Daily Manna

Daily Manna for 15 March 2025

Bible Verse and Prayer for Today

Thou shalt keep therefore his statutes, and his commandments, which I command thee this day, that it may go well with thee, and with thy children after thee, and that thou mayest prolong thy days upon the earth, which the LORD thy God giveth thee, for ever.
Deuteronomy 4:40


Lord . Thank You that You reminded Us , That if we keep your statutes and commandments in our Hearts , actually engraved on our Hearts walls then it will be well with our Soul , Mind and Body and even with our Children and Grand Children , Thank You for this Lord and we Pray Help us with this in Jesus name , Amen and Amen

Bybel Vers en Gebed vir Vandag

Onderhou dan sy insettinge en sy gebooie wat ek jou vandag beveel, dat dit met jou en jou kinders ná jou goed kan gaan, en dat jy jou dae op die aarde wat die HERE jou God jou gee, tot in ewigheid kan verleng.
Deuteronomium 4:40


Here. Dankie dat U Ons herinner het , Dat as ons U insettinge en gebooie in ons Harte bewaar , werklik op ons Hartsmure gegraveer dan dit goed sal gaan met ons Siel , Verstand en Liggaam en selfs met ons Kinders en Kleinkinders , Dankie vir hierdie Here en ons Bid Help ons hiermee in Jesus Naam , Amen en Amen

Bible Teaching of the Day

Everbody is asking = Why is there so much evil in the world?
Evil is that which is morally wrong or sinful; it can also be defined as the absence of good. Since God is good and the measure of goodness, evil is essentially that which goes against His nature and His ways. Evil exists in our world because some of God’s creatures rebelled and continue to rebel against Him.

The first creature to rebel against God, therefore becoming the author of evil, was Satan, and other angels joined Satan in his rebellion (Isaiah 14:12–14; Ezekiel 28:12–18). Humans followed suit when Eve fell to Satan’s deception and Adam willingly partook in her sin (Genesis 3)

Genesis recounts the rapid growth of evil. Adam and Eve’s firstborn son murdered his brother and then lied about it (Genesis 4). About one thousand years after creation, “The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time” (Genesis 6:5). God destroyed the earth with a worldwide flood, preserving Noah and his family (Genesis 6—9; 1 Peter 3:20). Shortly after the flood, we see sin again—Noah got drunk and exposed himself inappropriately (Genesis 9).

As the world’s population grew, humans again defied God. Rather than “fill the earth” (Genesis 9:1) as God had instructed, “they said, ‘Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth’” (Genesis 11:4). God knew that their sinfulness would only increase if they continued to conspire with one another, so He confused their languages and scattered them (Genesis 11:5–9). In doing so, God limited evil.

A few hundred years later, God set in motion His plan to rescue humanity from evil. He called Abraham, from whom He would set aside a people for Himself—the Jews. It is into this family line that Jesus, the God-Man who rescues the world from evil, was born (Genesis 12:1–3; Galatians 3:16, 26–29; Luke 3:23–38; John 1:1–5, 14). Centuries after Abraham, God rescued His people from slavery in Egypt and gave them the law through Moses. The law demonstrated God’s holiness and made clear humans’ inability to live up to God’s standards (Romans 3:23; 5:20–21). The Old Testament system of sacrifices foreshadowed what Jesus would accomplish on the cross (Hebrews 10).

Though evil has been rampant throughout history, God has always provided a way of forgiveness and rescue—salvation is always by God’s grace received through faith (Ephesians 2:1–10; Hebrews 11:1, 6; Romans 4). The Bible provides examples of rampant evil and its destructiveness, but also of God’s abundant grace and mercy. Further, the Bible teaches God’s judgment on evil and on those who continue to reject Him (John 3:36; 2 Peter 3).

If evil is so destructive and God has provided a means of rescue, why is there still so much evil in the world today? One reason, of course, is that mankind still has a sinful nature. Another reason is that God is patient. Second Peter 3:9–10 says, “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare.” God has not yet brought His full judgment against evil because He wants many more people to come to repentance.

