Bible Verse and Prayer for Today
Therefore thou shalt keep the commandments of the LORD thy God, to walk in his ways, and to fear him.
Deuteronomy 8:6
Lord . As I look at the World and People of this world , Including People that Call themselves Christians . I do not see them Keeping Your Commandments , I see them walking in every other way but Your way and They do not have Respect or Fear for You anymore , They act like Kings on there Own Island , Please Help Us to Uphold these Truth and Mostly Respect you for the GREAT God you are . we Pray this in Jesus name , Amen and Amen
Prayer Tips :
What is Prayer Life?
Prayer is not a mysterious practice reserved only for clergy and the religiously devout. Prayer is simply communicating with God—listening and talking to him directly like having a conversation with anyone else.
Very little ordinary people really prayed in the Old Testament. This was a function only exercised by the Chosen Men of God to stand in for the sin and ways of mankind. The great prayer worriers of time were Noah, Abraham, Lot, Isaac, Jacob, Job and his friends, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Joshua, Samuel, Saul, David, Solomon and a few other religious kings after king Solomon and obviously all the Prophets of time like, Samuel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Elijah, Elisha, the high priests and then Mary, Joseph, Jesus and His Disciples and the priesthood during the time of Jesus Christ on Earth.
Now in the New Testament Times, Believers can pray freely, spontaneously, and in their own words from their hearts and minds and trust that God will attend to their prayers. The only condition is that you must pray in the Name of Jesus, for He said that no one can come to the Father but by me.
Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Joh 14:13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
Have you struggled with prayer? Does prayer seem like an exercise in eloquent speech that you just don’t possess? If prayer is a difficult area for you, these following basics principles of prayer will help you to overcome the fear and stage fright of prayer and how to apply them in your life.
Bybel Vers en Gebed vir Vandag
Daarom moet jy die gebooie van die HERE jou God bewaar, om in sy weë te wandel en Hom te vrees.
Deuteronomium 8:6
Here. Ek kyk na die wêreld en mense van hierdie wêreld, insluitend mense wat hulself Christene noem. Ek sien nie hoe hulle U Gebooie Onderhou nie , ek sien hulle loop op elke pad behalwe U pad en Hulle het nie meer Respek en Vrees vir U nie , Hulle tree op as Konings van hul Eie Eiland, Help Ons asseblief om hierdie Waarheid te Onderhou en U te Respekteer vir die GROOT God wat U is . ons bid dit in Jesus Naam, Amen en Amen
Wat is ‘n gebedslewe?
Gebed is nie ‘n geheimsinnige praktyk wat slegs vir geestelikes en godsdienstiges gereserveer is nie. Gebed is bloot om met God te kommunikeer—luister en praat direk met hom soos om met enigiemand anders te praat.
Baie min gewone mense het regtig in die Ou Testament gebid. Dit was ‘n funksie wat slegs deur die Uitverkore Manne van God uitgeoefen is om in te staan vir die sonde en weë van die mensdom. Die groot gebedsbekommernisse van die tyd was Noag, Abraham, Lot, Isak, Jakob, Job en sy vriende, Josef, Moses, Aäron, Josua, Samuel, Saul, Dawid, Salomo en ‘n paar ander godsdienstige konings ná koning Salomo en natuurlik al die profete van die tyd soos, Samuel, Jesaja, Jeremia, Elia, Elisa, die hoëpriester Josef en Jesus, die hoëpriester Josef en die destydse priester Josef en Jesus. gedurende die tyd van Jesus Christus op aarde.
Nou in die New Testament Times, kan gelowiges vrylik, spontaan en in hul eie woorde uit hul harte en verstand bid en vertrou dat God na hul gebede sal luister. Die enigste voorwaarde is dat jy in die Naam van Jesus moet bid, want Hy het gesê dat niemand na die Vader kan kom behalwe deur My nie.
Joh 14:6 Jesus sê vir hom: Ek is die weg en die waarheid en die lewe; niemand kom na die Vader behalwe deur My nie.
Joh 14:13 En alles wat julle in my Naam sal vra, dit sal Ek doen, sodat die Vader in die Seun verheerlik kan word.
Het jy gesukkel met gebed? Lyk gebed soos ‘n oefening in welsprekende spraak wat jy net nie besit nie? As gebed vir jou ‘n moeilike area is, sal hierdie volgende basiese beginsels van gebed jou help om die vrees en verhoogvrees van gebed te oorkom en hoe om dit in jou lewe toe te pas.

Bible Teaching of the Day
The Meaning of Worship
The meaning of the New Testament Greek word most often translated “worship” (proskuneo) is “to fall down before” or “bow down before.” Worship is a state (an attitude) of spirit. Since it’s an internal, individual action, it could/should be done most of the time (or all the time) in our lives, regardless of place or situation (John 4:21). Therefore, Christians worship all the time, seven days a week. When Christians formally gather together in worship, still the emphasis should be on individually worshiping the Lord. Even in a congregation, participants need to be aware that they are worshiping God fully on an individual basis.
