oral waar ons gaan. 

Wanneer ons Hom herken, ken en erkenning gee sal Hy ons lei; Hy sal die rigting aandui en die pad gelyk maak. Maar, Hy sal selfs saam met ons stap, elke tree wat ons gee.

TruLight Ministries Daily Entertainment

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Today on TruLight Radio XM

TruLight Radio XM    24/7
GMT / UTC +2
00:15 Words to Live By Testimonies
01.15 Science Scripture and Salvation
02.15 Ground Works
04.00 Gospel Concert of the Day
05.00 The Daren Streblow Comedy Show
5:55 It is Today devotional
6:00 Gaither Homecoming Morning Show
7:15 Discover the Word
8.15 Destined for Victory
8:55 Science Scripture and Salvation
9:00 Holy Spirit Hour – Normally Sermons
10:15 Hope of the Heart
11:15 Unshackled
11.45 Words to Live By 
12:15 Truth for Life 
13:15 Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram
14:15 Focus on the Family
15:00 Kids Hour
16:00 In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley
16:30 Groundwork
17:15 Live in the Light
18:15 Renewing your Mind 
19:00 Gaither Homecoming Show
20:15 Growing Hope 
21:15 Adventures in Odyssey Radio Drama
21:45 Bible Reading
22:15 Nightsounds 
23.00  Good Old Country Gospel / Rhema Gospel Express


Bible Prophecy in the News

Iran Rejects Nuclear Talks with US as Trump Admin Ramps Up ‘Maximum Pressure’ Campaign –

US SENATOR: ‘Israel’s Right to Judea and Samaria Starts in the Bible’

‘UP TO BIBI’: Trump Gives Netanyahu Free Hand to Take Care of Hamas

Signs of the Times in the News

The Relationship between Israel and America is Biblical . America is called the Eagle Wings in the Bible – One of the Titles for America the Other Mystery Babylon ( California and Washington States ).

America is called the Eagle Wings , 1st Mentioned in the Bible in Daniel 7 v 4 . America received their Independence from England the Lion and even the Chapter and Verse Number brings in the Day America received their Independence = Independence Day July 4 =7- 4 .

Revelation Chapter 12 Speaks of the End Time Relationship between USA and Israel ,

Gog and Magog Update.

 Iran Puts Its Nuclear Sites On High Alert Over Fears Of Joint US-Israeli Attack
The Islamic Republic is “just waiting for the attack and are anticipating it every night and everything has been on high alert–even in sites that no one knows about,” one of the sources told the U.K.-based newspaper.

TruLight Ministry News

The 12 Steps to Heaven Program or our Digital Evangelist Website / www.Steps2Heaven.co.za has helped to lead Many People around the World on the Correct Steps to Heaven . Please have a Look at Pastor Dirk’s Introduction Video to the Steps to Heaven leading YOU to salvation .


Die 12 Steps to Heaven-program of ons Digital Evangelist Webwerf / www.Steps2Heaven.co.za het gehelp om baie mense regoor die wêreld te lei op die Korrekte Stappe na die Hemel. Kyk gerus na Pastoor Dirk se Inleidingsvideo tot die Stappe na die Hemel wat JOU na verlossing lei.

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Founding Statement

We believe in the Trinity, that God the Father created Heaven and Earth and us as humans We Believe in Jesus Christ the Son of God, That he died for our sins on the Cross, that He arose on the 3rd day and ascended to Heaven to prepare a place for us. We Believe in the Holy Spirit as the Leading Spirit of God and moves with the 4 Living Beings to Baptism the Children of God in being Spirit Filled. We Believe in Angels, heavenly beings that’s there to serve, protect and assist the Trinity and us the Spirit filled children of God. We Believe we have an enemy – satan and his demons, but him and his friends are under our feet as Spirit filled Children of God. We Believe that sin is the reason for eternal punishment and that satan and his demons will also be punished after the Great White Throne Judgement. We Believe in the gifts of the Spirit given to us by The 7 Spirits of God Lead by the Holy Spirit. and this we will bare the fruits of the Spirit. We Believe in Repentance of Sin, Baptism of Water and Baptism of the Holy Spirit. We Believe that Jesus Christ will come again to collect His bride one day!


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. Since our Creator gave us these rights, we declare that no government has the right to take them away. Among these rights is the right to exercise our Christian beliefs as put forth in God’s Holy Bible. We therefore declare that God grants life at conception and no one has the right to take that life unless it is a direct threat to the life of the mother. Marriage was instituted by God between one man and one woman. The Lord gave only this family unit the responsibility to have children and raise them in the fear of the Lord. We therefore respectfully reserve the right to refuse any mandate by the government that forces us to fund or support abortion. We also oppose same sex marriage, polygamy, bestiality, and all other forms of sexual perversion prohibited by Holy Scripture. We proclaim that Jesus has provided the cure for all sin and therefore reach out to the sinner in love, but do not embrace the sin, knowing its destructive nature. Therefore, we, the undersigned—not only as Christians but also believing we have the constitutional right as South Africans to follow these time honored Christian beliefs—commit to conducting our churches, ministries, businesses, and personal lives in accordance with our Christian faith and choose to obey God rather than man. The Ownership of TruLight Broadcasting Network 


The TruLight eBook of the week

Your Heart is the Most Valuable Treasure of God


Die TruLight eBoek van die week

Jou Hart is die waardevolste Skat van God


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Published by TruLight Daily Manna