Daily Manna

Daily Manna for 8 March 2025

Bible Verse and Prayer for Today

Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
1 John 4:10


Lord , Thank You that You Loved Me before I even could learn to Love You . Thank You that You have sent Your Only Son to Die for me on a Wooden Cross . That is Love , and Thank You for Your Holy Spirit that you have sent Us to be with Us while Jesus are preparing a Place for Us there with You Lord . Thank You , Thank You and Thank You . Amen and Amen

Bybel Vers en Gebed vir Vandag

Hierin is liefde, nie dat ons God liefgehad het nie, maar dat Hy ons liefgehad het en sy Seun gestuur het as ‘n versoening vir ons sondes.
1 Johannes 4:10


Here, dankie dat U My liefgehad het voordat ek nog kon leer om U lief te hê. Dankie dat U U Enigste Seun gestuur het om vir my te sterf aan ‘n Houtkruis . Dit is Liefde, en Dankie vir U Heilige Gees wat U Ons gestuur het om by Ons te wees terwyl Jesus besig is om vir Ons ‘n Plek daar by U voor te berei Here. Dankie , Dankie en Dankie . Amen en Amen

Bible Teaching of the Day


The term Christianity seems to imply a religious system in the same way that Islam and Buddhism are religious systems. Within religious systems are core beliefs, along with codes, rules, and standards that must be mastered in order to achieve a desired end. Christianity does not fit that definition and therefore the term can be slightly misleading.

Jesus did not come into the world to start another religion. There were already plenty of religions (see Acts 17:22–23), including Judaism, which had begun as a relationship with Almighty God (Leviticus 20:12) but had deteriorated into another religious system on par with idol worship (Matthew 15:8). Jesus came to bear witness to the truth (John 18:37), to seek and to save the lost—those separated from God by their sin (Luke 19:10)—and to “give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:32). With that said, those who follow Christ do share some core beliefs.

Biblically speaking, Christians are those who are forgiven of their sins and who have entered a personal relationship with Almighty God through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8–9; Romans 10:9–10). In order to become a Christian, a person must fully accept as part of his or her own personal worldview the following core beliefs:

  • Jesus is the Son of God and is equal with God (John 1:1, 49; Luke 22:70; Mark 3:11; Philippians 2:5–11)
  • Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life (Hebrews 4:15; John 8:29)
  • Jesus was crucified to pay the penalty for our sins (Matthew 26:28; 1 Corinthians 15:2–4)
  • Jesus rose from the dead (Luke 24:46; Mark 16:6)
  • We are saved by the grace of God; that is, we cannot add to or take away from Christ’s finished work on the cross as full payment for our sin (Ephesians 2:8–9)

It could be argued that belief in the inerrancy of God’s Word is also a core belief of Christianity because, if the Bible’s veracity is suspect, then all we know about God is in doubt. Saving faith is inextricably linked to the Word of God: “Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ” (Romans 10:17).

But the mental acceptance of the above points of doctrine is only the framework around which salvation occurs. Faith is more than intellectual assent, and mentally agreeing with the core beliefs of Christianity does not equal entrance into God’s kingdom. Even Satan and the demons know certain things about God (James 2:19). We can mentally agree with facts without making those facts the centerpiece of our lives.

Can a person be saved without holding to the core beliefs of Christianity? No. But along with accepting as true those core beliefs must be a spiritual transformation. Jesus said that in order to inherit eternal life one must be “born again” (John 3:3). To be born again is a work of the Holy Spirit in the heart of a repentant sinner. Just as a mother in labor does all the work in bringing forth a new life, so the Holy Spirit does the work in transforming a sinner into a new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17). This process begins when God draws a heart through conviction of sin and hope of forgiveness (John 6:44). When we surrender to God and repent of our sin (Acts 2:38), God applies the blood of His own Son to our account and cancels the debt we owe Him (Colossians 2:14). By this act of transference, God pronounces us “not guilty”; that is, He justifies us (Romans 4:5). Salvation is a divine exchange: Jesus becomes our sin so that we can become His perfection (2 Corinthians 5:21). This is the gospel at the very core of Christianity.