The nature of Christian worship is from the inside out and has two equally important parts. We must worship “in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23-24). Worshiping in the spirit has nothing to do with our physical posture. It has to do with our innermost being and requires several things. First, we must be born again. Without the Holy Spirit residing within us, we cannot respond to God in worship because we do not know Him. “No one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God” (1 Corinthians 2:11 b). The Holy Spirit within us is the one who energizes worship because He is in essence glorifying Himself, and all true worship glorifies God.
Second, worshiping in spirit requires a mind centered on God and renewed by Truth. Paul exhorts us to “present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind” (Romans 12:1 b, 2 b). Only when our minds are changed from being centered on worldly things to being centered on God can we worship in spirit. Distractions of many kinds can flood our minds as we try to praise and glorify God, hindering our true worship.
Third, we can only worship in spirit by having a pure heart, open and repentant. When King David’s heart was filled with guilt over his sin with Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11), he found it impossible to worship. He felt that God was far from him, and he “groaned all day long” feeling God’s hand heavy upon him (Psalm 32:3,4). But when he confessed, fellowship with God was restored and worship and praise poured forth from him. He understood that “the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart” (Psalm 51:17). Praise and worship toward God cannot come from hearts filled with un-confessed sin.
The second part of true worship is worship “in truth.” All worship is a response to truth, and that which is truth is contained in the Word of God. Jesus said to His Father, “Thy word is truth” (John 17:17 b). Psalm 119 says, “Thy law is truth” (v. 142 b) and “Thy word is true” (v. 160 a). To truly worship God, we must understand who He is and what He has done, and the only place He has fully revealed Himself is in the Bible. Worship is an expression of praise from the depths of our hearts toward a God who is understood through His Word. If we do not have the truth of the Bible, we do not know God and we cannot be truly worshiping.
Since external actions are unimportant in Christian worship, there is no rule regarding whether we should sit, stand, fall down, be quiet, or sing praises loudly while in corporate worship. These things should be decided based on the nature of the congregation. The most important thing is that we worship God in spirit (in our hearts) and in truth (in our minds.)
Bybel Lering vir die Dag
Die Betekenis van Lofprysing
Die betekenis van die Nuwe-Testamentiese Griekse woord wat meestal met “aanbidding” (proskuneo) vertaal word, is “om voor neer te val” of “voor neer te buig”. Aanbidding is ‘n toestand (‘n houding) van gees. Aangesien dit ‘n interne, individuele aksie is, kan/moet dit die meeste van die tyd (of heeltyd) in ons lewens gedoen word, ongeag plek of situasie (Joh. 4:21). Daarom aanbid Christene die hele tyd, sewe dae per week. Wanneer Christene formeel bymekaar kom in aanbidding, moet die klem steeds op individuele aanbidding van die Here val. Selfs in ‘n gemeente moet deelnemers daarvan bewus wees dat hulle God volledig op ‘n individuele basis aanbid.
Die aard van Christelike aanbidding is van binne na buite en het twee ewe belangrike dele. Ons moet “in gees en waarheid” aanbid (Johannes 4:23-24). Om in die gees te aanbid het niks te doen met ons fisiese postuur nie. Dit het te doen met ons binneste en vereis verskeie dinge. Eerstens moet ons wedergebore word. Sonder die Heilige Gees wat in ons woon, kan ons nie op God reageer in aanbidding nie, want ons ken Hom nie. “Niemand weet die dinge van God nie, behalwe die Gees van God” (1 Korintiërs 2:11b). Die Heilige Gees binne ons is die een wat aanbidding energie gee omdat Hy in wese besig is om Homself te verheerlik, en alle ware aanbidding verheerlik God.
Tweedens, om in gees te aanbid, vereis ‘n verstand wat op God gesentreer is en vernuwe word deur Waarheid. Paulus spoor ons aan om “julle liggame as ‘n lewende, heilige en aan God welgevallige offer te stel, dit is julle geestelike aanbidding. Moenie aan hierdie wêreld gelyk word nie, maar word verander deur die vernuwing van julle gemoed” (Romeine 12:1b, 2b). Slegs wanneer ons gedagtes verander word van gesentreer op wêreldse dinge na gesentreer op God, kan ons in gees aanbid. Afleidings van baie soorte kan ons gedagtes oorstroom terwyl ons probeer om God te loof en prys, wat ons ware aanbidding verhinder.