In the meantime, Satan still has influence in the world, and our own human hearts still turn against God. Second Corinthians 4:4 explains, “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” Paul explains how people willingly reject the truth of God and that, “just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done” (Romans 1:28). He also warns, “There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people” (2 Timothy 3:1–5).

Even those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ and been rescued from the penalty of sin still struggle against the sinful nature (Romans 7—8). We still go against God and, as a result, contribute to the problem of evil in the world. God has graciously forgiven us in Jesus Christ and continues to cleanse us from sin (1 John 1:9). Through the work of the Holy Spirit, God also enables us to put our evil deeds to death and live in His ways (Philippians 2:12–13; Ephesians 4:17–32; Colossians 3:1–14; Romans 12:1–2; Hebrews 12:1–2).

Evil will persist until Christ returns, but we can rest assured that God allows no more evil than will ultimately play into His good and perfect purposes. He restrains evil (Job 1—2; 2 Thessalonians 2:6–12). Though God never authors or applauds evil, He is able to use it to His good ends (Romans 8:28–30; James 1:2–4; 1 Peter 1:6–9).

Though the evil in our world can seem overwhelming, it has by no means overcome the goodness of God. God’s children—those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ (John 1:12)—live in this world as ambassadors and lights (2 Corinthians 5:20–21: Matthew 5:13–16). We are tasked with sharing the good news about Jesus with the world (Matthew 28:18–20; Acts 1:8) and demonstrating His character through actively loving others (John 13:34–35; Galatians 6:9–10; 1 John 4:7–12). The Holy Spirit resides in us (Ephesians 1:13–14; 1 John 4:13). Nothing will separate us from God’s love, not even the darkest evil (Romans 8:28–39).

Romans 12 gives advice for how to be a “living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God” (Romans 12:1). As regards evil, we are told, “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good” (Romans 12:9); “Do not repay anyone evil for evil” (Romans 12:17); and “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21).

Bybel Lering vir die Dag

Almal vra = Waarom is daar soveel boosheid in die wêreld?
Kwaad is dit wat moreel verkeerd of sondig is; dit kan ook gedefinieer word as die afwesigheid van goed. Aangesien God goed is en die maatstaf van goedheid, is boosheid in wese dit wat in stryd is met Sy natuur en Sy weë. Bose bestaan ​​in ons wêreld omdat sommige van God se skepsels in opstand gekom het en voortgaan om teen Hom in opstand te kom.

Die eerste skepsel wat teen God in opstand gekom het en dus die outeur van die bose geword het, was Satan, en ander engele het by Satan aangesluit in sy rebellie (Jesaja 14:12–14; Esegiël 28:12–18). Mense het sy voorbeeld gevolg toe Eva voor Satan se misleiding geval het en Adam gewillig aan haar sonde deelgeneem het (Genesis 3)

Genesis vertel van die vinnige groei van die bose. Adam en Eva se eersgebore seun het sy broer vermoor en toe daaroor gelieg (Genesis 4). Ongeveer duisend jaar na die skepping, “het die HERE gesien hoe groot die boosheid van die mensdom op die aarde geword het, en dat elke neiging van die gedagtes van die menslike hart die hele tyd net sleg was” (Genesis 6:5). God het die aarde met ’n wêreldwye vloed vernietig en Noag en sy gesin bewaar ( Genesis 6—9; 1 Petrus 3:20 ). Kort na die sondvloed sien ons weer sonde – Noag het dronk geword en homself onvanpas ontbloot (Genesis 9).

Soos die wêreld se bevolking gegroei het, het mense God weer uitgedaag. Eerder as om “die aarde te vul” (Genesis 9:1) soos God beveel het, “het hulle gesê: ‘Kom, laat ons vir ons ’n stad bou met ’n toring wat tot aan die hemel reik, sodat ons vir ons ’n naam kan maak; anders sal ons oor die hele aarde verstrooi word’” (Genesis 11:4). God het geweet dat hulle sondigheid net sou toeneem as hulle aanhou om met mekaar te konkel, daarom het Hy hulle tale verwar en hulle verstrooi (Genesis 11:5–9). Sodoende het God die kwaad beperk.