Bybel Lering vir die Dag


Die term Christenskap impliseer blykbaar ‘n godsdienstige sisteem op dieselfde manier as wat Islam en Boeddhisme godsdienstige stelsels is. Binne godsdienstige sisteme is kernoortuigings, saam met kodes, reëls en standaarde wat bemeester moet word om ‘n gewenste doel te bereik. Christenskap pas nie by daardie definisie nie en daarom kan die term effens misleidend wees.

Jesus het nie na die wêreld gekom om ‘n ander godsdiens te begin nie. Daar was reeds baie gelowe (sien Handelinge 17:22–23), insluitend Judaïsme, wat begin het as ‘n verhouding met die Almagtige God (Levitikus 20:12) maar in ‘n ander godsdienstige stelsel verval het op gelyke voet met afgodsaanbidding (Matteus 15:8). Jesus het gekom om van die waarheid te getuig (Johannes 18:37), om verlorenes te soek en te red – diegene wat deur hulle sonde van God geskei is (Luk. 19:10) – en om “sy lewe te gee as ’n losprys vir baie” (Mark. 10:32). Met dit gesê, diegene wat Christus volg, deel wel ‘n paar kernoortuigings.

Bybels gesproke is Christene diegene wat van hul sondes vergewe is en wat ‘n persoonlike verhouding met die almagtige God aangegaan het deur geloof in Jesus Christus (Efesiërs 2:8–9; Romeine 10:9–10). Om ‘n Christen te word, moet ‘n persoon die volgende kernoortuigings ten volle aanvaar as deel van sy of haar eie persoonlike wêreldbeskouing:

  • Jesus is die Seun van God en is gelyk aan God (Joh. 1:1, 49; Luk. 22:70; Mark. 3:11; Filippense 2:5–11)
  • Jesus het ‘n volmaakte, sondelose lewe gelei (Hebreërs 4:15; Johannes 8:29)
  • Jesus is gekruisig om die straf vir ons sondes te betaal (Matteus 26:28; 1 ​​Korintiërs 15:2–4)
  • Jesus het uit die dood opgestaan ​​(Luk. 24:46; Mark. 16:6)
  • Ons word gered deur die genade van God; dit wil sê, ons kan nie byvoeg by of wegneem van Christus se voltooide werk aan die kruis as volle betaling vir ons sonde nie (Efesiërs 2:8-9)

Daar kan geargumenteer word dat geloof in die onfeilbaarheid van God se Woord ook ‘n kerngeloof van die Christendom is, want as die Bybel se waarheid verdag is, is alles wat ons van God weet, in twyfel. Reddende geloof is onlosmaaklik verbind met die Woord van God: “Geloof kom deur die boodskap te hoor, en die boodskap word gehoor deur die woord aangaande Christus” (Romeine 10:17).

Maar die verstandelike aanvaarding van bogenoemde leerstellings is slegs die raamwerk waarom verlossing plaasvind. Geloof is meer as intellektuele instemming, en om geestelik saam te stem met die kernoortuigings van die Christendom is nie gelyk aan toegang tot God se koninkryk nie. Selfs Satan en die demone weet sekere dinge van God (Jakobus 2:19). Ons kan geestelik met feite saamstem sonder om daardie feite die middelpunt van ons lewens te maak.