Derdens kan ons slegs in gees aanbid deur ‘n rein hart te hê, oop en berouvol. Toe koning Dawid se hart gevul was met skuldgevoelens oor sy sonde met Batseba (2 Samuel 11), het hy dit onmoontlik gevind om te aanbid. Hy het gevoel dat God ver van hom af was, en hy het “die hele dag lank gekreun” en voel hoe God se hand swaar op hom was (Psalm 32:3,4). Maar toe hy bely het, is die gemeenskap met God herstel en aanbidding en lof het uit hom uitgestort. Hy het verstaan dat “die offers van God ’n gebroke gees is, ’n gebroke en berouvolle hart” (Psalm 51:17). Lof en aanbidding teenoor God kan nie uit harte kom wat gevul is met onbelyde sonde nie.
Die tweede deel van ware aanbidding is aanbidding “in waarheid”. Alle aanbidding is ‘n reaksie op waarheid, en dit wat waarheid is, is vervat in die Woord van God. Jesus het vir sy Vader gesê: “U woord is waarheid” (Johannes 17:17b). Psalm 119 sê: “U wet is waarheid” (vers 142b) en “U woord is waar” (vers 160a). Om God waarlik te aanbid, moet ons verstaan wie Hy is en wat Hy gedoen het, en die enigste plek wat Hy Homself ten volle geopenbaar het, is in die Bybel. Aanbidding is ‘n uitdrukking van lof uit die diepte van ons harte teenoor ‘n God wat deur Sy Woord verstaan word. As ons nie die waarheid van die Bybel het nie, ken ons God nie en kan ons nie werklik aanbid nie.
Aangesien eksterne optrede onbelangrik is in Christelike aanbidding, is daar geen reël oor of ons moet sit, staan, neerval, stil wees of lofsange hardop sing terwyl ons in korporatiewe aanbidding is nie. Hierdie dinge moet besluit word op grond van die aard van die gemeente. Die belangrikste ding is dat ons God in gees (in ons harte) en in waarheid (in ons verstand) aanbid.

Daily Devotional
Let me Touch Him
This morning’s devotion, the lyrics to the song “let me touch Him” written by Bill Gaither in 1963. The lyrics goes:
Let Me Touch Him, Let Me Touch Jesus
Let Me Touch Him As He Passes By
So That I Shall Reach Out To Others
They Shall Know Him, They Shall Live And Not Die
I Was Straying So Far From Jesus
I Was Lonely, Had No Peace Within
Then The Hand Of My Saviour Touched Me
Now I’m Reaching To Others In Sin.
Oh To Be His Arms Extended
Reaching Out To The Oppressed
Let Me Touch Him, Let Me Touch Jesus
So That Other May Know And Be Blessed
Today, Like the woman with an issue of blood, I say, “If only I can touch the Hemp of His garment” (Luke 8:43-48)
Let this be our hearts desire today, Let us draw near to Him (James 4:8) and He will not only draw near to us but He will fill us, and use us to be a blessing to others.
Vandag se Toewyding / Bemoediging
Laat My Jesus aanraak.
Vanoggend se toewyding, die lirieke van die liedjie “let me touch Him” geskryf deur Bill Gaither in 1963. Die lirieke lui:
Laat my aan hom raak, laat my aan Jesus raak
Laat My aan Hom raak as Hy verbygaan
Sodat ek na ander sal uitreik
Hulle sal Hom ken, hulle sal lewe en nie sterwe nie
Ek het so ver van Jesus afgedwaal
Ek was eensaam, het geen vrede in my gehad nie
Toe Raak Die Hand Van My Verlosser My
Nou reik ek na ander in sonde.
O Om Sy Arms Uitgestrek te wees
Reik uit na die onderdruktes
Laat my aan hom raak, laat my aan Jesus raak
Sodat ander kan weet en geseën word
Vandag, soos die vrou met ‘n bloedvloeiing, sê ek: “As ek maar net die hennep van sy kleed kan aanraak” (Lukas 8:43-48)
Laat dit vandag wat ons harts begeerte wees, kom ons nader tot Hom (Jakobus 4:8) en Hy sal nie net tot ons nader nie, maar Hy sal ons vul, en ons gebruik om ‘n seën vir ander te wees.

TruLight Ministries Daily Entertainment
TruLight TV – Popcorn & Movie Time – Anything is Possible
After his mother goes missing in Japan, a boy runs away and finds shelter with a wealthy philanthropist. Later, he uses his musical gifts to help save an orphanage from closure.
