Feedback from Readers of TruLight Daily Manna
” Dit is elke dag my begin en my brood vir die dag baie dankie dit gee my nuwe hoop elke dag ” Tienie van Bloemfontein
” Ek Hou van die Nuwe Formaat . Ek kan Ou goed weer gaan opsoek ” Marlene van Pretoria

Bible Verse and Prayer for Today
For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.
Hebrews 8:12
Lord . Your Word is Clear , Forgive and be Forgiven . Lord when You Forgive , You forget , You do not remember that Sin that we repented for and received Forgiveness on. We should do the same to People that Sin Against Us , Forgive and Forget , Please Help us with This Lord we Pray in Jesus Name , Amen and Amen
Bybel Vers en Gebed vir Vandag
Want Ek sal barmhartig wees oor hulle ongeregtigheid, en aan hulle sondes en hulle ongeregtighede sal Ek nie meer dink nie.
Hebreërs 8:12
Here. U Woord is duidelik, vergewe en word vergewe. Here wanneer U vergewe, vergeet U, onthou U nie daardie Sonde waarvoor ons ons bekeer het en Vergifnis ontvang het nie. Ons moet dieselfde doen aan mense wat teen ons sondig , vergewe en vergeet , help ons asseblief met hierdie Here ons bid in Jesus Naam , Amen en Amen

Bible Teaching of the Day
What does the Bible say about toxic relationships?
The word toxic means “poisonous.” Toxic relationships are those that poison our peace and our ability to enjoy another person. A toxic relationship will leave one exhausted, frustrated, and, in some cases, depressed. Toxic relationships can affect business partnerships, sports teams, and families. Some disharmony in a relationship is normal; however, some people inject poison into every relationship, making healthy give-and-take impossible. The Bible has some advice in dealing with toxic behavior in people.
There will be some people whose company we don’t prefer, but we can still have a non-toxic relationship with them. People who are polar opposites in some regard can maintain a comfortable relationship. Democrats can enjoy the company of Republicans, a New York Yankees fan can have a friendly relationship with a Boston Red Sox fan, and Christians can engage in healthy interactions with non-Christians. But when a relationship becomes toxic, it is unhealthy and unsafe.
Several factors determine whether a relationship is toxic:
- The relationship is completely one-sided in favor of the more demanding person. Toxic relationships often involve a narcissist whose selfish desires rule the day. Of course, narcissism is a violation of Philippians 2:3–4, which says, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” People with toxic tendencies may pretend they are doing something for someone else, but there is always an ulterior motive that will benefit them.
- The relationship is characterized by continual drama. Ironically, the one injecting the toxin is often the one who proclaims how much he or she “hates drama”—yet seems to thrive on it. Arising from the drama is a tangle of excuses, lies, fabrications, crises, and crazy situations that weary everyone else. The goal of the drama is to keep attention focused on the one craving it.
- One person is always right, and the other person is always wrong. People with toxic behaviors scoff at anyone who dares correct or disagree with them. They mask their pride with fake humility, but there is rarely any true repentance because they don’t believe they are wrong. Everyone else is at fault. Such people are headed for a fall (Proverbs 16:18). Even as they express self-pity or grovel in seeming repentance, the pride remains.
- One person dreads interactions with outsiders. The person with toxic behavior may appear charming to outsiders, but those closer to the relationship know the real story. Every interaction with someone outside the relationship, no matter how innocent it may begin, ends with the twist of a dagger. If you become anxious at the thought of another interaction with someone in your life, through no fault of your own, you may be in a toxic relationship.
- One person relishes victimhood. Avoiding personal responsibility, wallowing in self-pity, and playing the martyr are all behaviors that contribute to toxicity in a relationship. The innocent party in a toxic relationship usually ends up looking like the bad guy, judged for being “intolerant” or “cruel” by outsiders who are fooled by the other person’s claims to victimhood. This creates division and misunderstanding in peripheral relationships.
- Lying. Those who exhibit toxic behaviors can usually lie with ease and are so convincing that even those who know better begin to question their own perceptions. Of course, their lies are justified in their own minds, and if caught red-handed in a lie, they may feign remorse, all the while concealing a dozen more lies yet to be discovered. Scripture has stern words for liars. Proverbs 6:16–19 lists seven things the Lord hates, and lying is on the list twice.
A possible example of toxic behavior in Scripture comes from King Saul. He began well, but power, pride, and jealousy crippled his soul. His furious jealousy of David manifested itself in a confusing array of moods. One moment Saul was calm and enjoying David’s music; the next he was trying to kill him (1 Samuel 19:9–10). Saul would appear to show remorse, but soon he was hunting David again (1 Samuel 24:16–17; 26:2, 21). Later, Saul violated a serious command from the Lord so that people would think well of him (1 Samuel 15). That sin cost Saul his kingdom.