‘n Paar honderd jaar later het God Sy plan in werking gestel om die mensdom van die bose te red. Hy het Abraham geroep, van wie Hy vir Hom ‘n volk sou afsonder—die Jode. Dit is in hierdie familielyn dat Jesus, die God-Mens wat die wêreld van die bose verlos, gebore is (Genesis 12:1–3; Galasiërs 3:16, 26–29; Lukas 3:23–38; Johannes 1:1–5, 14). Eeue na Abraham het God Sy volk uit slawerny in Egipte gered en deur Moses die wet aan hulle gegee. Die wet het God se heiligheid gedemonstreer en mense se onvermoë om aan God se standaarde te lewe, duidelik gemaak (Romeine 3:23; 5:20–21). Die Ou-Testamentiese stelsel van offers het voorafskadu wat Jesus aan die kruis sou bereik (Hebreërs 10).

Alhoewel boosheid deur die geskiedenis heen hoogty gevier het, het God altyd ‘n manier van vergifnis en redding voorsien – redding is altyd deur God se genade wat deur geloof ontvang word (Efesiërs 2:1–10; Hebreërs 11:1, 6; Romeine 4). Die Bybel verskaf voorbeelde van ongebreidelde boosheid en die vernietiging daarvan, maar ook van God se oorvloedige genade en barmhartigheid. Verder leer die Bybel God se oordeel oor die bose en oor diegene wat aanhou om Hom te verwerp (Johannes 3:36; 2 Petrus 3).

As die bose so vernietigend is en God het ‘n middel van redding voorsien, hoekom is daar vandag nog soveel boosheid in die wêreld? Een rede is natuurlik dat die mensdom steeds ‘n sondige natuur het. Nog ‘n rede is dat God geduldig is. Tweede Petrus 3:9–10 sê: “Die Here is nie traag om sy belofte na te kom nie, soos sommige traagheid verstaan. Hy is eerder geduldig met jou en wil nie hê dat iemand verlore moet gaan nie, maar dat almal tot bekering moet kom. Maar die dag van die Here sal kom soos ‘n dief. Die hemele sal met ‘n gedruis verdwyn; die elemente sal deur vuur vernietig word, en die aarde en alles wat daarin gedoen word, sal blootgelê word.” God het nog nie sy volle oordeel oor die bose gebring nie, want Hy wil hê dat baie meer mense tot bekering moet kom.

Intussen het Satan steeds invloed in die wêreld, en ons eie menseharte draai steeds teen God. Tweede Korintiërs 4:4 verduidelik: “Die god van hierdie eeu het die sinne van ongelowiges verblind, sodat hulle nie die lig van die evangelie kan sien wat die heerlikheid van Christus vertoon, wat die beeld van God is nie.” Paulus verduidelik hoe mense gewillig die waarheid van God verwerp en dat, “soos hulle dit nie die moeite werd geag het om die kennis van God te behou nie, so het God hulle oorgegee aan ’n verdorwe gesindheid, sodat hulle doen wat nie behoort te word nie” (Romeine 1:28). Hy waarsku ook: “Daar sal verskriklike tye wees in die laaste dae. Mense sal liefhebbers van hulself wees, liefhebbers van geld, grootpraterig, trots, beledigend, ongehoorsaam aan hul ouers, ondankbaar, onheilig, sonder liefde, onvergewensgesind, lasterlik, sonder selfbeheersing, brutaal, nie liefhebbers van die goeie nie, verraderlik, oorhaastig, verwaand, liefhebbers van plesier, eerder as liefhebbers van goddelikheid, maar liefhebbers van God. Het niks met sulke mense te doen nie” (2 Timoteus 3:1–5).