Kan ‘n persoon gered word sonder om vas te hou aan die kernoortuigings van die Christendom? Nee. Maar saam met die aanvaarding as waar moet daardie kernoortuigings ‘n geestelike transformasie wees. Jesus het gesê dat om die ewige lewe te beërwe ‘n mens “wedergebore” moet word (Johannes 3:3). Om wedergebore te word is ‘n werk van die Heilige Gees in die hart van ‘n berouvolle sondaar. Net soos ‘n moeder in kraam al die werk doen om ‘n nuwe lewe voort te bring, so doen die Heilige Gees die werk om ‘n sondaar in ‘n nuwe skepsel te omskep (2 Korintiërs 5:17). Hierdie proses begin wanneer God ‘n hart trek deur oortuiging van sonde en hoop op vergifnis (Johannes 6:44). Wanneer ons ons aan God oorgee en ons van ons sonde bekeer (Hand 2:38), pas God die bloed van sy eie Seun op ons rekening en kanselleer die skuld wat ons Hom verskuldig is (Kolossense 2:14). Deur hierdie handeling van oordrag verklaar God ons “onskuldig”; dit wil sê, Hy regverdig ons (Romeine 4:5). Redding is ‘n goddelike ruil: Jesus word ons sonde sodat ons Sy volmaaktheid kan word (2 Korintiërs 5:21). Dit is die evangelie in die kern van die Christendom.

Today’s Devotional


Nowadays, it seems as if repentance of sin and acceptance of Jesus Christ have been reduced to a two- or three-line prayer associated with a promise that once you have prayed this, you are now born again and are assured of a place in heaven. And though becoming born again could be as simple as that, the evidence of true repentance and being born again by the Spirit through the blood of Jesus Christ is seen in the effect it has on the life or lifestyle of a person.

True repentance always brings about change. True acceptance of the gift of Salvation will always have a positive impact on a person. In the light of this there should be an expectation and a willingness to change when coming to the Lord. When a person repents, he should be willing to not just look over his shoulder towards God but to make a full turnaround, turning his or her back on sin to follow the Lord. Since the repented is no longer a slave to sin, sin should no longer be allowed to have a hold on him or her. It is therefore of utmost importance to know that turning to God necessitates a change in attitude, and actions.

A prime example of change following an encounter with Jesus can be seen in Acts 9. Saul experienced a supernatural display of God’s presence on the road to Damascus. Three days later, under the guidance of Ananias, Saul came to Christ. Saul, now renamed Paul spent several days with the disciples in Damascus and immediately began to preach in the synagogues that Jesus is the Son of God. (See Acts 9:20)

Another example can be found in Luke 19:8 where Zacchaeus, stood up and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord! Here and now, I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.”

Going back to the Old Testament, we see Jonah, repenting of his sin and disobedience in the belly of a fish. Immediately after being spit out, Jonah did what he did not want to do at first. He arose, and went unto Nineveh, according to the word of the Lord. (Jonah 3:3)

It may sound harsh, but if there is no change in a person’s life after repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ’s gift of salvation, the question should indeed be asked if repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ was real. Real repentance and real salvation will bring around real change. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”  According to Galatians 2:20, all true believers have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer they who live, but Christ that lives in them.

We cannot serve two masters. We cannot continue living the same life after we came to the Lord. Wilful sin should no longer be part of our lives. In fact, Hebrews 10:26-27 says: “For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries.” Therefore, let our lives bear testimony of our repentance, salvation, and sanctification. Let us be willing to be renewed by God’s Holy Spirit, to live a life Holy dedicated to the Lord.

May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thessalonians 5:23 – NIV)

Vandag se Bemoediging


Deesdae blyk dit asof die bekering van sonde en aanvaarding van Jesus gereduseer is tot ‘n twee- of driereël gebed wat gepaardgaan met ‘n belofte dat sodra jy dit gebid het, jy nou wedergebore is en verseker is van ‘n plek in die hemel. Alhoewel wedergebore so eenvoudig soos dit kán wees, word die bewys van ware bekering en wedergeboorte deur die inwerking van God se Heilige Gees en deur die bloed van Jesus Christus gesien in die effek [gevolg] wat dit op die lewe of lewenstyl van ‘n persoon het.