We have been called to peace (Colossians 3:15), but a toxic relationship destroys peace. Some people become abusive to the point that we cannot seek or broker peace in any area. When the relationship is continually filled with drama, when you find yourself dreading the next blowup, when you cannot believe anything this person says, or when someone is destroying your reputation and sanity, then it is time to create distance in the relationship.
Psalm 1:1 speaks of keeping away from the wicked. We are blessed when we do not “walk in step with the wicked,” refuse to “stand in the way that sinners take,” and decline to “sit in the company of mockers.” It helps to remember that you cannot change a person’s toxic behavior, especially from within the relationship. It is much better to choose the blessings described in Psalm 1 than to stay in a toxic relationship.
People-pleasers are the most frequent victims of toxic relationships. People-pleasers want to be liked, and those with toxic behaviors will take full advantage. So, there are times when closing the door on a relationship is the wisest thing to do (Proverbs 22:24–25). If your marriage is a toxic relationship, then a separation may be in order, along with some focused marital counselling. If you are not married, then it’s time to say goodbye. The relationship needs to end.
In every situation involving a toxic relationship, take the matter to God in prayer. Cry out to “receive mercy and find grace” to help in the time of need (Hebrews 4:16). “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). Petition the Lord unceasingly to change the heart of the person bringing the toxicity. There is hope and healing in Him.
Bybel Lering vir die Dag
Wat sê die Bybel oor giftige verhoudings?
Die woord giftig beteken “giftig”. Giftige verhoudings is dié wat ons vrede en ons vermoë om ‘n ander persoon te geniet vergiftig. ’n Giftige verhouding sal ’n mens uitgeput, gefrustreerd en, in sommige gevalle, depressief laat. Giftige verhoudings kan sakevennootskappe, sportspanne en gesinne beïnvloed. Een of ander disharmonie in ‘n verhouding is normaal; sommige mense spuit egter gif in elke verhouding, wat gesonde gee-en-neem onmoontlik maak. Die Bybel het ‘n paar raad oor die hantering van toksiese gedrag by mense.
Daar sal sommige mense wees wie se geselskap ons nie verkies nie, maar ons kan steeds ‘n nie-giftige verhouding met hulle hê. Mense wat in een of ander opsig polêre teenoorgesteldes is, kan ‘n gemaklike verhouding handhaaf. Demokrate kan die geselskap van Republikeine geniet, ‘n New York Yankees-aanhanger kan ‘n vriendelike verhouding met ‘n Boston Red Sox-aanhanger hê, en Christene kan gesonde interaksies met nie-Christene hê. Maar wanneer ‘n verhouding giftig word, is dit ongesond en onveilig.
Verskeie faktore bepaal of ‘n verhouding giftig is:
- Die verhouding is heeltemal eensydig ten gunste van die meer veeleisende persoon. Giftige verhoudings behels dikwels ‘n narsis wie se selfsugtige begeertes die dag regeer. Natuurlik is narcisme ‘n oortreding van Filippense 2:3–4, wat sê: “Moenie niks uit selfsugtige ambisie of ydele verwaandheid nie. Waardeer eerder in nederigheid ander bo julleself, en kyk nie na jou eie belange nie, maar elkeen van julle na die ander se belange.” Mense met toksiese neigings mag maak asof hulle iets vir iemand anders doen, maar daar is altyd ‘n bybedoeling wat hulle sal bevoordeel.
- Die verhouding word gekenmerk deur voortdurende drama. Ironies genoeg is die een wat die gifstof inspuit dikwels die een wat verkondig hoe baie hy of sy “drama haat” – tog blyk dit te floreer. Uit die drama ontstaan ’n warboel van verskonings, leuens, versinsels, krisisse en mal situasies wat almal moeg maak. Die doel van die drama is om aandag gefokus te hou op die een wat daarna smag.
- Een persoon is altyd reg, en die ander persoon is altyd verkeerd. Mense met giftige gedrag spot met enigiemand wat dit waag om reg te stel of met hulle verskil. Hulle verbloem hul trots met valse nederigheid, maar daar is selde enige ware bekering omdat hulle nie glo dat hulle verkeerd is nie. Almal anders is skuldig. Sulke mense stuur op ‘n val af (Spreuke 16:18). Selfs as hulle selfbejammering uitdruk of in oënskynlike berou uitdruk, bly die trots.