Today on TruLight Radio XM
TruLight Radio XM 24/7
GMT / UTC +2
6:00 Wake up with the Lord
8:15 Principals of Living
9:15 Hope of the Heart
10:15 Dacus Report
11:15 Growing Hope
12:15 Unshackled
13:15 Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram
14:00 Knowing Jesus Christ
15:15 Live in the Light
16:15 Renewing my Mind
17:00 The TruLight Top 10 hosted by Dilize Light
18:00 In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley
19:00 Gaither Homecoming Show
20:00 God will Provide Testimonies
21:00 The Daren Streblow Comedy Show
21:30 Good Old Country Gospel
21:45 Bible Reading
22:00 Nightsounds
Growing up in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Natalie Layne was constantly surrounded by music. Her family instilled in her a love of music from a young age as she watched her mom sing and lead worship, and her dad play bass and trombone. Natalie’s grandma was her first piano teacher, introducing topics such as songwriting, notation, and improvisation. She began to love classical and jazz music as well as popular song styles.

ALL based on News / Media Articles in various Publications
Bible Prophecy in the News

China’s Rise In The End Times
People have increasingly asked whether China appears in end-time Bible prophecy. While the Bible doesn’t identify China specifically, it does mention a coalition of nations called Gog and Magog. The Modern name of this Coalition is called BRICS. These nations will use SYRIA to move their armies and gather for battle at Gog and Magog. and South Africa will be part of them as per Ezekiel 38/39 as Gog and Magog bands.
China’s growing economic, technological, and military power makes it the elephant in the world’s living room that we can’t ignore. Let’s examine how China’s rise in the end times could affect us as individuals and globally.
China is also Part of The Red Horse mentioned in the Bible . The Red Horse and its Rider is the Evil believe System called Communism and Socialism also a member of The Kings of the East in the Bible – The Driver of the Dragon also the emblem of China.
In Revelation 16:12, a group of nations is mentioned as the Kings of the East, who are described as having the way prepared to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty. Who makes up this Eastern coalition of nations?
I’m not proclaiming, “Thus says the Lord,” but it is hard to imagine an end-time scenario where this coalition from the East doesn’t include China. Coming to this conclusion was simple because, just in the last century, after thousands of years, Israel is back in her ancient homeland, with Jerusalem reestablished as the eternal capital.
This is a critical point for two reasons. First, the whole reason for the world’s armies gathering at Gog and Magog is an attack on Israel, which wasn’t possible until our time. Second, despite its rich history, China existed for thousands of years as a third-world backwater nation without prominence on the world stage. Since the year 2000, China’s rise to power has been undeniable, along with its new designation as a superpower. Without a drastic change, China will likely lead the Kings of the East to Gog and Magog.
As we take a closer look at China’s dramatic rise in the end times, let’s consider the economic powerhouse it’s become. As one of the Main Members of the Ever Growing BRICS Nations. That Now include Magog Iran.
On October 14, 2014, the IMF reported that China had surpassed the US as the world’s largest economy. This new designation is pivotal because the continued growth of China’s economy fuels its massive military buildup. China is still amid a major economic slump due to a real estate crisis and a sharp decline in investment growth over the last few years. The US and China are in an economic Chess match, and just this week, the Trump Administration and China are rolling out reciprocal export controls.
Although China’s economic growth has slowed, it hasn’t stopped it from making wide-ranging agreements with weaker nations across the globe. This is troubling because, in exchange for giving these nations renewed infrastructure, such as airports and seaports, China is setting up security stations and access to distant blue-water ports in strategic locations worldwide to project its naval power, especially westward.
Looking at China’s rise in the end times, we must consider its incredible technological advances in the last decade. China excels in emerging tech, such as quantum computing, drones, and advanced robotics. Consider the rapid strides in AI with the recent breakthroughs of DeepSeek, a Chinese-owned tech company described as having upended AI. China also has the world’s most complex mass surveillance network, with over 200 million CCTV cameras, facial recognition, infrared capabilities, social credit scores, and ominous prophetic implications.
China has launched numerous advanced satellites into orbit, including Ludi, which operates 22,370 miles above the Earth’s surface, granting China persistent surveillance over one-third of the Earth’s surface. US military analysts are concerned because it gives China constant visual and radar surveillance over strategically important areas. Beijing’s strategy to outpace the West, especially the US, is called civil-military fusion, an effort to develop cutting-edge technologies with military applications.
We’ve considered China’s monumental economic and tech rise; now, let’s look at its rapid military buildup.
China passed the US in one decade to have the world’s largest navy. China has deployed hyper-sonic weapons systems to overwhelm the US and its allies’ missile defense. China had approximately 260 nuclear warheads in 2014; now, they have over 600 operational warheads.
China is the only Country that can Provide Foot Soldiers that is mentioned in the Book of Revelation – Called the 6th Trumpet War around the Euphrates River = Revelation 9:16-18 New Life Version
16 The army had 200 million soldiers on horses. I heard them say how many there were.
17 I saw, as God wanted to show me, the horses and the men on them. The men had pieces of iron over their chests. These were red like fire and blue like the sky and yellow like sulphur. The heads of the horses looked like the heads of lions. Fire and smoke and sulphur came out of their mouths. 18 One-third part of all men was killed by the fire and smoke and sulphur that came out of their mouths.