Selfs diegene wat hulle geloof in Jesus Christus gestel het en van die straf van sonde gered is, stry steeds teen die sondige natuur (Romeine 7-8). Ons gaan steeds teen God en dra as gevolg daarvan by tot die probleem van die bose in die wêreld. God het ons genadiglik in Jesus Christus vergewe en gaan voort om ons van sonde te reinig (1 Johannes 1:9). Deur die werk van die Heilige Gees stel God ons ook in staat om ons bose dade dood te maak en op sy weë te lewe (Filippense 2:12–13; Efesiërs 4:17–32; Kolossense 3:1–14; Romeine 12:1–2; Hebreërs 12:1–2).

Bose sal voortduur totdat Christus terugkom, maar ons kan verseker wees dat God nie meer kwaad toelaat as wat uiteindelik in Sy goeie en volmaakte doelwitte sal speel nie. Hy weerhou die bose (Job 1—2; 2 Tessalonisense 2:6–12). Alhoewel God nooit boosheid opstel of toejuig nie, is Hy in staat om dit tot sy goeie doel te gebruik (Romeine 8:28–30; Jakobus 1:2–4; 1 Petrus 1:6–9).

Alhoewel die boosheid in ons wêreld oorweldigend kan lyk, het dit geensins die goedheid van God oorwin nie. God se kinders – diegene wat hulle geloof in Jesus Christus gestel het (Johannes 1:12) – leef in hierdie wêreld as ambassadeurs en ligte (2 Korintiërs 5:20–21: Matteus 5:13–16). Ons het die taak om die goeie nuus oor Jesus met die wêreld te deel (Matteus 28:18–20; Handelinge 1:8) en om Sy karakter te demonstreer deur aktief ander lief te hê (Johannes 13:34–35; Galasiërs 6:9–10; 1 Johannes 4:7–12). Die Heilige Gees woon in ons (Efesiërs 1:13–14; 1 Johannes 4:13). Niks sal ons van God se liefde skei nie, selfs nie die donkerste boosheid nie (Romeine 8:28–39).

Romeine 12 gee raad oor hoe om ‘n “lewende offer, heilig en aan God welgevallig” te wees (Romeine 12:1). Wat boosheid betref, word vir ons gesê: “Liefde moet opreg wees. Haat wat sleg is; hou vas aan wat goed is” (Romeine 12:9); “Moenie iemand kwaad met kwaad vergeld nie” (Romeine 12:17); en “Moenie deur die kwaad oorwin nie, maar oorwin die kwaad deur die goeie” (Romeine 12:21).

Daily Devotional

Often, I have said that we should allow the Word (the Lord) to speak to us through His Word (Bible). Today while waiting on the lord, the Lord reminded me of the following scriptures.

Psalm 27:14  Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD. 

Psalm 37:7  Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.

Isaiah 40:31  But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. 

Let us continue to wait patiently upon the Lord, for it is in waiting that the Lord will strengthen our hearts, renew our strength and build our faith.

Vandag se Bemoediging

Dikwels het ek gesê dat ons moet toelaat dat die Woord (die Here) met ons praat deur Sy Woord (Bybel). Terwyl ek vandag op die Here gewag het, het die Here my aan die volgende skrifture herinner.

Psalm 27:14 Wag op die HERE, hou goeie moed, en Hy sal jou hart versterk; wag, sê ek, op die HERE.

Psalm 37:7 Rus in die HERE en wag geduldig op Hom; wees nie kwel oor hom wat voorspoedig is op sy weg, oor die man wat slegte planne uitvoer nie.

Jesaja 40:31 Maar die wat op die HERE wag, kry nuwe krag; hulle sal opstyg met vlerke soos arende; hulle sal hardloop en nie moeg word nie; en hulle sal wandel en nie moedeloos word nie.

Laat ons aanhou om geduldig op die Here te wag, want dit is in die wag dat die Here ons harte sal versterk, ons krag sal vernuwe en ons geloof sal bou.