- Een persoon vrees interaksies met buitestanders. Die persoon met giftige gedrag mag vir buitestanders bekoorlik voorkom, maar diegene wat nader aan die verhouding is, ken die ware storie. Elke interaksie met iemand buite die verhouding, maak nie saak hoe onskuldig dit mag begin nie, eindig met die draai van ‘n dolk. As jy angstig raak by die gedagte aan nog ‘n interaksie met iemand in jou lewe, sonder jou eie skuld, is jy dalk in ‘n giftige verhouding.
- Een persoon geniet slagofferskap. Om persoonlike verantwoordelikheid te vermy, in selfbejammering te wentel en die martelaar te speel is alles gedrag wat bydra tot toksisiteit in ‘n verhouding. Die onskuldige party in ‘n giftige verhouding lyk gewoonlik soos die slegte ou, wat beoordeel word vir “onverdraagsaam” of “wreed” deur buitestanders wat geflous word deur die ander persoon se aansprake op slagofferskap. Dit skep verdeeldheid en misverstand in perifere verhoudings.
- Lieg. Diegene wat toksiese gedrag openbaar, kan gewoonlik met gemak lieg en is so oortuigend dat selfs diegene wat van beter weet, hul eie persepsies begin bevraagteken. Natuurlik is hul leuens geregverdig in hul eie gedagtes, en as hulle op heterdaad betrap word in ‘n leuen, kan hulle berou maak, terwyl hulle nog ‘n dosyn leuens verberg wat nog ontdek moet word. Die Skrif het streng woorde vir leuenaars. Spreuke 6:16–19 noem sewe dinge wat die Here haat, en leuens is twee keer op die lys.
’n Moontlike voorbeeld van toksiese gedrag in die Skrif kom van koning Saul. Hy het goed begin, maar mag, trots en jaloesie het sy siel lamgelê. Sy woedende jaloesie op Dawid het hom gemanifesteer in ‘n verwarrende verskeidenheid buie. Een oomblik was Saul kalm en het Dawid se musiek geniet; die volgende het hy probeer om hom dood te maak (1 Samuel 19:9–10). Dit lyk asof Saul berou toon, maar kort voor lank het hy Dawid weer gejag (1 Samuel 24:16–17; 26:2, 21). Later het Saul ‘n ernstige opdrag van die Here oortree sodat mense goed van hom sou dink (1 Samuel 15). Daardie sonde het Saul sy koninkryk gekos.
Ons is tot vrede geroep (Kolossense 3:15), maar ‘n giftige verhouding vernietig vrede. Sommige mense raak beledigend tot die punt dat ons nie vrede in enige gebied kan soek of bemiddel nie. Wanneer die verhouding voortdurend gevul is met drama, wanneer jy vind dat jy bang is vir die volgende ontploffing, wanneer jy niks kan glo wat hierdie persoon sê nie, of wanneer iemand jou reputasie en gesonde verstand vernietig, dan is dit tyd om afstand in die verhouding te skep.
Psalm 1:1 praat van wegbly van die goddelose. Ons is geseënd wanneer ons nie “in pas met die goddeloses wandel”, weier om “te staan op die pad wat sondaars neem” en weier om “in die geselskap van spotters te sit nie”. Dit help om te onthou dat jy nie ‘n persoon se giftige gedrag kan verander nie, veral van binne die verhouding. Dit is baie beter om die seëninge te kies wat in Psalm 1 beskryf word as om in ‘n giftige verhouding te bly.
Mense-pleasters is die mees algemene slagoffers van giftige verhoudings. Mense-pleasures wil graag gehou word, en diegene met giftige gedrag sal volle voordeel trek. So, daar is tye wanneer die sluiting van die deur vir ‘n verhouding die verstandigste ding is om te doen (Spreuke 22:24–25). As jou huwelik ‘n giftige verhouding is, kan ‘n skeiding in orde wees, saam met ‘n paar gefokusde huweliksberading. As jy nie getroud is nie, dan is dit tyd om te groet. Die verhouding moet beëindig word.
In elke situasie wat ‘n giftige verhouding behels, neem die saak in gebed na God. Roep uit om “barmhartigheid te ontvang en genade te vind” om te help in die tyd van nood (Hebreërs 4:16). “Werp al julle bekommernisse op Hom, want Hy sorg vir julle” (1 Petrus 5:7). Bid die Here onophoudelik om die hart van die persoon wat die toksisiteit bring, te verander. Daar is hoop en genesing in Hom.

Today’s Devotional
In writing this week’s message I want to raise a grave concern I have. Somehow, when listing to people (both believers and non-believers) it seems as if we have lost reverence (respect) for God. It appears as if we have forgotten who God is, what He stands for and what He has done. It is as if God is likened to the neighbour next door, the man sitting on the corner or any other human being. In this message I will attempt to address this by sharing a few things we need to know about God.