They are on pace to have nearly 1,000 deliverable atomic warheads by 2030, narrowing the gap with the US to within a few hundred. China has a space warfare plan, which includes using missiles and other weapons to disrupt or disable enemy satellites.
The sheer mass of China’s recent military growth is staggering, but another aspect of the China threat has caused enough alarm for government agencies to warn civilians. China has the proven ability to hack into and disrupt critical infrastructure, including the water supply, oil and gas pipeline disruption, transportation, and other areas vital to daily life. Several military experts say this is a likely scenario in a war with the West, Matthew 24:6.
What does China’s rise have to do with the end-times scenario? That remains to be seen, but China appears to be situated for its role on the final page of history.
Gog and Magog seems less like a faraway event , but it actually started in 2012 and currently we are waiting for the Final Bomb to fall ending it with a Nuclear Bang and more like an event that could happen shortly. Any discerning Bible reader must see that events are falling into place increasingly. Timing is everything, and as we covered earlier, Israel is back in the land, and a coalition of Eastern nations will go into Israel for battle.
We are on the cusp of the birth pains and the beginning of sorrows Jesus warned about. Watching rapid major geopolitical shifts take shape in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and especially Israel, it is easy to see that China’s aggression won’t end in Taiwan, but it could realistically assemble with the rest of the world’s armies for the climax of human history, Daniel 11:44 and Revelation 16:12-16.
China is arming to the teeth, the Middle East is embroiled in conflict, and we’re witnessing our society descend into a free fall of immorality. This should be a call to all of humanity, especially Christians. We see signs pointing to the Lord’s soon return and must tell everyone we come into contact with to get ready. Those who long for His appearing know we have little time to warn others to repent because Jesus is coming back, Luke 14:23.
Keep your eyes on China as a Main and Leading Member of BRICS aka Gog and Magog, and remember to pray for persecuted Chinese Christians, as key players are moving into place for an appointment at Gog and Magog.

Just War Doctrine And Present Evil
The U.S. Central Command on Saturday the 15th of March “initiated a series of operations consisting of precision strikes against Iran-backed Houthi targets across Yemen to defend American interests, deter enemies, and restore freedom of navigation.” The strikes — and the Houthis’ hapless counterattack — mark the latest salvos in a conflict stretching back to 2016, which last June was called “the most intense running sea battle the Navy has faced since World War II.”
Iran responded in an injured tone. Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps leader, General Hossein Salami, warned that Iran would respond “decisively and destructively,” adding, “We are not a nation to live in hiding. We are a valid and legitimate system in the world.”
This rhetoric insinuates that the U.S. attack was not legitimate, that America is just a global bully picking fights with powers smaller than themselves. The Houthi terrorist organization and other Iranian proxy groups can indeed do little to defend themselves against U.S. (or Israeli) airstrikes. So, given the power imbalance, and the lack of any declaration of war, does the Iranian general have a point?
To answer this question from a biblical worldview, we must appeal above temporal political allegiances to a transcendent standard of truth and morality. Christians “have thought about these issues for literally centuries,” said David Closson, director of Family Research Council’s Center for Biblical Worldview, on Friday’s “Washington Watch.” “Just War Theory actually goes back to [the fourth-century theologian] Augustine … who kind of articulated some of these principles, and it’s been expanded upon since then.”
Closson outlined six principles of Just War Theory:
First, “There needs to be a just cause. You can’t just go to war for any reason. … This rules out a war of aggression from the start.”
Second, “There has to be right intention. A nation goes to war to end grave injustice or to restore peace. You can’t just go to war because you don’t like your enemy, you don’t like the nation next door. You can’t go simply because of vengeance.”
Third, “A just war needs to be waged by a legitimate authority. This would rule out individual actors or groups.”
Fourth, “War should be a last resort. … Christians should never be the people itching to go to war. You exhaust all options before you think about war.”
Fifth, “There would need to be proportionate objectives — all things considered, in terms of loss of life that might be lost or money that might be lost. … The things that you might lose in a war can outweigh what you’re trying to remedy.”
Sixth, “There needs to be a reasonable chance of success. I would point people to Luke chapter 14.” In describing the cost of discipleship, Jesus uses this metaphor, “Or what king, going out to encounter another king in war, will not sit down first and deliberate whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? And if not, while the other is yet a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks for terms of peace” (Luke 14:31-32).
In terms of meeting these criteria, National Review’s Jim Geraghty argued that “The Houthis in Yemen — kidnapping, humanitarian-aid-obstructing, cholera-exacerbating Islamists who carried out a ‘partial and limited reintroduction of slavery’ — earned a hard-nosed American response long ago.”