TruLight Ministries Daily Entertainment


Set in the exciting worship atmosphere of the inaugural INSPIRATION ENCOUNTER on the campus of Answers in Genesis’ Ark Encounter Theme Park, Mercy & Love, Live at Inspiration Encounter is a one-of-a-kind evening of worship with The Collingsworth Family. When you combine the brand new 2,500 seat packed out ANSWERS CENTER venue with one of Nashville’s finest bands plus the unmistakable harmonies of one of Gospel Music’s most awarded families, you have an evening well spent !! Come worship, laugh, and cry along with the engaged audience ….. immerse yourself in the atmosphere, as if you were sitting in the auditorium right alongside the rest of the audience:

Today on TruLight Radio XM

TruLight Radio XM    24/7
GMT / UTC +2

6:00 Wake up with the Lord
8:15 Principals of Living
9:15 Hope of the Heart
10:15 Dacus Report
11:15 Growing Hope
12:15 Unshackled
13:15 Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram
14:00 Knowing Jesus Christ
15:15 Live in the Light
16:15 Renewing my Mind
17:00 The TruLight Top 10 hosted by Dilize Light
18:00 In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley
19:00 Gaither Homecoming Show
20:00 God will Provide Testimonies
21:00 The Daren Streblow Comedy Show
21:30 Good Old Country Gospel
21:45 Bible Reading
22:00 Nightsounds 




In 1991, Gospel Music songwriter, Phil Cross formed Poet Voices. Gospel Music fans quickly fell in love with the music and message presented by this unique new voice. Over the years the group became a staple in Gospel Music and garnered many of the top honors in the field.

ALL based on News / Media Articles in various Publications Today

Bible Prophecy in the News

Defying Arrest Warrant, Netanyahu Plans Visit to European Country = Netanyahu the Last Sheppard of Israel before the Jewish Messiah aka the Antichrist

CHAOS: Pro-Hamas Mob Floods Trump Tower, Demands Release of Columbia Anti-Israel Agitator.

Israeli Hostage May Have Been Moved to Iran
Sanhedrin: “Hamas is Amalek, Must be Entirely Wiped Out”

“We rule that the people of Gaza led by the Hamas movement, and all those who support and help them, have upon them the Torah law of Amalek,” the decision read.

Israel Rejects UN Genocide Allegations, Trump Defends Israel Amid Criticism, and Former Archbishop Condemns Rising Antisemitism

Israel dismissed a UN report accusing it of genocidal acts in Gaza, calling the claims unfounded and biased. During a meeting with the Irish Prime Minister, U.S. President Trump reaffirmed support for Israel and condemned Hamas’s October 7 attack. Former Archbishop Rowan Williams also warned of rising antisemitism following the attack.

Signs of the Times in the News

Right now, the miorities in Syria are literally being massacred in the streets, men, women and children and the Western world is silent with mainstream media totally ignoring the story.

Israel Attacks Islamic Syria Jihad HQ in Damascus. Israeli Air Force jets, guided by Northern Command and Intelligence, struck a PIJ terrorist headquarters in Damascus used for planning and executing attacks.

Druze Say No To Syrian Regime, Israel Readies To Defend Them

Gog and Magog Update.

Iran Rejects Trump’s Diplomacy, Setting Up Showdown as War Talk Escalates.

TruLight Ministry News.

Saturdays @ TruLight Ministries our Days Highlight is the TruLight Top 10 hosted by Dilize Light
Dilize behind the Mic – TruLight Studio

We recap the NR 1’S for 2024 in this Video – ENJOY!!!!

The TruLight Top 10 broadcast-ed on TruLight Radio XM Saturdays at 17h00 is now also available on Video format via TruLight TV with your Host Dilize Light. Every week on Saturdays afternoon at 17h00 GMT + 2 We count down the TruLight Gospel Top 10 by votes.

More about TruLight Ministries International

Learn more about TruLight Ministries , Click on the Link below


The TruLight eBook of the week – 

Prescription Prayers from Heaven – End Time Prayer /// Voorskrif Gebede vanuit die Hemel – Eindtyd Gebede – 9 Prayers / 9 Gebede




Lering Video en Audio deur Pastoor Dirk

DIE 7 TROMPETTE van openbaring as les 2 van 7 oor die eindtye.


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Published by TruLight Daily Manna