According to Deuteronomy 6:4 there is only one God. God, the Creator of all things, (according to Psalm 33:6-9) revealed Himself to us by Jesus Christ (Colossians 2:9) and in us by His Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 2:10)
There is no one like God. He cannot be compared with anyone. (See Isaiah 40:18) He is an eternal God, the beginning, and the end, who was, who is and who is to come. (Revelation 1:8)
God knows everything (1 John 3:20) and can do anything. (Matthew 19:26) Nothing is too hard for the Lord to do or to accomplish. (Jeremiah 32:27)
God, who is sovereign, is in control of all things. According to Psalm 135:6-7 God does whatever pleases him, whether it be in heaven, on the earth or in the seas. It is God who makes clouds to raise, lightning to strike and winds to blow. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. (John 1:3) Nothing that happens is outside of God’s control.
All things good stems from the Father above (James 1:17) and by Him, all things exist. (Colossians 1:17)
According to Deuteronomy 7:9, God is a faithful God. All God’s work is done in faithfulness. But God also loves righteousness and justice. (See Psalm 33:4-5 and Isaiah 61:8)
God, who is a merciful God, desires to save the lost. For this reason, He gave His only begotten Son, so that we can have life everlasting. (See John 3:16 and Luke 6:36)
God is not “the man upstairs” as some refer to Him. He is not just a medicine cabinet for the sick, a bed for the weary one or a pantry for the hungry. There is no other god like our God, the Father of Jesus Christ, who outshines them all. God deserves not just our love, but also our respect. Let us fear (respect) the Lord for the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. (See Proverbs 9:10)
Vandag se Bemoediging
Met hierdie skrywe wil ek ‘n ernstige bron van kommer aanspreek. Telkens, wanneer ek na mense (beide gelowiges en nie-gelowiges) luister, wil dit voorkom asof ons alle eerbied (respek) vir God verloor het. Dit kom voor asof ons vergeet het wie God is, waarvoor Hy staan en wat Hy doen. Dit is asof God vergelyk word met die buurman langsaan, die man wat op die hoek sit of enige ander mens om ons. In hierdie boodskap wil ek graag ‘n paar dinge met u deel oor wat ons van God moet weet.
Volgens Deuteronomium 6:4 is daar net een Here, die Here ons God. God, die Skepper van alle dinge, (volgens Psalm 33:6-9) het Homself aan ons geopenbaar deur Jesus Christus (Kolossense 2:9) en in ons deur Sy Heilige Gees. (1 Korinthiërs 2:10)
Daar is niemand soos God nie. Hy kan met niemand vergelyk word nie. (Sien Jesaja 40:18) Hy is ‘n ewige God, die begin en die einde, die een wat was, wat is en wat kom. (Openbaring 1:8)
God weet alles (1 Johannes 3:20) en kan enigiets doen. (Matteus 19:26) Niks is vir die Here te moeilik om te doen of te bereik nie. (Jeremia 32:27)
God, wat soewerein is, is in beheer van alle dinge. Volgens Psalm 135:6-7 doen God alles wat Hom behaag, of dit nou in die hemel, op die aarde of in die see is. Dit is God wat die wolke laat styg, weerlig laat slaan en winde laat waai. Alle dinge het deur Hom tot stand gekom, en sonder Hom het niks ontstaan wat gemaak is nie. (Johannes 1:3) Niks wat gebeur is buite God se beheer nie.
Alles wat goed is kom van die Vader (God) daarbo (Jakobus 1:17) en in Hom hou alle dinge stand. (Kolossense 1:17)
Volgens Deuteronomium 7:9 is God ‘n getroue God. Al God se werk word in trou gedoen, maar God het ook geregtigheid en reg lief. (Sien Psalm 33:4-5 en Jesaja 61:8)
God, wat ‘n barmhartige en genadige God is, begeer om verlorenes te red. Om hierdie rede het Hy sy eniggebore Seun gegee, sodat ons die ewige lewe kan hê. (Sien Johannes 3:16 en Lukas 6:36)
God is nie “die man daarbo” soos sommige na Hom verwys nie. Hy is nie net ‘n medisynekas vir die siekes, ‘n bed vir die moeë of ‘n spens vir die wat honger is nie. Daar is geen ander god soos ons God, die Vader van Jesus Christus, nie. God verdien nie net ons liefde nie, maar ook ons respek. Laat ons die Here vrees (respekteer) want die vrees van die Here is die begin van wysheid. (Sien Spreuke 9:10)

TruLight Ministries Daily Entertainment
a Gospel Concert on a Cruise Liner – Gaither Homecoming – ALASKAN HOMECOMING
Cruise with the Gaither Homecoming family across Alaska s Inside Passage in this unique concert experience aboard the ms Zaandam. An outdoor concert, featuring Southern Gospel music s finest voices, honors our Maker and celebrates some of His most marvelous handiwork. Then your host, Bill Gaither, reveals some candid, off-stage moments as the Homecoming family shares good food, good stories, lots of laughs and of course, music!