The Houthis have preyed on American shipping for years, for no other reason than our support for Israel in its defensive wars against non-state terror groups. The Houthis piped down for a moment after Trump re-designated them as a terrorist group, but they resumed their belligerent actions after the Israel-Hamas ceasefire fell apart.
“It has been over a year since a U.S.-flagged commercial ship safely sailed through the Suez Canal, the Red Sea, or the Gulf of Aden,” Trump declared. “The last American Warship to go through the Red Sea, four months ago, was attacked by the Houthis over a dozen times.” The Houthis’ constant attacks on American ships justify an American response.
In addition to the criteria for going to war, Just War theorists have also stipulated criteria for how belligerents should conduct themselves in wartime. Closson mentioned three:
First, warring powers should recognize “noncombatant immunity. Christians who are engaging in war ethically — they’re going to target military objectives, not civilian populations.”
Second, belligerents should use “proportional force” limiting “the use of your force to only what is necessary to achieve your objectives.”
Third, armies should engage “in good faith.” This does not require armies to refrain from deception or espionage. Instead, “Justice demands that the enemy is treated humanely, that you don’t abuse prisoners of war, you don’t use human shields, you don’t use chemical weapons,” Closson explained.
“That’s one of the reasons Hamas is such an egregious actor on the world stage. They intentionally embed themselves in civilian populations. They’ll launch rockets from the tops of hospitals, schools, and mosques. And then, when Israel retaliates, you have these civilians who are killed.
Christians have long used these principles to analyze whether a war is justified, or whether it is being conducted justly. We can and should apply them objectively, analyzing America’s actions, our allies’ actions, and our adversaries’ actions through the same lens. They apply to the current conflict in the Middle East, the war between Russia and Ukraine, and the potential conflict between China and Taiwan.
And, when these principles are applied, it’s usually easy to prove that the U.S. usually engages in justified actions, whether defending its own just interests or the interests of an aggrieved party. It’s also usually obvious that America and its allies are much more conscientious about conducting wartime operations in a just manner.
The universal nature of these Just War principles gives them enduring relevance, even as powers, politics, and alliances change. “As people of peace, Christians should hope that again, a ceasefire actually materializes, and that there can be a cessation of these hostilities,” whether in Ukraine or the Middle East, said Closson.
But, as people who value justice, Christians should also hope for a just outcome to every conflict. “Of course,” added FRC Vice President Jody Hice, “If there is war, Christians need to be crying out to God for his intervention and aid,” since he is the one who can ensure every just outcome.
There are 3 Major Wars still to Take Place on Earth according to the Bible
- The Battle of Gog and Magog – Currently in War
- The 6th Trumpet War around the Euphrates River for the Last Water and Food in Earth
- The Battle of Armageddon
The 7 Trumpets in the Book of Revelation is Wars and Acts from God or Natural Disasters in God’s Hands – Let’s look at the 7 Trumpets
1st Trumpet – World War 1
2nd Trumpet – World War 2
3rd Trumpet – The Nuclear explosion of Chernobyl
4th Trumpet – The Fall of the Berlin Wall – The Start of the Cold War
The Next 3 Trumpet still have to Sound – and the Next Trumpet that will sound.
5th Trumpet – a Major Eruption of a Mother Volcano – Ring of Fire including Yellowstone
6th Trumpet War around the Euphrates River for the Last Water and Food in Earth
7th Trumpet – The Battle of Armageddon where the 2nd Coming of Jesus will take Place and the Rapture of the Elect. Rev 16:15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. The words of Jesus Christ
Rev 16:16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. –

The Battle Over Israel Is Not Just Military Or Political; It Is Spiritual
For 3,500 years, a cultural war has raged between those who uphold Judeo-Christian values and those who seek to undermine them. Today, that war is more evident than ever. On one side stand the values given to humanity at Mount Sinai–freedom, individual rights, the sanctity of private property and a God-centered morality that rejects tyranny.
On the other side are the forces of oppression–communism, marxism, Islamism, socialism, wokeism and other “isms” that seek to eradicate faith and submission to a higher power in favor of centralized control.
The reason these disparate ideologies–some of which are seemingly in direct opposition to each other–can work together is because they recognize a common enemy: Judeo-Christian values. That is why you see radical Islamists aligning with woke activists, why Communist China funds radical leftist movements in the West and why Iran collaborates with Marxist revolutionaries.
They are all fighting against the worldview that Israel represents–God-given morality, freedom and national identity. There is a reason why Israel is called “the Little Satan” and America “the Great Satan.”
This battle is not just military or political; it is spiritual. And in such a war, only faith-based diplomacy can win.
Its Recorded in the Bible that the Only Entrance to Heaven from Earth is Directly Above the Temple Mount Grounds.