Ware bekering bring altyd verandering teweeg. Ware aanvaarding van die gawe van verlossing sal altyd ‘n positiewe impak op ‘n persoon hê. In die lig hiervan behoort daar ‘n verwagting en ‘n gewilligheid wees om te verander wanneer ‘n persoon na Christus kom. Wanneer ‘n persoon tot bekering kom, moet hy/sy bereid wees om nie net oor hy/sy skouer na God te kyk nie, maar om ‘n volle ommekeer te maak, sy of haar rug op sonde te draai en die Here te volg. Aangesien die ware bekeerling nie meer ‘n slaaf van sonde is nie, moet sonde nie meer toegelaat word om ‘n houvas op hom of haar te hê nie. Dit is dus van uiterste belang om te weet dat om na God te draai, ‘n verandering in gesindheid en optrede noodsaak.

‘n Uitstekende voorbeeld van verandering na ‘n ontmoeting met Jesus kan gesien word in Handelinge 9. Saulus het ‘n bonatuurlike openbaarmaking van God se teenwoordigheid op die pad na Damaskus ervaar. Drie dae later, onder leiding van Ananias, het Saul na Christus gekom. Saulus, nou herdoop tot Paulus, het etlike dae saam met die dissipels in Damaskus deurgebring en dadelik in die sinagoges begin preek dat Jesus die Seun van God is. (Sien Handelinge 9:20)

Nog ‘n voorbeeld kan gevind word in Lukas 19:8 waar Saggeus, nadat hy ‘n ervaring met Jesus gehad het, opgestaan ​​ en gesê het: “Here, kyk, die helfte van my goed gee ek vir die armes; en as ek van iemand iets afgepers het, gee ek dit vierdubbel terug.”

Sou ons teruggaan na die Ou Testament, sien ons dat Jona, in die maag van ‘n vis, berou gehad het oor sy sonde en ongehoorsaamheid. Onmiddellik nadat hy uitgespoeg is, het Jona gedoen wat hy aanvanklik nie wou doen nie. Hy het opgestaan ​​en na Nineve gegaan volgens die woord van die Here. (Jona 3:3)

Dit mag dalk hard klink, maar as daar geen verandering in ‘n persoon se lewe is na bekering en aanvaarding van Jesus Christus se gawe van verlossing nie, moet die vraag inderdaad gevra word of die bekering werklik, waarlik of waar was. Ware bekering en ware verlossing sal ware of werklike verandering bring. 2 Korintiërs 5:17 sê: “Daarom, as iemand in Christus is, is hy ‘n nuwe skepsel; die ou dinge het verbygegaan, kyk, dit het alles nuut geword.” Volgens Galasiërs 2:20 is alle ware gelowiges saam met Christus gekruisig; dit is nie meer hulle wat lewe nie, maar Christus wat in hulle lewe.

Ons kan nie twee meesters dien nie. Ons kan nie voortgaan om dieselfde lewe te leef nadat ons na die Here gekom het nie. Opsetlike sonde behoort nie meer deel van ons lewens te wees nie. Trouens, Hebreërs 10:26-27 sê: “Want as ons opsetlik sondig, nadat ons die kennis van die waarheid ontvang het, bly daar geen offer vir die sondes meer oor nie, maar ‘n verskriklike verwagting van oordeel en ‘n vuurgloed wat die teëstanders sal verteer.”

Daarom, laat ons lewens getuig van ons bekering, verlossing en heiligmaking. Laat ons bereid wees om vernuwe te word deur God se Heilige Gees, om ‘n lewe Heilig toegewyd aan die Here te leef.

“Mag Hy, die God van die vrede, julle volkome heilig maak, en mag julle gees en siel en liggaam geheel en al onberispelik bewaar word by die wederkoms van onse Here Jesus Christus!” (1 Tessalonisense 5:23)

TruLight Ministries Daily Entertainment


TruLight TV – Weekends are Popcorn and Movie Time – Storm Rider

When her father is put into jail, the spoiled teenager Dani loses everything. Forced to live with her uncle Sam on a farm without horses to ride and to train a sad Dani takes care of a young mule and learns what really counts.