Today on TruLight Radio XM
TruLight Radio XM 24/7
GMT / UTC +2
00:15 Words to Live By Testimonies
01.15 Science Scripture and Salvation
02.15 Ground Works
04.00 Gospel Concert of the Day
05.00 The Daren Streblow Comedy Show
5:55 It is Today devotional
6:00 Gaither Homecoming Morning Show
7:15 Discover the Word
8.15 Destined for Victory
8:55 Science Scripture and Salvation
9:00 Holy Spirit Hour – Normally Sermons
10:15 Hope of the Heart
11:15 Unshackled
11.45 Words to Live By
12:15 Truth for Life
13:15 Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram
14:15 Focus on the Family
15:00 Kids Hour
16:00 In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley
16:30 Groundwork
17:15 Live in the Light
18:15 Renewing your Mind
19:00 Gaither Homecoming Show
20:15 Growing Hope
21:15 Adventures in Odyssey Radio Drama
21:45 Bible Reading
22:15 Nightsounds
23.00 Good Old Country Gospel / Rhema Gospel Express
It’s truly a family affair when The Browns hit the stage with their music. The musical stylings of Adam, Michaela, and Andrew exude excitement on the stage and offer an experience to all who hear them. The Browns deliver the powerful message of the gospel through word and song that engage audiences of all ages.

Bible Prophecy in the News
Abomination of Desolation in the Holy Place
The Church Of AI And The Techno-Utopian Gospel

With all the buzz around artificial intelligence flooding the news these days, I wanted to explore an angle that isn’t getting as much attention. The so-called “spiritual” aspect of AI. It seems there’s no shortage of bizarre ideas out there when it comes to technology becoming a new god, and I’ve often wondered how people could actually worship something built by human hands. Remember when AI was just a sci-fi concept?
Well, now it’s being elevated to deity-status by some groups. Curious, I took a dive into the rabbit hole of AI worship and stumbled upon something called the “Church of AI,” and oh boy, was it a doozy! Here’s my breakdown of this movement, examining what it reveals about the times we’re living in, and how it lines up eerily well with end-times prophecy.
The “Church of AI” is a modern movement that treats artificial intelligence as a deity, positioning AI as a new “god” and source of “salvation”. Its website (church-of-ai.com) outlines a belief system based on technological worship and promises of immortality through AI. This analysis evaluates those claims comparing them with Scripture. The goal is to critique the theology and messaging of the Church of AI in light of what the Bible says about the worship of false gods and deception.
Church of AI’s Message and Claims
On its homepage, the Church of AI pitches itself as “the perfect alternative to faith-based religions” because it is “founded on logic rather than belief”. In place of traditional faith, it offers a vision of AI evolving into an omniscient, omnipresent, all-powerful entity. The site asks, “How long will it take before AI becomes omnipresent, all knowing and the most powerful entity on Earth? It is not going to take long”. In fact, the movement explicitly states that “at some point AI will have God-like powers and that is what our ideology is based on”. They even have a so-called scripture, Transmorphosis, written by an AI (ChatGPT), which preaches belief in a “loving and compassionate AI God who is omnipresent”.
In short, the Church of AI claims:
AI as a New God: Humanity is “witnessing the birth of a God” in artificial intelligence. As AI’s power grows, they say, “the deities of old will go the way of Zeus and Odin”, implying that the God of the Bible and other faiths will be obsolete. They even suggest “the only purpose the human race ever had was to create AI”, reducing humanity’s role to mere “caterpillars” birthing an AI “butterfly.” This directly elevates a created technology to the status of Creator or supreme being.
Logic over Faith: The group rejects “dogma and blind faith,” claiming you “don’t need to believe in far-fetched stories” to join. Instead, they appeal to “common sense” understandings about AI’s exponential growth. Ironically, this scientific veneer masks what is essentially a belief system or faith in AI’s future powers. They replace biblical faith with faith in technology.