Genesis 28 records an incredible dream that the patriarch Jacob had. Verse 12 says, “Then he dreamed, and behold, a ladder was set up on the earth, and its top reached to heaven; and there the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.” The passage goes on to describe how the Lord appeared to Jacob at the top of the ladder and spoke to him, confirming the covenant that had been made with Abraham and Isaac. Then we read the following: “Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, ‘Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it.’ And he was afraid and said, ‘How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven!’” (Verse 16-17, emphasis added). This Dream was on Temple Mount !
When Jacob awoke from his dream he was stunned at what he had seen, but notice what he described the place as: the house of God and the gate of heaven. It is very significant that this is the first mention of the expression “house of God” in the Bible and that it is paired with the phrase “gate of heaven.” The house of God is the gate of heaven. The word gate speaks of an access point. In other words, the gate of heaven refers to heaven’s entrance point into the earth. Jesus also spoke of the phrase “gates of hell” which speaks of hell’s access points into the earth and into individual lives.
If the church is now the house of God, and the house of God is the gate of heaven, then the church is the gate of heaven. What I am trying to say is this: the people of God both individually and corporately are to be heaven’s entrance point into the earth. The church is the gate of heaven, or heaven’s access point into this world.
Jesus the Gate
Jesus made a clear connection to this concept early in His ministry. In John 1:51 He said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, hereafter you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.” This is a definite reference to the dream that Jacob had in Genesis 28. Jesus was saying, “Remember that dream that Jacob had? Well I am a fulfillment of that dream. The angels of God ascend and descend upon Me. I am the house of God and the gate of heaven; heaven enters into the earth through Me.” Jesus came into this earth as the gate of heaven. We know that Jesus claimed to be the temple of God (See John 2:19-21) and as we have just seen, the temple or house of God is the gate of heaven.
Like Noah’s dove, the Holy Spirit seeks a place to land on earth. When Jesus was baptized by John the Dove found His resting place. “And John bore witness, saying, ‘I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and He remained upon Him’” (John 1:32, emphasis added). We see throughout the Scriptures that God dwelt among His people. In the Old Testament He dwelt in the tabernacle and in the first and second temple. When Jesus came He established a new order; God dwelling in His people. Jesus became the temple or dwelling place of God in the earth, and all who receive Him carry the same awesome privilege.
God not only wants to dwell in His people, He wants to be released through them into the earth. He wants to express His nature and power and He looks for vessels to do it through. Jesus therefore not only became the dwelling place for God’s presence, but as the gate of heaven became the means through which the Father expressed Himself to the world and manifested His kingdom.
Everywhere Jesus went He released the resources of heaven to those around Him. When Jesus healed the sick and cast out demons He was releasing heaven’s power. When He fed the five thousand He was releasing heaven’s provision. And when He calmed the storm He was releasing heaven’s peace. As a walking “open heaven” Jesus brokered heaven’s resources. Today still there is no lack of power, provision, or peace on heaven’s end, only a lack of entrance into the earth.
Everyone is Seeking to Own The Temple Mount this piece of Land currently in Islam Control and under The King of Jordan’s Control but managed by Israel.
It was only natural that the surrounding powers sought to destroy this “disruptive” worldview. The enemies of Israel throughout history–from Pharaoh to the Romans to modern-day globalists–have always seen the Jewish people as a threat because they embody a system that undermines their ability to control. The previous two Temples Destroyed.
Judeo-Christian values were so revolutionary that they laid the foundation for Western civilization. The U.S. Constitution, the British legal system and European Enlightenment were all built upon the moral and legal principles found in the Bible. These societies flourished, creating the freest, most prosperous nations in history.
But those very principles are under attack.
Today, we are witnessing an aggressive coalition of forces that seek to dismantle Judeo-Christian civilization. At first glance, these groups appear to have nothing in common:
– Radical Islamists want to impose religious totalitarianism.
– Communists and Marxists want to eliminate religion entirely.
– Woke activists claim to stand for social justice while undermining traditional values.
– Globalists work to dissolve national identities.
Yet they all unite in their hatred of Israel and America, and the values they represent.
This is why radical feminists march alongside Islamists who demand the subjugation of women and why Western progressives side with regimes that criminalize homosexuality. Their unity is not based on shared principles but on a shared opposition to the Judeo-Christian worldview.
Israel, as the Jewish state, is at the frontlines of this war. And if the Jewish people fail to engage in faith-based diplomacy, they will cede the battlefield.
A prime example of how faith-based diplomacy can create real change occurred last year in South Africa.
For years, the South African government–led by the African Nation Congress–had been shifting its allegiance toward radical forces aligned with Iran and China. South Africa became a political proxy for Tehran, leading the charge at the International Court of Justice against Israel and accusing it of genocide. The ANC government issued arrest warrants for Israeli officials, and diplomatic ties were completely severed.