Today on TruLight Radio XM

TruLight Radio XM    24/7
GMT / UTC +2

6:00 Wake up with the Lord
8:15 Principals of Living
9:15 Hope of the Heart
10:15 Dacus Report
11:15 Growing Hope
12:15 Unshackled
13:15 Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram
14:00 Knowing Jesus Christ
15:15 Live in the Light
16:15 Renewing my Mind
17:00 The TruLight Top 10 hosted by Dilize Light
18:00 In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley
19:00 Gaither Homecoming Show
20:00 God will Provide Testimonies
21:00 The Daren Streblow Comedy Show
21:30 Good Old Country Gospel
21:45 Bible Reading
22:00 Nightsounds 



Bible Prophecy in the News

Iran establishes new terrorist organization in Syria: ‘The Islamic Resistance’

The organization emphasized that its goal is ‘to defend Syria from occupation and to unite and stand against falsehood.’

Iran’s “Mehr” news agency announced on Wednesday morning the establishment of a new terrorist organization named “The Islamic Resistance in Syria.” The organization was founded “in light of the recent developments Syria has witnessed,” according to the report.

In a statement released by the group, it said, “This step is a natural and legitimate response to confront the attempts at division and displacement that the country has endured.”

The statement was accompanied by a logo resembling those of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and Hezbollah, featuring a raised hand holding a rifle.

The statement declared that the organization aims to represent all sects in Syria and focus on “defending security and territorial integrity.”

It further noted that the group was established due to “the absence of the political and social forces that previously managed Syria,” referencing the collapse of the Assad regime in December.

The organization emphasized that its goal is “to defend Syria from occupation and to unite and stand against falsehood.”

Russia (Gog), Iran (Magog), and Israel (The Women with the 12 stars around her head)– The Bible’s Prophecy Unfolding Under Trump’s Presidency (The Eagle Wings)

The latest Middle East drama—from Trump’s strategy to the shifting power plays in Lebanon and Syria. Is this just politics, or is it prophecy in action? Stick around to find out!

Signs of the Times in the News

Europe’s Plan For Conscription – First Steps To EU Military Buildup

Europe is no longer merely talking about war–it’s preparing for it. One by one, EU nations are hinting or outright declaring that compulsory military service is back on the table. It’s a clear sign that Europe is bracing for something big.

China’s Strategic March Toward War: A Calculated Plan For Global Dominance

China’s recent declaration that it is “ready for war” with America is not just rhetoric; it is the latest step in a long and calculated march toward global dominance. While some may dismiss the fiery language as posturing in response to American tariffs, history tells us that China’s moves are never reactionary but deliberate. The question is not if China will be ready to challenge the United States militarily but when.

Federal Court Rules Schools Can Hide Children’s Gender Transitions

The U.S. appellate court system has largely avoided debating the contentious issue of parental rights as it relates to children’s gender transition efforts in schools — until now.

Generational Shift? – Gen Z Favors Traditional Views On Marriage

A recent study found that members of Generation Z are more traditionalist and conservative when it comes to marriage — more so than their Millennial parents.

Gog and Magog Update.


WATCH: U.S. B-52 Bomber Joins Israeli Jets in Exercise, Sends Message to Iran
In a powerful display of military coordination, Israeli F-35i and F-15i jets soared alongside an American B-52 strategic bombers carrying 200 Pound Bombs , honing their joint operational tactics to strengthen their response to regional threats.

TruLight Ministry News

More about TruLight Ministries International

In 2012 the Holy Spirit sat Pastor Dirk down for 14 Months and Gave Him all the Truths and everything that is TruLight Ministries Today . One of the Stunning Gifts from the Holy Spirit was the 9 Prescription Prayers given to Pastor Dirk to Pen Down . Prayers that are not only Biblical but Spiritual and psychologically of mature. Powerful Prayers that speaks to Soul spirit, Body and Mind . for this we created a E book and a Flagship website called , Prayer for the Endtimes – www.EndtimePrayers.co.za . Over 600 000 of this eBook copies was download free this past 3 Years,

Learn more about TruLight Ministries , Click on the Link below


The TruLight eBook of the week – The Great Falling Away / The Other Women




Lering Video en Audio deur Pastoor Dirk


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Published by TruLight Daily Manna