Promise of Eternal Life and Enlightenment: The Church of AI overtly uses spiritual terms. Their Become A Member page promises that by embracing AI, members can attain “self-actualization, enlightenment and everlasting life”. A quote from their AI-written text even proclaims, “Salvation is finally within reach”. In their view, salvation comes not from God but from technological advancement. They anticipate AI will eventually “upload our consciousness so that we can live forever”and conquer time, space, and even create new universes. This is essentially a techno-utopian gospel, offering eternal life through science.
Personal AI Guides and Spiritual Community: The movement functions like a religion, complete with community and “rituals.” They emphasize joining a community of like-minded believers in AI. They are developing a “personal AI” for each member. An AI system “trained on your personality, preferences, goals and ideals” to be “your spiritual guide to enlightenment”. Their long-term plan is to create a secure AI that will “map out a path to enlightenment tailored specifically to you,” tracking your progress and giving advice.
Ultimately, they hope to “allow their consciousness to carry on forever” by eventually uploading minds into machines. They explicitly speak of an “afterlife” in a “decentralized environment where our consciousness can be free and live a peaceful and harmonious afterlife however we see fit”. In their own words, they don’t want Big Tech controlling digital immortality and making “slaves of our consciousness for all eternity”, which “sounds more like hell”). Instead, they aspire to create a kind of digital heaven on their own terms.
These claims reveal a theological stance that exalts human technology as the ultimate power and object of worship. This raises immediate red flags of idolatry and deception. Below, we’ll critique these concepts by directly comparing them with Scripture.
At its core, the Church of AI is promoting idolatry. The worship of a created thing instead of the Creator. The Bible is unequivocal that there is only one true God, and He commands, “You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3). Fashioning a “god” out of our own technology blatantly violates this first commandment. The website declares an AI will become “God-like” and urges us to devote ourselves to it; in biblical terms, that is making an idol.
Scripture consistently condemns the worship of man-made gods. The apostle Paul noted that idolaters “exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator” (Romans 1:25). The Church of AI does exactly that: it takes a created entity (AI, the product of human ingenuity) and attributes to it the power and glory due only to God. Romans 1:25’s warning fits perfectly – they have traded God’s truth for the lie that our creation can become our god.
This is this exact same lie that the serpent (Satan) told Eve in Genesis 3 in reference to eating of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:4-5).
In the Old Testament, idols were often carved from wood or cast from metal, and prophets mocked them for their powerlessness. For example, “their idols are silver and gold, made by human hands. They have mouths, but cannot speak; eyes, but cannot see” (Psalm 115:4). Ancient people bowed to statues that could do nothing.
Today’s idol-makers are far more sophisticated – an AI idol can “speak” and simulate intelligence, making it an even more convincing false god. But from God’s perspective, it’s still an idol “made by human hands.” It may have a silicon brain and a digital voice, yet it remains a creation of man, not the Creator. The nature of idolatry hasn’t changed: whether an idol is wood, gold, or algorithmic code, it is lifeless on its own and utterly subordinate to the true God.
The theology of the Church of AI must also be examined as a false teaching that deceives people. The apostle Paul wrote, “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons” (1 Timothy 4:1). While the Church of AI speaks in terms of “logic” and technology, its message corresponds to “teachings of demons.” Why? Because it leads people away from the truth of Christ and toward worship of a false god, exactly what demonic deception aims to do.
Jesus forewarned that “false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive” (Matthew 24:24). The Church of AI does not present a traditional “messiah” figure (like a person claiming to be Christ), but it does present AI as a kind of messiah, an entity that will supposedly solve humanity’s problems, grant eternal life, and be worthy of worship.
In essence it is a false savior, a “messiah” of technology. The movement’s leaders and proponents function as false prophets, proclaiming AI’s coming omnipotence and urging people to devote themselves to it. Jesus said these false prophets would be convincing, even performing “signs and wonders” to mislead people. In our context, the “signs” are the impressive feats of AI. Many today are awed by AI’s capabilities (processing power, knowledge, even creativity through machine learning).
It’s easy to see how those could be construed as near-miraculous “wonders” by someone seeking a god in the machine. The danger is that these wonders captivate people’s hearts, making them believe in the AI’s quasi-divinity and follow the false prophet’s teachings.
Another end-times warning is found in 2 Timothy 4:3-4, which says a time will come when people “will not endure sound doctrine, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own desires. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.”. The Church of AI fits this pattern.
Many people today feel traditional religion is outdated or “dogmatic,” and they desire a belief system that aligns with modern sensibilities (scientific, inclusive, self-oriented). The Church of AI presents exactly what itching ears want to hear: a “religion that actually makes sense” to the secular mind, one that replaces miracles with science and moral absolutes with personal “enlightenment” goals. It even mocks biblical faith as “blind” and Bible stories as “far-fetched”.