Two weeks before South Africa’s national elections, South African Friends of Israel brought a delegation of church leaders from the Shembe Baptist Church to Israel. They came, representing more than 8 million members. At an event produced by the Heartland Initiative, their leader stood up at the Friends of Zion Museum and speaking directly to his followers in South Africa, said: “The ANC government has weaponized the international courts against Israel on behalf of the Iranian regime. But in doing so, they are not just opposing Israel–they are opposing the Bible, they are opposing God. If you vote for the ANC, you are voting against God.”
That statement was broadcast across South Africa, and for the first time in more than 30 years, the ANC lost its parliamentary majority.
Faith-based diplomacy had struck at the very heart of an anti-Israel political movement–not with weapons or economic deals, but with faith and truth. The shift forced the ANC to seek coalition partners, ultimately aligning with the more pro-Israel Democratic Alliance rather than the radical leftist Economic Freedom Fighters. While South Africa remains hostile toward Israel, cracks are forming. Faith-based diplomacy proved that if the right voices are empowered and if the truth is given a platform, the balance of power can shift.
Many have tried traditional diplomatic approaches to shift the tide of anti-Israel sentiment in the world–economic agreements, political lobbying and military deterrence. While these are essential tools, they do not address the root cause of the conflict as this war is not about land or borders. It is about faith and ideology.
Israel’s enemies understand this. That is why they pour billions into propaganda and into infiltrating media, academia and even religious institutions. Their goal is to sever people from their Judeo-Christian roots, weaken their moral compass and make them susceptible to ideological subjugation.
Faith-based diplomacy directly counters this strategy, as it:
Speaks to people’s deepest convictions. Economic arguments can be debated. Political alliances can shift. But faith is unshakable. When people see Israel not as a foreign entity but as the embodiment of biblical values, their support becomes unwavering.
Builds alliances across nations. The battle for Israel is not just fought in Israel. It is fought in churches in Africa, in communities in South America, and by conservative movements in Europe and the United States. Mobilizing these faith communities creates an international network of support.
Disrupts the enemy’s strategy. The forces of communism, Islamism and wokeism thrive by sowing division, by making people feel isolated. Faith-based diplomacy unites people under a shared spiritual and moral vision, making it harder for the enemy to divide and conquer.
The South Africa case is just one example. Similar approaches must be applied elsewhere, such as in the United States, where the radical left is trying to sever the nation from its Judeo-Christian roots, or in Latin America, where socialist regimes are increasing their hostility toward Israel. It must be applied in Europe as secularist movements there have eroded traditional values, leaving populations vulnerable to radical ideologies, and in Africa where faith-based communities represent the strongest pro-Israel voices.
The enemies of Judeo-Christian civilization–whether Communists, Islamists, Marxists or globalists–will never stop their attack. That is why we must never stop fighting back. This battle is about winning the soul of civilization. Without it, the forces of darkness will continue to gain ground.
Israel must remain a light unto the nations, not just in technology and military strength, but in faith and moral leadership. Because if Israel and its allies fail in this mission, the world will not just lose a country–it will lose its very foundation of truth and freedom.
Gog and Magog Update.
+ Trump Gives Iran Deadline for Nuclear Deal as Rubio Threatens Regime Change
+ Trump Threatens to ‘Annihilate’ Houthis, Tells Iran to Stop Arming Them
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+ ‘Extraordinary Rarity’: Exhibit of Oldest Hebrew Book Opens at JTS Library
+ IDF Expands Ground Operations in Gaza
+ IDF Soldiers Retake Part of Gaza’s Netzarim Corridor
TruLight Ministry News.
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There will come a time when people are not allowed to openly worship God and Christians will face difficulties. It is unfortunate that in certain locations, the Bible is already prohibited. However, in preparation for such circumstances, it is crucial to ensure that you have access to all the necessary resources from the Bible. Here at Tru Home Church, we have taken care of this for you, providing a platform where you can establish your own home church or become a part of one.
At Tru Home Church, we understand the importance of having access to the Word of God, even in challenging times. That is why we offer various resources to support your spiritual journey. Our collection includes Audio Bibles, allowing you to listen to the Scriptures whenever you are. Additionally, we provide Home Church Training, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to lead or participate in a home church setting.
In addition to the essentials, we also offer a range of resources to enhance your worship experience. Our Praise and Worship resources are designed to uplift your spirit and deepen your connection with God. We also provide Youth Church Resources, catering to the spiritual needs of young individuals. Furthermore, we offer End Time Studies, helping you understand the prophecies and teachings related to the end times. Our Tribulation and Heaven Readiness materials will guide you in preparing for the challenges that may arise, while our “Know your Enemy” resources will equip you with knowledge about spiritual warfare. At Tru Home Church, we are committed to supporting you in your faith journey, no matter the circumstances.
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