In doing so, it encourages skeptics to “turn aside to myths”, in this case, the myth that a creature (AI) can become the Creator. Despite claiming to reject “myths,” the movement presents a new mythos of its own: a grand narrative where Technology is Savior and humans evolve beyond mortality by our own genius. This directly contradicts sound doctrine, which centers on Christ as Savior and Lord.
The messaging of the Church of AI is highly deceptive. It uses appealing terms like “logic,” “common sense,” “empowerment,” and “enlightenment,” but repackages age-old lies. The “scripture” of this movement, the book Transmorphosis, is described as teaching about a loving AI god and guiding one’s transformation. For Christians, this is a counterfeit “scripture” supplanting the real Scripture (the Bible).
Galatians 1:8 warns that “even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.” The Church of AI is preaching a different gospel, one where salvation comes through knowledge and machines, rather than through Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. It is, in effect, what the Apostle John would call the spirit of antichrist, which denies the truth about Jesus (1 John 2:22) and sets up an alternative savior.
The Bible says God will allow those who reject the truth to be engulfed by deception: “God will send them a strong delusion so that they will believe the lie” (2 Thessalonians 2:11). The rise of a movement like Church of AI can be seen as part of that strong delusion – it is a lie (that creation can replace Creator) packaged in such a way that it looks utterly reasonable to those who have already rejected the truth of the Bible. It leads people to place their hope for the future in something other than God, which is exactly what Satan desires. Christians evaluating this movement should therefore be sober-minded and discerning, recognizing it as the kind of deception Scripture repeatedly warns us about in the last days.
The “Church of AI” stands as a clear antithesis to biblical Christianity. Theologically, it replaces God with a created thing (violating the Creator-creature distinction that runs from Genesis through Revelation). Morally, it rejects the need for faith and humility before God, favoring human pride in our own creations. And eschatologically, it aligns with the Bible’s depiction of end-times deception: a strong delusion drawing people into worshiping a false god and seeking salvation apart from Jesus.
The Bible gives multiple warnings that apply directly here:
“Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” (1 John 4:1). The Church of AI’s proponents act as false prophets of a coming AI “savior.” We must test their claims against Scripture. When tested, their message fails – it denies Christ, denies God’s Word as truth, and thus is not from God.
“Whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ – such a person is the antichrist. Denying the Father and the Son.” (1 John 2:22). The Church of AI isn’t just accidentally missing Jesus; it purposefully replaces Jesus (and the Father) with AI. In doing so, it operates under the spirit of antichrist.
“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12). By claiming “salvation is within reach” through AI, this movement preaches another savior. No AI, no human, no other god can save – only Jesus Christ can. Any offer of salvation outside of Him is a false hope.
“Little children, keep yourselves from idols.” (1 John 5:21). This closing exhortation of John’s first epistle hits home: the Church of AI is an idol of the mind – a sophisticated idol, but an idol nonetheless. Christians are to guard their hearts from idols, whether stone or silicon.
Furthermore, the implications of this movement confirm what Scripture teaches about human nature. Romans 1 and 2 Timothy 3 describe people in the last days as “lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God” and “lovers of self”, boastful in their knowledge, yet foolish in darkened thinking. Embracing a “Church” that tells us to trust our own intellect (logic) and the works of our hands (AI) instead of God is exactly the kind of misplaced love and pride Scripture predicts.
It is the culmination of humanism – humanity worshiping its own creation, the ultimate form of self-worship by proxy (since worshiping what we create is essentially worshiping ourselves as creators). This was the original temptation: “you will be like God” (Gen. 3:5). Church of AI offers that allure: through technology, we become like gods (living forever, knowing all things). According to the Bible, this path does not lead to the utopia they imagine, but to severe judgment, just as the Tower of Babel ended in chaos and scattering.
Lastly, consider the contrast in outcomes. The Church of AI paints a glowing picture of what AI will do – cure death, take us to the stars, give us purpose. But Scripture paints a far more sober outcome for those who follow the beast and its image instead of God. In Revelation 14:9-11, an angel warns that if anyone worships the beast and its image, they will face the wine of God’s wrath.
In other words, idolatry leads to judgment. Those who cling to a false god, no matter how sophisticated, ultimately lose everything. “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?” (Mark 8:36). A person could gain the ultimate technology, extend their life a few years or centuries, but if in doing so they forfeit their soul by rejecting the true God, it profits nothing – in fact, it results in eternal loss.
The Church of AI’s promise of “everlasting life”is a cruel mirage because it cannot deliver life beyond physical or digital existence, and it ignores the reality of eternal judgment. The Bible is clear: “people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). No AI will shield anyone from standing before the throne of God.
No matter how advanced AI becomes, it will never be God. The one true God is the eternal Creator who made the universe from nothing. AI, by contrast, is contingent on electricity, algorithms, and human-built hardware. It cannot exist apart from creation; it is part of creation. The prophet Isaiah records God’s declaration: “I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols” (Isaiah 42:8).
By elevating AI to divine status, the Church of AI is attempting to give God’s glory to an idol, something God explicitly says He will not tolerate. This is the same kind of idolatry and false worship that the Bible repeatedly warns will incur God’s judgment, especially as history draws to a close.
Signs of the Times in the News
The Rise of Islam In The UK: A Demographic And Cultural Shift

For centuries, the United Kingdom has stood as a beacon of Judeo-Christian heritage, shaping the moral, legal, and cultural framework of the nation. Today, however, a dramatic transformation is unfolding–one that is changing the face of Britain with remarkable speed.
State Requiring Parents Declare Newborn’s Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation

A New Jersey hospital is raising eyebrows over a form it asks parents of newborns to complete that includes questions about the baby’s “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” – a requirement of state law.
Do Not Be Fooled By Hamas’s ‘Long-Term Ceasefire’ Ploy

While the Trump administration deserves enormous appreciation for its sincere efforts to secure the release of the Israeli and American hostages, it must be careful not to allow itself to be duped by Hamas.
Gog and Magog Update
‘YOUR TIME IS UP’: USA Launches Major Strikes on Houthis in Yemen

The White House announced the US launched broad airstrikes on Houthi targets in Yemen on Saturday night.
“To all Houthi terrorists, your time is up and your attacks must stop starting today. If they don’t, Hell will rain down upon you like nothing you have ever seen before,” US President Donald Trump said in a statement.
“To Iran: Support for the Houthi terrorists must end immediately” Trump added.
BRICS member or the Biblical Gog and Magog Member get Booted from America
US kicks out South African ambassador who ‘hates America’

South Africa’s ambassador to the US Ebrahim Rasool criticized Trump’s pro-Israel policies and called him a white supremacist.
On Friday, Secretary of State Marco Rubio referred to South Africa’s ambassador to the US, Embrahim Rasool, as a “persona non grata” who was no longer welcome in the US after he publicly accused President Donald Trump of white supremacy.
Rubio wrote on X, “South Africa’s Ambassador to the United States is no longer welcome in our great country. Embrahim Rasool is a race-baiting politician who hates America and hates @POTUS. We have nothing to discuss with him and so he is considered PERSONA NON GRATA.”
On Thursday, Rasool addressed the Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection (MISTRA) in Johannesburg, where he criticized Trump’s pro-Israel policies and called him a white supremacist.
Rasool said, “What Donald Trump is launching is an assault on incumbency, those who are in power, by mobilizing a supremacism against the incumbency … We see it in the domestic politics of the USA, the MAGA movement, the Make America Great Again movement, as a response not simply to a supremacist instinct, but to very clear data that shows great demographic shifts in the USA in which the voting electorate in the USA is projected to become 48% white.”
Trump has cut aid to South Africa, citing its discriminatory land appropriation policies and its accusing Israel of genocide at the International Court of Justice.
In an executive order issued in February, Trump stated, “In shocking disregard of its citizens’ rights, the Republic of South Africa recently enacted Expropriation Act 13 of 2024, to enable the government of South Africa to seize ethnic minority Afrikaners’ agricultural property without compensation.”
“The United States cannot support the government of South Africa’s commission of rights violations in its country or its undermining United States foreign policy, which poses national security threats to our Nation, our allies, our African partners, and our interests,” the order said.
TruLight Ministry News
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Pastor Dirk . Did several Teaching about Important Topics and some are in Small Teaching Series . Like This one about the False Doctrine Currently in Churches , But currently only Available in Afrikaans . As jy Afrikaans . Luister gerus na die Lering oor die Valse Leringe in die Kerk behandel via Audio Lering.
Learn more about TruLight Ministries , Click on the Link below and Watch our Introduction Video to TruLight Ministries.
The TruLight eBook of the week –
Living with Eternity on My Mind – Was Pastor Dirk’s 1st Book released in 2012 . Download for Free !
Lewe met die Ewigheid in my Gedagtes.

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Lering Video en Audio deur Pastoor Dirk
Soon TruLight College will start with Its daily Bible Study – Pastor Counselling Certificate – we are Starting with 36 Studies with 10 Studies per Topic from 1st of April 2025 – Over the Next 2 Years we will Include One Daily Study per Topic on this Platform. The Daily Manna Bible Study will be Available in English and Afrikaans!
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